Sounds to me you hold Jurassic Park to some lofty standard it just can't meet.
You say CGI fest, and I hear this a lot.
Like what do you expect? How do you expect them to create moving dinosaurs without it being a CGI fest? Just how? I need to know this, because when you look at the good old animatronics from the legend that is Stan Winston, it is janky as hell compared to how real animals move. His animatronics were incredible, but they have their uses, and they are limited.
Any movie with any hope of showing us dinosaurs that are more than static robots will by definition be a CGI fest. It is the only way to have any hope of creating them realistically.
That said. There will be plenty of puppets in this, but like in Fallen Kingdom, they will be CGI enhanced. Which is the best way to do it really, if you don't you'll end up with one scene that is clearly a puppet cause it's stiff and robotic, and one that is super animated.
Other than that, I thought the drive in was fun, mostly because the Rex looked incredible. I've been really let down by their redesign of her in the previous movies, and it looks like they finally listened, and she's back to her old self.