Though they only released the SDK a week or so ago, so it'll be a short while until apps outside of Google and Netflix/Hulu/HBO support it.
Though they only released the SDK a week or so ago, so it'll be a short while until apps outside of Google and Netflix/Hulu/HBO support it.
Check out the monthly iOS threads on gaming side.To the people saying they are heavily invested in Apple's mobile games: What games are you talking about? I can't tell if i'm missing out because I only have access to Google Play, or you people are assholes and don't realize that mobile games are mostly garbage.
This is a serious question.
I looked into this, but it doesn't seem to do what I want, which is to play movies I have on my PC on my tablet without loading them onto the tablet. Like, streaming or whatever from the PC to tablet.
I feel like this is a thing, but what is this thing called?
I looked into this, but it doesn't seem to do what I want, which is to play movies I have on my PC on my tablet without loading them onto the tablet. Like, streaming or whatever from the PC to tablet.
I feel like this is a thing, but what is this thing called?
It has a few different names, but DLNA streaming works.
And you can do it no problem. There are quite a few DLNA compliant apps. Samsung might even have some bloatware that does it.
I replaced the 3GS with a Samsung Galaxy S II and used that for well over a year.
I also got the first Nexus 7, which was a lot better, but too suffered a lot from sluggishness. .
Honestly, if you used a Galaxy and more specifically last gen's Nexus 7 (which had performance issues but was fairly representative of current Android) you have enough experience that switching devices really isn't as drastic as your OP makes it out to be. I think it's a lot tougher to go from only iOS and never using Android before to using it as your only device (and vice versa).
My 2013 Nexus 7 hardly gets used since getting an iPad Air. It's a nice tablet, but all the little things add up for me, particularly when it comes to software/apps.
iOS got knocked a lot for this when iPad first started up, but the Nexus 7 feels more like a 'big phone' than any other tablet I've used.
Well, now I need to figure how to get it to work with my Win PC and Android tablet. I'm sure there's a setting or app or something.
Until android does smart playlists natively I have to stay with iOS for my phone.
I'm sure you are enjoying that aluminum iPhone covered by a cheap plastic casecheap plastic hardware is a deal breaker for me
The previous two times the switch was never made. The OG Nexus 7, esp. the 16GB, had alot of speed issues, to the point where you couldn't flip the device and have a huge delay until the actual screen flip. As far as the Galaxy went, I kept an iPod Touch 4th gen (or 3rd, the first one with retina) and an iPad around at all times.
In this case I've completely abandoned iOS, the iPad is gone, the iPhone is around, but turned off in a closet somewhere.
Why do you have both a Nexus 7 and an iPad Air.
Why do you have both a Nexus 7 and an iPad Air.
My Xperia Z1's Movie app automatically syncs itself to all the (DLNA-enabled/compatible) devices wirelessly connected to my local network. So all I would need to do is make sure that streaming is enabled in my Windows Media Player, move any movies supported by my phone (mp4, etc) to the directory I have assigned in my WMP playlist and then when I check the Movie app in my phone, I would see my PC's name there. It's only just a matter of tapping it to see all the movies I've set in my PC and then stream it.
I love it.
Though they only released the SDK a week or so ago, so it'll be a short while until apps outside of Google and Netflix/Hulu/HBO support it.
I've had both Nexus 7's. I was interested in the form factor and wanted to spend some more time with Android. When I decided to go back to the bigger screen the thought was that maybe my kid could use the N7 as well so I'd keep it around but he never really does.
(Okay, so if anybody knows of a comic app that isn't ass, I will take my my dislike for my tablet).
The only thing I'll miss is iMessage / Messages. Even though iMessage/Messages is a piece of shit, buggy app that has no features (and I'm astounded people on iOS still think it's good... it's like when your BlackBerry friends used to all rave about BBM, not knowing that BBM was years behind everything else), I will miss it because my primary computing environment is OSX, and it's damn hell convenient to send texts to the majority of my friends from my computer.
Have you tried either
edit: go for broke
To the people saying they are heavily invested in Apple's mobile games: What games are you talking about? I can't tell if i'm missing out because I only have access to Google Play, or you people are assholes and don't realize that mobile games are mostly garbage.
This is a serious question.
[...] I also got the first Nexus 7, which was a lot better, but too suffered a lot from sluggishness. I didnt care much about how open my device is, and I dont want to spend hours upon hours rooting my device and installing custom mods to get the best experience, Im lazy, I want a device that works well out of the box.
Try Reddit Sync or Flow for Reddit.But having said that, the best iOS apps are still a little bit better than the best Android apps - AlienBlue is still a better Reddit client than Reddit News (but getting there).
Google Music? I switched to Google Music on my iPhone because it's just better than iTunes and whatever other streaming options there are.
I really can't be arsed to go through my purchased list and write down the 50 or so A+ games that I've played in the last year. But your post is typical of the uninformed mobile gaming douchebaggery so rampant on GAF. I think I've played more hours on my iPad last year than I did on console, make of it what you will.
Can't man. I like mobile gaming so it's a non-starter. Plus, I have a shit-ton of App Store and iTunes content.
Glad you're enjoying your new kit though.
Talking of games, anyone know of any decent cross platform board games?
Wife probably going to have to be in hospital for a few days soon, would like something to play with her (she's IOS, I'm andriod) while she's in.
She's not a "gamer" though, but some ideas would be good.
I bought a Samsung Galaxy 10.1 a few weeks ago, the first Android device I had bought in years. Worst purchase I've made since I bought a car that didn't start. Wish I had bought a replacement iPad instead. In theory, I like Android's philosophy of do want you want, but the practice of actually using Google Play Store and trying to sift through loads of off-brand shitware apps doesn't really live up to the promise.
Take, for instance, a comic reading app. iOS had one great one and a bunch of lesser one. ComicZeal works exactly how you want it to. You load your comics up, it sorts them and the animation of flipping pages is unnoticable. Android comic apps range from utterly broken to barely usable. The best is ComicRack, which works about half as well as ComicZeal and had a terrible sorting algorithm that makes a hash of even simply labled series.
I don't know OP. I want Android to be great, but everything about it just feels so half-assed and disorganized.