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In Today's "Our Society is FUCKING RETARDED" news, Disney is remaking Snow White without the Dwarves

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To me the issue is Disney's absurd insistence on live action remakes of all their animated movies.

Live action Snow White is not something that needed to happen. Like seriously you're gonna cast 7 midgets whose qualifying characteristic for the role is that they're a midget? And you thought that'd go well, especially in today's society?

Sure, do it without the dwarves lol let's see how that goes.
They do make like a billion dollars each though so I do kind of get it. I think they have all sucked though, all of them


Parody of actual AJUMP23
It's been a while since I've read the "original" snow white story, but Disney probably added most of the dwarven bits people think of when they hear "Snow White" like their names and associated characteristics. The other elements (mirror, huntsman, poisoned apple) I believe are from the old story and are in the public domain. So if Disney does a new version that strips away their specific copywrited traits it's really no different than when Universal did "Snow White and the Huntsman" a few years back. Are they just going to be a multi-cultural multi-gendered band of forest people? Straight up fae or somesuch?

Maybe Disney should adapt fairy tales from other cultures instead of butchering the european ones that made them so famous. How long until Moana, Coco, Encanto, or Mulan are considered cultural appropriation full of problematic stereotypical representation?

What are they gonna do with that HUGE RIDE at WDW with those problematic dwarves?

Hi-HOOOOOO, I'm literally shaking right now :p

Good ride
Why choose the Snow White story, then? Disney got the money and talent to make literally every film imaginable. If you can’ make it what it is and always has been, don’t. But as usual, these people want to eat their cake and have it too. It’ll be called “Snow White” so people recognize the name and want to see it, except it’ll be a very different thing and good money goes on that Snow not being white in the slightest.

If you think your story is problematic, you film another story. You don’t make the story something very different and call it the same.
This is exactly it, 100%. Spot on.

The current cultural movement is that all stories should be told with modern sensitivities. Which may be reasonable. But then, instead of trying to come up with NEW stories, they just take well established stories with name/brand recognition, and force-mold it to fit modern sensitivities.

That's a lose-lose approach. On the one hand, you're (not always, but often) lowering the quality of the original source material. On the other hand, you're sending a message that modern artists can't come up with good stories catered to modern audiences with modern sensitivities.

This is why I applaud something like Disney's Encanto. It's... Its own story (as far as I know). It's not "let's take an existing story and just give it a Latino coat of paint." Being its own story should be celebrated.

And even though I know he wasn't designed today, it's a similar concept with Black Panther. It wasn't "let's take a preexisting superhero and make him black." No, Black Panther has his own original story, original world, original characters. And it 100% deserves every bit of success it has gotten so far.

So, creators: stop taking preexisting stories and engaging in this lose-lose business. Yes, celebrate modern life, with all its variety and richness. But use your imagination to come up with NEW stories. If they are good, you'll be rewarded for it.


Am I the only one who doesn't really give a shit? I mean, other than to reply to this thread to tell people I don't give a shit? 🙈
For f*cks sake, Dwarves are their own race. They are not "small humans" so this makes no frikkin' sense!
I never even considered the Dwarves as a parodical take on people of short stature.

Also, here's the original introduction to Snow White:
Es war einmal eine schöne Königstochter, die hatte eine Haut so weiss wie Schnee, Lippen so rot wie Blut und Haare so schwarz wie Ebenholz. Deshalb wurde sie Schneewittchen genannt.

She is literally described as having pale skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and black hair as dark as ebony. It's the whole point why she's even cursed by the queen in the first place.
It's part of German folklore. I'm so sick of this crap, kindly piss off Disney and screw Hollywood for perverting every cultural heritage it can lay its greedy hands on.
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Whatever about the dwarves, I don't get the point of casting a Latina to play Snow White. The whole point of Snow White is that she was so pale and beautiful that the evil Queen was jealous. If you're not cool with paleness as a beauty privilege - what the feck are you doing remaking Snow White? Like, literally go remake anything else. Doesn't casting a darker skinned Latina in the role only call more attention to the fact that the main character is quite literally defined by her beautiful fair skin?

I say this as someone who could not give two shits about Snow White or who they cast - it just seems so backwards, so against their own diversity goal.


Guess no more dwarf character builds in RPGs. It's OK, I never liked them anyway(the builds not the dwarfs).


Gold Member
When do you think porn will go woke? Diversity hiring for BBC porn will be fun. Casting white dudes with small pps for those, its only fair.
Porn, like sports, is about performance. Woke doesn't apply, just the results on the field (in the bed). See anyone complaining that NBA teams are not diverse enough?

Though I could see some ill-fated movement to mix transgender stuff in with cis actors "since they are all girls" or whatnot (this may already be the case, I don't watch porn, allegedly) but I suspect it will be a half-cocked attempt prematurely launched :p


Without Snow White as well...



The closest we'll get is proly her being cursed to be in white-face and through the course of the movie she discovers the Latinx inside.
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Gold Member
Eh, I'm less concerned about the ethnicity of the actress than I am about why even use "Snow White" if core concepts of the story will be altered. Will there stil be a wicked stepmom? Is the crux of the conflict their looks (I gotta think not). Does the stepmom assault Snow white? Is a prince the one that breaks the curse (I don't recall if this is specifically the case with the grimm version) or is she "strong gurlz good, don't need no help" [which in and of itself is an odd application of the 'male stoicism is bad' argument] and does it all herself?

This version at least has the prince shaking White's coffin and dislodging the apple, curing her. Seems pretty clear though that she has 3 relevant physical traits and is HOT AS FUCK. Should have been an easy casting call TBH.

Can't wait to see the next version of the Illiad that had Agamemnon going to war for a hag.


advanced basic bitch
Isn't the new little mermaid also black or Latina as well? I'm disappointed in Disney's creativity in their silly race swapping. Why not have snow white beplayed by a Chinese woman? Hell, why not a Native American? They don't get nearly enough roles.
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