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In a hole in the ground, there lived a HOBBIT TRAILER

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Wow that's a fantastic trailer. I still think it would have been really cool to see what a Guillermo Del Toro directed Hobbit would look like.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Trailer didn't do it for me, but who cares I'm pumped.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Wow that's a fantastic trailer. I still think it would have been really cool to see what a Guillermo Del Toro directed Hobbit would look like.
Beautiful, if some of his previous films are anything to go by.



I must do better.
I really need to go back and re-read The Hobbit since it’s been over ten years and I can’t remember most of the stuff that happens.

Trailer looks great; I can’t wait for all the dwarfs in this movie. I’m a sucker for Dwarfish stuff in fantasy.
Just watched it second time, and I tingled all over. I need this so bad!

Anyone have the 1080p trailer to download? I want to watch this on my big ass tv a million times!

The Chef

Watching that trailer was so surreal. Planning on watching extended blurays this weekend. This pumped me up like none other.
Omg the shire music ;_; I have such overwhelming chills.


I want this movie now! Watching this trailer brought back so many great memories about the LOTR trilogy. I almost lost it when Gollum showed up and the sweeping music kicked in at the end. Here is hoping that the two movies deliver!


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I'm glad PJ took over this, honestly. Love the fact that visually it has continuity to the LoTR trilogy.


Neo Member
* Wipes tears *

Soo god damn beautiful and amazing, now to prepare for one year of tormenting wait...

Gandalf as perfect as always, Ian must be a real Istari.
Martin Freeman will be an amazing Bilbo, great actor.
Getting a huge man crush the more i see of the Dwarfs...
Smeagol's scenes will be interesting to say the least.

Galadriel as beautiful as ever!.

God... please be 2012 already.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
I loved it, but I want more!

Also can't wait to hear the film score, Howard Shore is god tier.


There's not another movie series in the world which could get away with ridiculously fake-bearded men singing, but I'll see this day one.
Seriously..that RED EPIC is a thing a beauty. Will be seeing this in LieMAX as I don't think the real IMAX's will have upgraded till late 2013.
I'm not reading this thread cause I don't want impressions tarnishing this beautiful thing.

But PLEASE does anyone have a link to download the 1080p version? Quicktime wont let me save it. Please PM!! I'll be eternally grateful. (Want to watch it on my PS3!)

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
So, any guesses as to who Gandalf is duelling with in what looks like Dol Guldur. Could it be Thrain (his father), re-animated by The Necromancer, or could it be a ghoulish fell beast that we haven't seen before or maybe The Necromancer himself in physical form.

I'm going with Thrain and it may well be a flashback from Gandalf.



Certainly looks dwarven, but very mutilated.
Edmond Dantès;33636904 said:
Beautiful, if some of his previous films are anything to go by.


He co-wrote the screenplay and I'm sure at least some of his approved designs made their way into PJ's take, I think we'll still see some GDT hallmarks there.
I'm very glad they got this green-lit while Ian McKellen was still capable of performing.

Same with Christopher Lee (though he obviously doesn't have nearly as big of a role). They are the utterly perfect actors to play wizards.

I heard some where it is a trilogy, is that true?Also the movie looks basically finished, another year? seriously...

They've divvied it up into two movies.

Fuck the Deathly Hallows for doing that. Now every "epic" book-to-film adaptation is going to feel the need to do this just to get you to go to the theaters twice.


Unconfirmed Member
He co-wrote the screenplay and I'm sure at least some of his approved designs made their way into PJ's take, I think we'll still see some GDT hallmarks there.
It looks a hell of a lot like Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings though.


Not to take away from the other dwarves, but Balin and Thorin look fantastic. And hot damn those sweeping vista shots...harkens back to the ones in the LotR trilogy...man this trailer hit all the right notes and scratched all the right itches for me.


Just a reminder, be careful to mark what may be spoilers. There are many who haven't read it and some like me who can't remember a lot of it.


Same with Christopher Lee (though he obviously doesn't have nearly as big of a role). They are the utterly perfect actors to play wizards.

They've divvied it up into two movies.

Fuck the Deathly Hallows for doing that. Now every "epic" book-to-film adaptation is going to feel the need to do this just to get you to go to the theaters twice.
I would normally agree, but this is Tolkien so I don't care if they do a million movies. I would have loved six LOTR movies too.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Still can't believe they got PJ back for this, 10 years after the trilogy. Nuts man, must be a crazy feeling to reopen that chapter of your life.

Not really feeling the new actors (aside from Martin Freeman), but I guess Elijah Wood and the like weren't all the recognizable or distinct when they got the job either.
That 48 fps thing looks completely horrendous and cheesy. I wasn't excited at all by The Hobbit, but now it jumped to my "will never, ever watch" list, which is kinda short.


Deathly Hallows could have been extended even longer. Two films was the right choice. Why do you guys want the fun to end so quickly?
That 48 fps thing looks completely horrendous and cheesy. I wasn't excited at all by The Hobbit, but now it jumped to my "will never, ever watch" list, which is kinda short.

Link please. You're apparently the only one on earth with access to the 48fps trailer. Either that or you're really looking for any excuse to whinge - as per usual.
I would love to know where you have seen 48fps version of the trailer.
Link please.

Comments from PJ directly :

However, we're going the other way, shooting at 48 fps with a 270 degree shutter angle. This gives the 48 fps a lovely silky look, and creates a very pleasing look at 24 fps as well. In fact, our DP, Andrew Lesnie, and I prefer the look of 24 fps when it comes from a 48 fps master.

My comment : The look of 24 fps coming from a 48 fps master looks like fucking shit.

Seriously, if you can't see in the trailer the difference in the movement from a normal, shot in 24fps movie, you're seriously blind. I'm not saying the trailer is 48fps. I'm saying you can see a ton of difference in the end result.
My good lord...Chills all over.
These are my favorite movies. Bless you PJ

Comments from PJ directly :

However, we're going the other way, shooting at 48 fps with a 270 degree shutter angle. This gives the 48 fps a lovely silky look, and creates a very pleasing look at 24 fps as well. In fact, our DP, Andrew Lesnie, and I prefer the look of 24 fps when it comes from a 48 fps master.

My comment : The look of 24 fps coming from a 48 fps master looks like fucking shit.

Seriously, if you can't see in the trailer the difference in the movement from a normal, shot in 24fps movie, you're seriously blind. I'm not saying the trailer is 48fps. I'm saying you can see a ton of difference in the end result.

Are you saying that you could pick up on the 24 fps difference from the trailer? What are you talking about?


Comments from PJ directly :

However, we're going the other way, shooting at 48 fps with a 270 degree shutter angle. This gives the 48 fps a lovely silky look, and creates a very pleasing look at 24 fps as well. In fact, our DP, Andrew Lesnie, and I prefer the look of 24 fps when it comes from a 48 fps master.

My comment : The look of 24 fps coming from a 48 fps master looks like fucking shit.

And for tonight's entertainment... Blindfolded backpedaling!
And for tonight's entertainment... Blindfolded backpedaling!
Dude, I do video editing for cash, I know about that shit. I never explicitely stated that the trailer was 48fps, I was referring to the fact that it was shot in 48fps. I'm sorry I didn't give enough explanations for you to really understand.

The end is : it looks like shit.
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