.Will do. Thanks. Was thinking that if only do Nemissa could hit him hard
She will be doing the heavy-lifting, but the reflected physical damage will help chip away at him as well
.Will do. Thanks. Was thinking that if only do Nemissa could hit him hard
Currently: In the sanitorium grinding for some levels, ranks and free cards to upgrade personas.
Now that I'm done with P4G, I'm thinking about starting Devil Survivor 2. Absolutely loved the shit out of the first game. How does the sequel stand up?
Better gameplay, story's not nearly as good, but it has its moments, and an amazing cast(arguably better than DS1's).
So I was thinking of having my next RPG be Persona 4 for Vita, but I was trying to decide if I should play 1-3 first.
I've never played a Shin Megami Tensei game before. Should I play Persona 1, 2, or 3? Or Just go for 4?
Edit: Is there a better SMT game on PSN I should play instead?
Not hard at all. Satan is a nightmare though.How hard is Digital Devil Saga 2 on Hard?
Not hard at all. Satan is a nightmare though.
I'm assuming you know SMT, that is.
I've played DDS2 all the way to Vritra on Normal and failed horribly thanks tothe game kicking out both characters I used for the whole game.
Do it normally first, then try Hard if you get the good accessories from 1's import data.
Yeah but this time I won't use them at all and I killed all the bosses in DDS1. I don't really wanna beat the game twice to do everything but if I pick Hard on the first try I might not even get through it. Dilemma.
Not hard at all. Satan is a nightmare though.
I'm assuming you know SMT, that is.
Is Baofu supposed to be my weakest party member in EP? I mean, he isn't bad, but his stats are pretty mediocre and the SP are low.
I never had a problem with him, but I use anyone who isn't Tatsuya and Maya for support anyway.
Is Baofu supposed to be my weakest party member in EP? I mean, he isn't bad, but his stats are pretty mediocre and the SP are low.
Well, right now (Smile Hirasaka), Maya and Katsuya are my favourite characters by far (high TEC/STR and SP). I love them, but I should start thinking about giving Katsuya another Persona, but Mars has been pretty good so far.
I always keep an Emperor/World/Rod persona at hand when I'm leveling up Baofu so that his TEC doesn't lag behind too much. Besides, I think Tatsuya is the worst party member anyway.
Did you get Nata in Aoba park? Cuz he's pretty amazing.
Interesting you mention it, I have Baofu with Melchsedec right now, let's see how his TEC grows. I wonder what stat spread Tatsuya has for you to say that...
I don't base my judgment on his stat spread, it has everything to do with the fact that he's pretty much a carbon copy of his brother and adds very little to the Personae pool when you get him. And Apollo is garbage tier.
Stats don't matter when you get to the final dungeon and start farming ALL Incenses anyway.
Ugh now I wanna start another playthrough, thanks![]()
You're welcome!
Yeah, I was thinking earlier if Katsuya and Tatsuya's compatible Personas would be too similar. Thanks for the answer.
That's for the P4A or "Where the fuck is Kaneko?!?!" threads.
This reminded me! I couldn't say anything at the time because Soul Hackers wasn't announced yet, but Kaneko definitely still works for Atlus. We know because we had to get his approval for a few things in the game. Your guess is as good as mine what he's up to these days, though.
This reminded me! I couldn't say anything at the time because Soul Hackers wasn't announced yet, but Kaneko definitely still works for Atlus. We know because we had to get his approval for a few things in the game. Your guess is as good as mine what he's up to these days, though.
This reminded me! I couldn't say anything at the time because Soul Hackers wasn't announced yet, but Kaneko definitely still works for Atlus. We know because we had to get his approval for a few things in the game. Your guess is as good as mine what he's up to these days, though.
I'm very glad to hear that. What do you need his approval for, though?
(And why the heck isn't he art lead on SMT IV?)
Undersea Ruins done! The boss in there has reminded me of the awesomeness that would be having Affectionate Prayer to get the multitarget buffs. I'm not a fan of using two character's five turns to have decent MDEF/DEF, so that means that it's time to grind in Kasugayama to get Izanami's material card!
About the story:There's going to be another spaceship in this game??? Nyarlathotep may be effective, but all his plans end with spaceships, legendary weapons and WWII historical fiction's machine soldiers.
This reminded me! I couldn't say anything at the time because Soul Hackers wasn't announced yet, but Kaneko definitely still works for Atlus. We know because we had to get his approval for a few things in the game. Your guess is as good as mine what he's up to these days, though.
This reminded me! I couldn't say anything at the time because Soul Hackers wasn't announced yet, but Kaneko definitely still works for Atlus. We know because we had to get his approval for a few things in the game. Your guess is as good as mine what he's up to these days, though.
I hope SMT4 lets you fuse demons anywhere at anytime, would be a major downgrade from SJ if you need to go to specific places to fuse demons.
Reached the Torifune. I suppose this isn't the last dungeon as my characters aren't level 55 yet (except this Tatsuya kid) and I think I'm more or less at the same point in the game as Caracol was in IS.
About the story:At first, I thought that at the end of IS, the timeline where Maya dies was erased, but it seems that the "other side" exists at the same time with a few survivors. They must not be pretty happy...
I hope SMT4 lets you fuse demons anywhere at anytime, would be a major downgrade from SJ if you need to go to specific places to fuse demons.
That'd be cool but I'd rather walk then let the game randomly select which skills will be passed on to the fused demon (P4G and Overclocked did it right)
It was ok in SJ, because you get demon sources up the wazoo and it's stupid easy to get your demon with the skills you want, infact it's easier than in SMT3.
I had demons in SJ without weaknesses and stacked with overpowered skills fairly easy, whereas in SMT3 that meant hours upon hours of selecting/deselecting in the fusion screen to get the skills I wanted.
I don't know if I want total control over skill inheritance, wouldn't that break the game? I imagine P4G has to be a complete cake compared to the original.
That'd be cool but I'd rather walk then let the game randomly select which skills will be passed on to the fused demon (P4G and Overclocked did it right)
I hope SMT4 lets you fuse demons anywhere at anytime, would be a major downgrade from SJ if you need to go to specific places to fuse demons.