Hecatonchires Custom
You can get all the skills you want on a Persona when they're randomly selected ; it's gonna take FOREVER but it's still doable. I'd rather not waste an hour of accepting/cancelling shit just to get the skills I want.
There's a certain thrill lost, though.
I'm at Jokerin EP PSP. Ouch Time.Noriko
Get HANGED MAN Kabanda and use Wall of Water. She's cake after that.
Edit: He's that pink floating thingie.
You can get all the skills you want on a Persona when they're randomly selected ; it's gonna take FOREVER but it's still doable. I'd rather not waste an hour of accepting/cancelling shit just to get the skills I want.
So the game isn't unbalanced when it lets you select skills, it's just less of a hassle.
Hazama is on the same level of bullshit as Mem Aleph. He keeps debuffing (with Debilitate!) and using the most powerful spells and physical skills, and Makarakarn. And he has 20,000 HP, much more than YHVH in SMT2. He nulls some elements, too.
The fetus is even worse, with 30,000 and instant death spells.
I hope SMT4 lets you fuse demons anywhere at anytime, would be a major downgrade from SJ if you need to go to specific places to fuse demons.
I prefer doing it in an insane Cathedral of Shadow with that suspicious looking priest and weird dick-like pillars and on top of that ritual dark music.
Nothing beats that.
@cj_iwakura: I made some screenshots during my run in SMT if... PS1 version. If you're interested, PM-me.
Holy crap if this is true:
I want another shot at If now.
Does it behave like a frolic in the park until you get to that boss and/or have another easy boss on a different ethical route like SJ or?
Does it behave like a frolic in the park until you get to that boss and/or have another easy boss on a different ethical route like SJ or?
I agree, there's something for the ambient experience. I like how Soul Hackers does it. You can do simple stuff on the go, but if you want the intricate(like triple) fusions, you need the Goumaden.
And I've been playing the SFC version(I always start with the original), but I wouldn't mind seeing the PS1 version at some point.
Picked up P2:EP after a long break and powered through the Sumaru TV dungeon.
Man, I forgot how the map-making quest + high encounter rate really make for a strenuous time. Doesn't help that Sumaru TV is a beefy dungeon (even if a highly fascinating one at that).
I think I'll get back to the screenshot play-by-play and get the Sumaru TV section posted tomorrow. There are just too many interesting things that happen in that dungeon.
Seeing those screenshots got me to realize how Swords and Sworcery's pixel art is very reminicient of If...'s.
Man, CJ, I know you played through SMT1, any fusion shortcuts or good demon guides out there?
Seeing you go so fast through all the games makes me feel bad for being so far behind with the series.
Get Tornado and Fog Breath for the Demifiend. Thank me later.After thinking that I was running out of Persona games, I thought about getting into other games of the main series or spin-offs and I finally got SMT3:Nocturne. I've just completed the first "dungeon" (the hospital) and I wanted to share some thoughts:
Wow, the MP drains really fast. Thank goodness there were healing rooms all over the place. I fear the next dungeons.
The Nagatama growth system seems interesting, but seeing that learning skills is limited to the level ups, I fear not choosing well between them. That reminds me that I have to choose the build of my hero, and I'm not sure if I should make him balanced, physically or magically powerful. And the other question: Should I increase the luck stat?
The story seems pretty interesting so far, I mean, the "crysis" happens before I have any idea of what is really happening. I think I was spoiled in other threads about the identity of the kid/wheelchair man:. Damn if it's true!!!Louis Cyphre/Lucifer???
I like this game so far, let's see how it goes.
After thinking that I was running out of Persona games, I thought about getting into other games of the main series or spin-offs and I finally got SMT3:Nocturne. I've just completed the first "dungeon" (the hospital) and I wanted to share some thoughts:
Wow, the MP drains really fast. Thank goodness there were healing rooms all over the place. I fear the next dungeons.
The Nagatama growth system seems interesting, but seeing that learning skills is limited to the level ups, I fear not choosing well between them. That reminds me that I have to choose the build of my hero, and I'm not sure if I should make him balanced, physically or magically powerful. And the other question: Should I increase the luck stat?
The story seems pretty interesting so far, I mean, the "crysis" happens before I have any idea of what is really happening. I think I was spoiled in other threads about the identity of the kid/wheelchair man:. Damn if it's true!!!Louis Cyphre/Lucifer???
I like this game so far, let's see how it goes.
After thinking that I was running out of Persona games, I thought about getting into other games of the main series or spin-offs and I finally got SMT3:Nocturne. I've just completed the first "dungeon" (the hospital) and I wanted to share some thoughts:
Wow, the MP drains really fast. Thank goodness there were healing rooms all over the place. I fear the next dungeons.
The Nagatama growth system seems interesting, but seeing that learning skills is limited to the level ups, I fear not choosing well between them. That reminds me that I have to choose the build of my hero, and I'm not sure if I should make him balanced, physically or magically powerful. And the other question: Should I increase the luck stat?
The story seems pretty interesting so far, I mean, the "crysis" happens before I have any idea of what is really happening. I think I was spoiled in other threads about the identity of the kid/wheelchair man:. Damn if it's true!!!Louis Cyphre/Lucifer???
I like this game so far, let's see how it goes.
It's when they're like "yo gimme Bead/Snuff Soul" early on is when negotiations fail on my end.
Been playing SMT Nocturne for the past week. As much as I can between school, work, and chores...
Got stuck on Matador back when I first tried out the game a couple years ago.
This time around I'm more experienced with SMT. Beat Persona 4 and I've tried a couple others such as King Abaddon and Strange Journey.
I came prepared with a Force absorbing demon. I've always read on forums about how "Oh Matador is easy just get Zan demons and be at least Level 10" so I knew what was coming. Was able to get him to his second phase of attacks which I had never done before. And thats when he proceeded to beat the everliving shit out of my party.
Don't spoil the strategy for me, I'll figure it out eventually. I'm mainly gonna focus on getting one more party member with Sukunda and one more with Media. Maybe another Force absorbing or at least resistant demon too. And I know they sell a Force Magatama in the sewers so I might try that since I have lots of monies. Would be easier than fusing and getting certain Skills at least.
Beat him after like 3 hours of grinding and fusing! I'm used to much easier JRPGs so all this is new to me.
Wasn't terribly hard, though (playing on Normal). The Force Magatama was tempting but I used the Physical one instead (not the Phsyical one you start with, the better one that has Skills like Heat Wave and Focus). My Snake Nozuchi died too so I switched him out midfight for good 'ole Pixie (now High Pixie) from the Hospital.
Also, thank god for the Alchemy system; I have like 7 Bead Chains, a couple Soma Droplets, Chakra Pots, and even a couple Balm of Risings. Never put any resources into Elements or Mitamis since I don't completely understand them.
There's not exactly a lot of people left.
Do you have a link to that? I wanted to add it to the OP.Great news!
There's a patch for If out in the wild that translates the gameplay(only).
that's the boss where you realize that you can fuse demons to get better ones! The game isn't hard, you just need to grind sometime like you should in every jrpg.Beat him after like 3 hours of grinding and fusing! I'm used to much easier JRPGs so all this is new to me.
Wasn't terribly hard, though (playing on Normal). The Force Magatama was tempting but I used the Physical one instead (not the Phsyical one you start with, the better one that has Skills like Heat Wave and Focus). My Snake Nozuchi died too so I switched him out midfight for good 'ole Pixie (now High Pixie) from the Hospital.
Also, thank god for the Alchemy system; I have like 7 Bead Chains, a couple Soma Droplets, Chakra Pots, and even a couple Balm of Risings. Never put any resources into Elements or Mitamis since I don't completely understand them.
Do you have a link to that? I wanted to add it to the OP.
No, but I can upload it someplace if you have a suggestion.