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Immortals: Fenyx Rising, how did this game review worse than AC Valhalla?


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
I've had this one sitting in my library for like two years and decided to give it a spin but expected usual Ubitrash.

Shitty title aside, to my surprise, the game is actually really fun. How it reviewed worse than AC Valhalla or Odyssey is incomprehensible to me as it's far, far better than them and probably the best Ubisoft game (and certainly the most fun I've had) since Black Flag.

The writing is a bit cringe at times and the forced humor gets annoying but the gameplay loop is so damn fun. It's like BOTW but with enough unique mechanics and elements not to make it a complete copycat and honestly, for a copycat, it's pretty damn solid. Lots of variety in the gameplay and puzzles, and the exploration is quite rewarding.

Now, it doesn't mean that it isn't subject to the usual open-world issues. For one, I'm about 15 hours in and still in the first area and there are like 5 of them. I'm expecting the game to overstay its welcome like Odyssey. Would have been a short and sweet affair at about 30-35 hours but simply eyeballing the map tells me I'm going to need to play like 90 hours to complete it and I think that's too long.

Whatever the case, this one kind of flew under the radar, likely due to its cartoony graphics and BOTW style that made it seem like one of those numerous failed clones. It's a very fun game and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes games in the BOTW style. Sure, it ain't TOTK but what game is?
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I will stand by it, Valhalla is a great game it's story was just too lengthy. People just like shitting on Ubi, but the weapons and god weapons were sick.

I personally liked it much more than immortals
yeah i had a lot of fun with it. My ONLY complaint was all the underground shit that was impossible to find a path too. But thats also cuz im impatient


I think Immortals suffered a lot from being intentionally close to BotW while being slightly worse in every aspect.

I really liked it and surprisingly the thing I liked the most was the writing, there were some genuinely good jokes. Gameplay worked fine, game ran really well and there wasn’t too much open world bloat overall.

I also hated Valhalla, the only AC I dropped within a couple hours, so much worse than Origins and Odyssey.


I agree completely, the game is really great. I'm many hours into it but only about 5 hours into AC Valhalla because I just found it kind of boring.


I will stand by it, Valhalla is a great game it's story was just too lengthy. People just like shitting on Ubi, but the weapons and god weapons were sick.

I personally liked it much more than immortals
I’ve never wanted a game to end more than Valhalla a few times I thought it was over and it wasn’t even when it was over I was like is it? And then that’s it was a huge waste of time imo


Gold Member
I think Immortals suffered a lot from being intentionally close to BotW while being slightly worse in every aspect.

I really liked it and surprisingly the thing I liked the most was the writing, there were some genuinely good jokes. Gameplay worked fine, game ran really well and there wasn’t too much open world bloat overall.

I also hated Valhalla, the only AC I dropped within a couple hours, so much worse than Origins and Odyssey.
Immortals came out in 2020, over 3 years after BOTW did. It's obvious they took major inspiration from the game, so yea, 3.75 years later they drop a worse BOTW that lacked a lot of the dynamic elements of that game.


I've had this one sitting in my library for like two years and decided to give it a spin but expected usual Ubitrash.

Shitty title aside, to my surprise, the game is actually really fun. How it reviewed worse than AC Valhalla or Odyssey is incomprehensible to me as it's far, far better than them and probably the best Ubisoft game (and certainly the most fun I've had) since Black Flag.

The writing is a bit cringe at times and the forced humor gets annoying but the gameplay loop is so damn fun. It's like BOTW but with enough unique mechanics and elements not to make it a complete copycat and honestly, for a copycat, it's pretty damn solid. Lots of variety in the gameplay and puzzles, and the exploration is quite rewarding.

Now, it doesn't mean that it isn't subject to the usual open-world issues. For one, I'm about 15 hours in and still in the first area and there are like 5 of them. I'm expecting the game to overstay its welcome like Odyssey. Would have been a short and sweet affair at about 30-35 hours but simply eyeballing the map tells me I'm going to need to play like 90 hours to complete it and I think that's too long.

Whatever the case, this one kind of flew under the radar, likely due to its cartoony graphics and BOTW style that made it seem like one of those numerous failed clones. It's a very fun game and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes games in the BOTW style. Sure, it ain't TOTK but what game is?
This was one of, if not my overall, favorite games of 2020. I enjoyed it far more than I did with my time in Breath of the Wild.

I unlocked every achievement in around 40 hours.

I think this game is intentionally overlooked so that it doesn't favorably compare to Breath of the Wild.
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Yeah I played about 3 hours and all it made me think was ‘I want to play the real thing, BotW’. Not a bad game if you have a spare 50 hours and really love the setting and open world games.


Because it's less good? Very average game, as repetitive as AC with less original content and terrible dialogues


yeah game is probably best thing ubi released in years. much more varied gameplay than their usual ac trash.
unlike valhalla it was techically pretty polished at release too.
as negatives
it being a blatant botw ripoff probably irked people, map also becomes standard ubi openworld marker soup in no time.


Gold Member
It's a great game. It's lighthearted, has legit funny moments, great gameplay, cool exploration, solid power up and skill progression.

Straight up solid banger from Ubi that got shunned because it's a Ubi title. Comparing it to Valhalla is kinda goofy though, they're nothing alike.


its an indie ubisoft game..



It's a good game.
Despite being a clear copy/pasta from BotW, I think it did something even better.
For example, I liked the trials/shrine, more sophisticated in general and funnier to play since tied to the speedrun mechanics.
I also liked the use of physics more, in BotW was more accurate but also unmanageable most of the time, in Immortal is less sophisticated but funnier and pratical to use.
Story and characters were better, and environments too, even on Switch were the graphics were slaughtered.

So, what's the problem? It's the same old repetitive Ubisoft open world game, ton of things to do but the same and same missions.


I will stand by it, Valhalla is a great game it's story was just too lengthy. People just like shitting on Ubi, but the weapons and god weapons were sick.

I personally liked it much more than immortals
Valhalla is a slog, the map, the level gating etc everything felt very cumbersome unless you bought the xp modifier shit.

Now Odyssey was amazing so I know Ubisoft can make a good asscreed rpg game, they just made it waaay too big for its own good, odyssey was already gigantic.
It started off good but then it become apparent that it was just a bad version of Breath of the Wild and why would I want to play that when I have the better version. It completely missed what made Zelda good, an interesting world to explore. It was typical Ubisoft. At least Valhalla was fun to explore. Quite cool seeing Anglo Saxon London.


Bellow avarage BotW clone with ugly art and visuals. Genshin Impact its a way better clone with better and charming visuals and a stronger appeal. Problem is... its a cancer gatcha and being a GaaS. Not Valhala any better, its a wanna be version of Witcher 3 as an Asscreed.
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Gold Member
Origins is the best of the recent AC's.

Easily the best of the RPG-era Assassin's Creed games for sure.

That feeling when you stroll through that eternal desert dune, seeing those pyramids come up in the far distance. Amazing game and a truly amazing achievement.

We shit on Ubi a lot but they deliver some remarkable videogame experiences that often don't get enough praise because, well.. They're Ubisoft. But honest to god every single Assassin's Creed game they've ever made has some remarkable or unique experience you'll never find anywhere else in videogames. I've played them all and I have fond memories of every single one of them. Even Valhalla, which I thought was dreadful, has an amazing opening sequence. First two hours of that game are amazing.


Overall I don't recall anything particularly bad about the game. From like a mechanical, visual, design, and hell, even storytelling perspective everything about it was pretty solid and I enjoyed the time that I spent with it.

To me, it only had one major issue - excruciatingly repetitive and drawn-out puzzle dungeons. I think that at the 30-40 hour mark, when the game asked me to solve yet another one of those puzzles, I simply had enough and I refused to do any more of that bullshit. It just got too tedious. A prime example of how Ubisoft abuses player's time and goes to absolute extremes with padding out in-game activities that would otherwise be enjoyable if you wouldn't be forced to repeat them about 1500 times.
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It started off good but then it become apparent that it was just a bad version of Breath of the Wild and why would I want to play that when I have the better version. It completely missed what made Zelda good, an interesting world to explore. It was typical Ubisoft. At least Valhalla was fun to explore. Quite cool seeing Anglo Saxon London.
this pretty much..

it was good but by the end i just wanted to beat it and move on..Some of the puzzles were tedious and annoying as fuck. I wouldn't mind a sequel tho.


Yeah i found it to be one of the best Ubisoft games. Exploration was nice with a good amount of secrets and you dont need to ride on horse for 10 minutes untill you find something interesting to do. If you enjoy solving puzzeles the game is filled with them, combat system is simple but feels good and the map look gorgeous even with a cartoony style.
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I really liked the game, but the art style sometimes is an eye sore. The environments can go to beautiful to disgusting just by moving the camera.
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Dunno but just like Valhalla I did not like it at all and this is coming from someone who thinks AC Odyssey is a top tier game and one of the best AC games, a guy who has played all AC games. Fuck every game from Ubisoft post-Odyssey. They're all made for babies.


I bounced off this game so fast. The acting/voices in the opening scenes annoyed me so much I turned it off. I heard, and believe, it's a good game but I literally only played 15 minutes before uninstalling it.

It helps that I borrowed it from the library. If I had bought it I'd have given it a chance


Gold Member
Loved Immortals enough to get the plat trophy. Finished Valhalla with 100+ hours clocked and I prefer Immortals. As far as open-world AC they rank in order of release Origins>>>>Odyssey>>>>Valhalla, no idea why this reviewed worse than Valhalla but I couldn't care less about reviews, they don't inform what I buy, play and enjoy.
Didn't play Valhalla so can't speak on that but Immortals is CRIMINALLY underrated imo. Honestly, I think it's my favorite 3rd party game to release since the start of the new gen. I can understand people that say it's a copy cat of BoTW. It no doubt took a ton of inspiration from that game and does copy alot, but it still felt fresh to me and felt it did some things better. Combat is more fun (as awesome as BoTW and ToTK are, the combat in those games are so dated and need an overhaul). I also felt like the "shrines" were a little more challenging and fun. Then there is just the setting of Greek mythology which I'm a sucker for.

Really ashame that I'm pretty sure the game bombed sales wise. I would be day zero for a sequel.


I played through a LOT of it while listening to some good books, so I enjoyed my time with the game and don't mean to hate.

That said, if I was just playing Fenyx, I'd have moved on to something else real quick. It's the kind of game that lends itself to background play while your focus is on something else, but it's too shallow and repetitive to be the main source of entertainment, IMO.


Neo Member
I probably would have bought this if I didn't play the demo but like an idiot I bought Valhalla because there was nothing else to really to buy on the series x at the time.
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