Okay, here is the one thing that is I'm kind of having a hard time sympathizing with in this situation but I will definitely be open to someone giving me a good explanation for it. I honestly don't see the specific problem in this very specific case of the Destructoid guy outing the transgendered girl.
Believe me, I fully and completely understand and appreciate the respect that should be given to not intentionally divulging someone elses' information that they are not ready to divulge themselves. But I feel that way about ANY information, be it something as large as them being transgendered, gay, an athiest, have cancer, or something as small as they had a nose job and don't want anyone to know. In fact, my general view on life is let anyone do/be/say whatever they wish as long as they aren't impeding or harming another person, or taking away the same right from someone else. There should be a general respect level between human beings to not divulge others' personal information simply because they have access to it. However, I also believe that respect is a two way street, and I don't see why one would have to jump through hoops and deal with obstacles to avoid mentioning a truth to protect someone that did not show them very much respect at all.
However, in this very specific case (and correct me if I get any of the general story wrong or I'm giving this guy too much credit), it seems as though the Destructoid guy made a strong effort to help and support someone who he believed he should support. That reasoning turned out to be a lie, and I'll give that person the benefit of the doubt and consider it a very ill conceived mistake rather than a criminal deceit, and he still tried to help and support. However, that is a very disrespectful thing to do to other people. Even more disrespectful is forcing people into precarious situations by threatening to commit suicide. So at a certain point this guy wants to explain this kind of crazy situation, of which the fact that this person is transgendered is not only a critical point, it is the entirety of the story. The entire situation exists solely because of the transgender issue. So at this point I don't understand why the guy is being taken to task for this "outing" as if he somehow still needs to give an amount of respect to a person who gave no respect to him. It makes me feel as though this transgender issue is somehow more important and deserves more attention and respect than any other human interaction.
It may be a sort of mean spirited belief system, but I believe people shouldn't care about things (meaning, "It is fine by me that you are gay, straight, race ABC, religion XYZ, etc") but I don't believe people need to specifically care about whatever your specific issue is when it means they have to dance around topics to explain themselves.
I don't know, maybe I just wasted a lot of time writing nonsense, but I'm really open to hearing what I may be overlooking. As it stands now, I simply don't see why this person has to go out of their way to respect a person's private information (I specifically say that in a general fashion because I think its unfair to prop up "transgender" as somehow being more important than anything else that this falls under that category) when they are trying to explain a complex and difficult situation that involved them and involves a person that asked for charity under false pretenses and threatened suicide.