Gay porn is where it's at.
i unironically believe this. i did my 6th Bloodbrone run few weeks ago and finished my 4th Sekiro run last night.
these two games are gaming at purest form: beautiful, unforgiving, and Addicting. these two give me a weird nostolgic feeling of the early 90s games where everything was very hard and feel very new.
no matter how many new amazing games come out these days, no matter how good they are, they never actually stuck with me. i'll be "yeah this was great" and forget about it the next day. but not these two , they are the only games that i EVER replayed and continue to replay. Especially bloodborne. Bloodborne awakened something primal in me that i don't really understand, but as a huge horror/lovecraft fan i feel like this game was litreally made for me.
i love you Hidetaka Miyazaki
these two games are gaming at purest form: beautiful, unforgiving, and Addicting. these two give me a weird nostolgic feeling of the early 90s games where everything was very hard and feel very new.
no matter how many new amazing games come out these days, no matter how good they are, they never actually stuck with me. i'll be "yeah this was great" and forget about it the next day. but not these two , they are the only games that i EVER replayed and continue to replay. Especially bloodborne. Bloodborne awakened something primal in me that i don't really understand, but as a huge horror/lovecraft fan i feel like this game was litreally made for me.
i love you Hidetaka Miyazaki