"In footage from the set of the original Jurassic Park movie, Jurassic Park director Stephen Spielberg explains a mosquito to a young cast member. The cast remembers the "energy on set," as Laura Dern put it. Jeff Goldblum remembers it. Chris Pratt remembers watching it. "I cried the first time I saw dinosaurs," Bryce Dallas Howard says.
"Jurassic World: Dominion is a celebration of the franchise. It concludes a story that Stephen Spielberg started in 1993," director Colin Trevorrow says.
"It is everything we could've ever hoped for and more," Laura Dern says. The footage shows the original cast, referred to as "legacy characters," interacting with the "World characters," in many instances."
The movie will ask the question, "If dinosaurs lived amongst us, would you be safe?" Trevorrow explains. "And the answer is no." A mosasaur emerges form the ocean to eat an entire helicopter. A raptor runs across a building top. A T-Rex is in a city. Stunts. Falling. Vehicles flipping. Sam Neill and the entire cast face to face with a T-Rex in the woods. There is a lot of footage of Neill, Goldblum, Dern, Pratt, Howard, and more all together. The dinosaurs are brilliantly brought to life, seemingly combining modern visual effects with practical opportunities to have a created T-Rex on the set and in camera. It was colorful, thrilling showing of the film."
"This is the movie that I've been waiting to make from the beginning," Colin Trevorrow told reporters during a press conference for Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous in 2020. "It's the one that we have spent the past two movies building to. It really was part of a larger story and part of the design. And I think people may be underestimating the size and importance of Laura Dern and Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum's characters in this movie. It is very much an ensemble, and that [includes] the ability to take these beloved characters from almost 30 years now, and understand how they interact with each other in the context of a world that we've really never seen before, and have not been able to witness until now. It's very exciting for me. I'm having the time of my life."