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In Today's "Our Society is FUCKING RETARDED" news, Disney is remaking Snow White without the Dwarves

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I’m sure dwarf actors are rejoicing now that their already severely limited options are even more limited so that Peter Dinklage’s delicate sensibilities can be protected.
When dwarf actors are cast in serious roles I have never not taken them seriously as actors, when they're comedians I laugh if they're funny.

It's like if Chris Farley, one of comedy's GOATs, came out back in the day and said you couldn't cast fat guys in comedies anymore.

Boss Mog

I always sensed Dinklage was an asshole, looks like my instincts were correct once again.

Also he had no problem taking that Disney money to play a dwarf (they are literally called that in the movie, just like in Snow White) in Infinity War.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
It sounds like this adaptation will be totally unrecognisable from the original 19th century German fairy tale, which itself was inspired by Germanic mythology and folklore.

In which case, why bother? Just make a new original story set around a medieval princess. That way, Disney can do what they like with the story without anybody complaining.


Can’t Git Gud
You would expect him to be ok with his disability... crazy he still don't own it.
Make Snow White with Ricky Berwick then


Gold Member
I don't know what happened with Dinklage a few months ago but he's going full retard.

First dismissing anyone with a negative opinion about season 8 of GoT as white supremacists, now this nonsense.

The hell is wrong with this guy?
Ofc gaf has to exagerate things. While it's a stupid thing, they are not removing the dwarfs or firing them or anything from what I'm reading. They are just changing the way they are portrayed. For all I care they coudl be making them heroes like the hobbits so maybe its for the good.

Boss Mog

We have crossed into bizarro world so nothing really surprises me anymore. I mean we now live in a world where people can go in a store and fill up bags and just walk out while nodding to the security guard:



Gold Member
Sounds like he's got a short temper, a little humility goes a long way when faced with something so low down on the short list, its dwarfed by much larger problems in society today so there's no need for him to get up such a height about it. Quite small minded of him really.
Ok now you are just blatantly trying to steal my job here...

Strike number 2, bromigo.


America being America.

It's especially bizarre coming from Peter Dinklage considering the movies and shows he has been in where Dwarves have actually been portrayed negatively.
Just another case of '' it's okay when I do it ''.


Gold Member
America being America.

It's especially bizarre coming from Peter Dinklage considering the movies and shows he has been in where Dwarves have actually been portrayed negatively.
Just another case of '' it's okay when I do it ''.
He is a well known shithead, it is not the first time that he speaks in woke.

We had a topic about got final season and he explained why it wasn't successful.

Spoiler alert, read the article in the toilette if you don't want to crap yourself for the laughs.


Simps for Amouranth
Can you blame him, imagine the abuse he or any other little dude gets when out and about from drunken arseholes and lets face it the roles within mainstream media has mainly been as comic relief and he's actively trying to change that so that they can be considered for more serious parts, i'm near 50 ffs and as bout as anti-fuck me i hate that word as you can get but i can sympathize with the guy

Airbus Jr

What the hell is wrong with this tyrion lannister dude man

Why dwarf becomes forbidden in movie
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I cannot believe somebody gets paid to write things like this:

we are taking a different approach with these seven characters and have been consulting with members of the dwarfism community.

How about everyone consults with members of Polish community in the US (approx. 10 million of them) in order to avoid negative portrayal of Eastern Europeans in movies, where every Boris or Roman is a pimp or a carjacker.
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To me the issue is Disney's absurd insistence on live action remakes of all their animated movies.

Live action Snow White is not something that needed to happen. Like seriously you're gonna cast 7 midgets whose qualifying characteristic for the role is that they're a midget? And you thought that'd go well, especially in today's society?

Sure, do it without the dwarves lol let's see how that goes.


Gold Member
When they came for the trolls, I said nothing

When they came for the goblins, I said nothing

When they came for the orcs, I said nothing

When they came for the drow, I said nothing

When they came for the dwarves, I said nothing

When they came for me, no one was left.

Good grief DnD is soooooo problematic. This anti-satanist moms from the 80s were RIGHT! :p


To me the issue is Disney's absurd insistence on live action remakes of all their animated movies.
Those remakes are going to keep coming. That Lion King one, a film where the universal opinion seemed to be "yeh, the original is clearly better. This one seems kinda pointless", made $1.663 billion.


Gold Member
I do get where Dinklage is coming from and I don't consider his stance woke at all. Kids with dwarfism and even adults would likely have one of the toughest types of life. From genuine health issues to constant mockery. Not some imaginary gender identification for victimhood seekers

I dont know if they name magical dwarves after the real condition or the other way around but it seems like such an unneeded mockery that results in real life traumas
Why choose the Snow White story, then? Disney got the money and talent to make literally every film imaginable. If you can’ make it what it is and always has been, don’t. But as usual, these people want to eat their cake and have it too. It’ll be called “Snow White” so people recognize the name and want to see it, except it’ll be a very different thing and good money goes on that Snow not being white in the slightest.

If you think your story is problematic, you film another story. You don’t make the story something very different and call it the same.

“we are taking a different approach with these seven characters and have been consulting with members of the dwarfism community”
Reee mods seeing this: “Oh shit, we forgot to have a dwarf summit!”
Sounds like he's got a short temper, a little humility goes a long way when faced with something so low down on the short list, its dwarfed by much larger problems in society today so there's no need for him to get up such a height about it. Quite small minded of him really.


Gosh! :messenger_neutral: Ray Bradbury was right all along. :messenger_hushed: I'm reading his Illustrated Man, which continues foretelling the collapse of humanity, burning of books / and the ban on characters. :messenger_expressionless: In Martian Chronicles, it does the same. In Fahrenheit 451, we know already what it is about. I have all three books, new editions.

Disney is driven by some really demented people nowadays and from now on, who manage to reach such job positions. :messenger_unamused: I blaming only those people who accept these decisions; to be clear. Not everyone there who has a job, is or has to be thrown into the same pit with the others.

disgusted triple h GIF by WWE


I'm cool replacing dwarves with midgets. No axes, no mines, no beards, just crippling skeletal deformation.

And now I can announce that Borderlands 2 DLC is death now ... :messenger_grinning: (Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep)
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I don't really get the issue he has with the movie.
They aren't really ridiculed or made fun of, specially if it's a more grounded life action version. They are miners, own a house, are ultimately welcoming and helpful to Snow White and even the comedy is mostly derived from them being defined by a single trait (Sleepy, Grumpy, etc) and not their height or proportions.

Besides, aren't they supposed to be the more mythological type of Dwarves? You know like:


From a certain perspective he is right, you can't make a film which want to be modern with the same old dwarfs who are the funny part of the story.
But unless Dinklage has already read the script, we can really know how dwarfs are portraited in the movie, considering we are in a world post GOT where a midget can portrait a serious role and you can't tell the same story over and over.


Gold Member
It's been a while since I've read the "original" snow white story, but Disney probably added most of the dwarven bits people think of when they hear "Snow White" like their names and associated characteristics. The other elements (mirror, huntsman, poisoned apple) I believe are from the old story and are in the public domain. So if Disney does a new version that strips away their specific copywrited traits it's really no different than when Universal did "Snow White and the Huntsman" a few years back. Are they just going to be a multi-cultural multi-gendered band of forest people? Straight up fae or somesuch?

Maybe Disney should adapt fairy tales from other cultures instead of butchering the european ones that made them so famous. How long until Moana, Coco, Encanto, or Mulan are considered cultural appropriation full of problematic stereotypical representation?

What are they gonna do with that HUGE RIDE at WDW with those problematic dwarves?

Hi-HOOOOOO, I'm literally shaking right now :p

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