IndieGameStand now has a permanent store as opposed to just 96 hour PWYW games. I can't seem to find any information about whether or not they'll provide Steam keys on an ongoing basis for any games sold.
I'm officially at the point where I can't keep track of the games I actually own.
- Humble Bundle will list all the games you own, but to get the Steam keys you need to look up which bundle a given game was in and click through
- Indie Royale does not list all the games you own, so you need to click through all of your bundle purchases to see what's there. It will auto-add the Desura games, which are most of them, to your Desura account... but that's not all of the games offered and you can't get from the Desura games back to your Steam keys. Also, the bundle names appear in images rather than text, so you can't CTRL+F to see if you bought a given bundle.
- Indie Gala relies on you remembering your key address rather than signing in, and you have to click through on a per-bundle basis
- Groupees at least lets you view every bundle you've purchased on the SAME page, but you have to separately click to see the contents of each bundle, but at least it's inline
- IGS has a proper purchases page! Yay!