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I'm Selling my Copy of Halo 2

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Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Just got off the phone with a friend of mine whom traded his copy in about 30 minutes ago for $35 at Gamestop(he snagged KUF in its stead which I am looking forward to finally checking out). I really don't blame him, the game is good, but lacking the allure of the original. Possibly due to the sensational expectations, or the somewhat blaise level scripting, or maybe that dumb plot was a dealbreaker. Dunno, don't really care. We both played on Heroic separately and each have little to no interest in returning for Legendary.

It is a nice ride, and I don't really give two shits about the arbiter one way or another, (can't fathom the reactionary argument against playing as him myself, is it really so crushing for you people?), but as it stands multiplayer right now kicks so much ass that it is most definately the reason I am holding onto my copy...at least for now.


Tenguman said:
I'm no expert, but shouldn't LoD work in reverse?


You are correct. This particular case is not LoD. That only happens in the VERY beginning of cutscenes. It seems like the Xbox is still loading the textures and the cutscenes start before they are finished. It's really not as bad as that .gif is making it seem though.


Reanimated said:
Dumbest. Reply. Ever.
Well, don't use gamerankings next time. Gamerankings is one of the worst thing that has happened to people who talk about games IMO

You are correct. This particular case is not LoD. That only happens in the VERY beginning of cutscenes. It seems like the Xbox is still loading the textures and the cutscenes start before they are finished. It's really not as bad as that .gif is making it seem though.

Ah ok..

dunno why they didn't pre-record them and did a movie-playback. I myself wouldn't mind that if it meant making it look more clean for the overall experience.
Tenguman said:
Well, don't use gamerankings next time. Gamerankings is the worst thing that has happened to game reviews IMO
GameRankings giving OOT the top spot somehow implies that Halo 2, being the #2 rated game of all time should be sold to purchase the #1 rated game of all time? I don't get that logic. Why not own both of the top 2 rated games of all time?


etiolate said:
I totally disagree. Popular culture taking notice of videogames has been a bad, bad thing. Slowly, videogame culture is being forgotten about and replaced by pop culture. GTA:SA is a great example of this. EA does a lot of this. It's like the Europeans 'refining' the Indians so they can be acceptable. Games are being made less videogame-ish, so they can be acceptable to Joe Sixpack or whatever. Licensed music replaces original compositions in EA games. Wholly invented worlds with imaginative characters are replaced by city replicas and stories from popular movies in GTA. Powercannon arms are replaced by real life AK-47s.
theres the counterpart to it though, which you wont like to hear. samus uses that same arm canon in 5 subsequent games. mario gets a facelift, but he is still doing the same thing. zelda's mechanics remain largely the same. you still dont get to "jump" because its a zelda game! why jumping would just totally change the game, why would we want that??
ok, you grew up with it, you adore that stuff, i get it. i understant.
but its not really "fresh". its restrictive game design. it evolves with the generations, games become 3d, graphics are grander, we get different art styles. yet the underlying games remain very similar, too similar. its a vicious cycle of fans regulating the way the games are made. its like being inside a bubble and ignoring everything else. its not even elitist, its just impractical.
therefore a massive, diversified fanbase is ideal for the more quirky stuff to come out and sell well enough for other quirkly innovative games. yes a large percentage of that massive fanbase will keep buying the FFs, GTAs and Halo and yes, Marios, Zeldas etc. but a small percentage will also keep buying the Gradiuses, Katamari Damacies and Rezs (ok pluralizing these proper nouns is killing me).


Musashi Wins! said:
They don't imagine it to be what you apparently think though. That "simple" gamer gets what has been almost universally accepted by the gaming culture itself as a good game. And one of it's merits is that it's rather simplistic mythology and easy to learn gameplay are far less off-putting than MGS, even when they arguably (gameplay) wise surpass it.

Different strokes for different folks and all that, but your story supposes they bought a Rolls and got a Yugo when in truth they might have driven a Jag off the lot. They'll be back for more for the most part.

I think drohne has nailed etiolates gambit humorously and often so if he speaks to you, you deserve to listen.

There is going to be a backlash, in some scale. Some people are bound to be disappointed for one reason or another. Notice how disappointed doesn't neccessarily mean "worst game ever". It can also mean "not the best game ever, as I thought it would be, but still a good game". That's also a disappointment. And it's easier to be disappointed when you buy into a huge hype. That's my point.
nitewulf said:
theres the counterpart to it though, which you wont like to hear. samus uses that same arm canon in 5 subsequent games. mario gets a facelift, but he is still doing the same thing. zelda's mechanics remain largely the same. you still dont get to "jump" because its a zelda game! why jumping would just totally change the game, why would we want that??
Yeah why don't we change the rules to Chess and Monopoly while we're at it?


trippingmartian said:
GameRankings giving OOT the top spot somehow implies that Halo 2, being the #2 rated game of all time should be sold to purchase the #1 rated game of all time? I don't get that logic. Why not own both of the top 2 rated games of all time?
I was being facetious, which is sometimes hard to get across on a message board
I guess you're not going to agree with anyone that has Halo 2 rated highly.

Face it buddy. It lived up to the hype and then some. I know that probably chaps your ass, but you might as well throw yourself from a bridge because nothing you post on the internet is going to change that. :lol
Reanimated said:
You might as well throw yourself from a bridge because nothing you post on the internet is going to change that. :lol

You might as well throw yourself from a bridge because nothing you post on the internet is going to change that.



trippingmartian said:
Yeah why don't we change the rules to Chess and Monopoly while we're at it.
your reply was too quick, and without much background research. you'd be surprised at how many different variations of chess are played around the wrold.
but thanx for trying. i support your cause, whatever it may be. because you know, thats exactly what i said, "lets change the rules of chess and monopoly". uh huh.


trippingmartian said:
This board needs rolleyes! :lol
But yeah, what's so bad about GameRankings?
It's the pinnacle of what's wrong with the review industry. It glorifies the very thing that's wrong with reviews. How can you qualify one game being 1/10 of a percent point better than another game? How the fuck do you do that?

That's like me drinking a coke, then a pepsi and saying "You know, I like the pepsi better...but only by .2%"

maybe i'm just crazy *shrug*


And even i am moderately surprised
"I see many people claim that they're dissapointed with Halo 2 sp, yet they never state why"

I'm a massive Halo slut, and the number 1 beef i have with the SP campaign is there is a massive drop off in terms of level quality at... well, i can't say when so as not to spoil it but at about the half way point. The first three "scenarios" are amazingly good, but then it drops off.

Why isn't more of the game set on earth?? Why do i have to go back through the horror that is the library again?

It IS too short. 9 hours on Heroic was a bit disappointing.

And the less said about some of the directions the story has went in and the ending the better.

I enjoyed SP, don't get me wrong, but in the first few levels it built me up on a wave of excitement and delight and then just drops you into plain old "fairly good" territory.

Saying all that SP is still definitely a good game but it could have, NEIGH SHOULD HAVE, been better than it was.

On the flip side , MP is just hot hot sex.
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