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Immortals: Fenyx Rising, how did this game review worse than AC Valhalla?


From what I've seen & read the game quickly shows everything it's got to show and then just delivers more of the same. I haven't played it myself, because I don't like the art style and I'm extremely tired of Ubisoft's copy-paste formula to artifically extend their games.


Fenyx Rising was a big surprise for me. I had seen a trailer at the time and found it relatively appealing. The demo also made a good impression, so I bought it for the PS5 in 2020. I have absolutely not regretted it. The story was amusing, the world design was very nice and the gameplay was also fun. I also enjoyed all three DLCs.


I wanted to like this but I think if combat was well balanced like souls and not easy or frustrating and long winded, it would have been good game for me.


FR should have been a Switch exclusive, because it was a fairly decent game for that system. Once you look at Valhalla and more powerful systems, FR loses its shine and of course it doesn't compare. FR Seemed like a perfect direction to take Kid Icarus.


Golden Boy
I will stand by it, Valhalla is a great game it's story was just too lengthy. People just like shitting on Ubi, but the weapons and god weapons were sick.

I personally liked it much more than immortals
Yeah, in hindsight i should have skipped all the DLC and left it with the base game.
The story was good, i just wished they had opted for a gender neutral story that would allow a canon male too, but oh well.
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I only played BOTW on my friend's switch here and there for a few hours so I can't really be a judge of how worse or better Immortals is, but it is a fun game. Fun combat, cool exploration, puzzles were not all that bad and silly bad comedy tone was definitely self-aware. It's one of these open world games where you pretty much only focus on the main story stuff because the all the other activities are a bit too repetitive and not al that rewarding. Valhalla is pretty good too, but the tone and aesthetics are way too different to compare them.


The writing is bad, the voice acting is bad, the character design is terrible (why add facial hair options to characters with permanent baby faces?), it doesn't do anything new and after 3h you have seen everything worth seeing.


Gold Member
I played both for a bit, but eventually gave up.
Immortals is the best of the two. Although it gets a bit repetitive.
But AC Valhalla is pure, undistilled crap. The terrible party viking design, the lame story, the lackluster repetitive combat and gameplay.
AC Valhalla is the definition of Ubisoft uninspired bloat.
This game was wonderful. I had never played any Ubisoft games, and this led me to buying Valhalla (which was also fantastic). That led me to buy Odyssey. Which led me to buy Origins.

So, yeah, great game. I don’t think I’d replay it, though.


I was super hyped on this game. I thought it was fun overall, but there were too many puzzles toward the end (which is fine, except for the fact that you have to complete them to progress).


I enjoyed it. I probably had more fun with that game than I did with any other that year. I found the gameplay loop pretty addictive, and I liked the graphics and world.

The ending section sucked, though. Moving all those crates around, as a finale? It was tedious. I imagine that left a bad taste in reviewers' mouths. And like others have said, it got marked down because it borrowed/stole from BotW so flagrantly.


I enjoyed it. I probably had more fun with that game than I did with any other that year. I found the gameplay loop pretty addictive, and I liked the graphics and world.

The ending section sucked, though. Moving all those crates around, as a finale? It was tedious. I imagine that left a bad taste in reviewers' mouths. And like others have said, it got marked down because it borrowed/stole from BotW so flagrantly.
Why belda wasn't marked down for stoling from ubi formula so flagrantly before that?


I had more fun with Valhalla than Fenyx, they are both good games but for several reasons like settings (England is awesome), and combat/enemies.. i like Valhalla more, and not so sure why even compare them?


King Snowflake
I’ve never wanted a game to end more than Valhalla a few times I thought it was over and it wasn’t even when it was over I was like is it? And then that’s it was a huge waste of time imo
I felt that way too. The game was fine for the first 30 or so hours but then it dragged and made me angry when they kept telling me to do shit.


Pretty good game but when you find out there are 80000 things you didn't finish after beating the story you just feel sad about the time you wasted, a multiplayer mode is better than those side weirdo missions
Immortals is extremely underrated. Never played Valhalla, but from I've seen, the combat in Fenyx Rising is leagues better; in addition to having BOTW-like shrines/puzzles while keeping its Greek mythos individuality.
I customized the control mapping so the combat played similar to Platinum action titles (R trigger to dodge, X/Y light/heavy)) and the experience was a lot of fun. The greataxe is fun to use.

I was indifferent toward all story elements in Fenyx Rising, and the ending was very underwhelming, but the game itself was/is fun enough to see it through to the end. Fun exploration, puzzles, and surprisingly good combat. Would recommend, especially on XSX.
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It started off good but then it become apparent that it was just a bad version of Breath of the Wild and why would I want to play that when I have the better version. It completely missed what made Zelda good, an interesting world to explore. It was typical Ubisoft. At least Valhalla was fun to explore. Quite cool seeing Anglo Saxon London.

Really? Because the world in breath of the wild feels devoid of life, there's no real good Easter eggs, and a lot of stuff is copy/pasted.

The world in Immortals is interesting and varied.


No Idea, I really enjoyed it. Beautiful world, some fun puzzles/exploration, good combat.

It just had a tough reception because it came out at the height of Ubisoft-hate (which is still very present as you can see). Meanwhile people enjoy Ubisoft-clones from other developers who actually do the formula worse lol.


Gold Member
Because AC reviews well on production values and amount of content alone, and it enjoys reviewer’s bias as much as any Nintendo production, in spite of how much people on forums like to shit on it.

Immortals is a blatant Zelda copycat and it’s aimed at a younger audience. This alone must have brought down scores a notch or two. It really is the poor man’s Zelda though. Exploration relies on map markers because that’s Ubi’s way of doing open world and doing a map that’s actually interesting is hard. Plus the puzzles are a real chore without the Zelda powers, it’s basically “find thingie that’s the same color as its surroundings even if it’s something different entirely and move it to another spot”.

The combat is better than in Zelda, but just as repetitive.

I enjoyed Immortals because I could finish it in 30 hours, even if there’s enough trash to collect to keep you busy for 80ish hours. I can’t be bothered to wander around in AC for that long.


I guess ubisoft games you have to play it very few often to appreciate them ... I've not played a ubi game for a few years.. decided to try Far Cry 6 and had a pretty fun time with it ... ignored most of the side bullshit and blazed through the main story ... so .. Ill just give some time and try another one in the future.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
I think it is the usual Ubitrash, although it does have a better-than-normal first impression. Once you realize that the first 3-5 hours is everything the game has to offer then it gets old very very quick.

It's the typical Ubisoft formula® that does absolutely nothing to differentiate from previous (or even future) titles.

Every Ubisoft game is the friggin same : huge map, sub-menu under sub-menu, 53748952829 icons on the map as to satisfy people's OCD, repetitive missions, GPS waypoints galore etc etc, every game feels a re-skin...

Tried immortals for 1.5 hours and I just bailed , Ubisoft games are just not for me
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