Abandoned Classic Construct, back to XNA.
It's like a hurdles marathon for me, but after reading about Construct problem to "work" when there is too much content from the same man (Konjak) which suggestion inspired me to use Construct I felt a bit worried.
I'm lucky I've found some good PHP lessons about OOP (the wall I've stumbled into with XNA before) and now I can say I have a bit more of confidence, especially after working a bit with PHP/OOP. Started code (again) from scratch and just played with my own bitmap fonts converted to spritefonts, scaling them and "rendering" them pixel perfect (really, it's nothing to party for). I've got ready a few tens of sprites (player/enemies/bullets/etc) but no backgrounds yet. :/
I hope to show something in the summer (my main work spends a lot of my "energy" blablabla...), I'm even considering to purchase a laptop just to go on during summer holidays (any suggestion? cheap but decently powerful for its work, with a medium / screen size preferably not TN aaand I live in Italy/Europe).
By the way, important thing I MUST report: Construct is not that bad. It's useful for small prototyping and helped me to better understand game programming.
On side notes, I've decided to make my game music (dat one man project) with the excellent Sunvox. I was pretty experienced with trackers back in Amiga days, and playing a bit with Sunvox gives me nice results.
So far, I'm using:
- Code: Visual Express Studio + XNA framework
- Gfx: ASEprite (mostly), Photoshop (minor stuff)
- Sfx: Sunvox (music), Bfxr (old style fx), ReNoise (music and fx), Audacity (samples editing), KoyoteSoft Free Converter (samples/music converting)
- Text: Notepad++ (mostly notes)
And I'm going to use:
- DTP: Illustrator (PDF manual)
Since I random work at anything (...) I've started prototyping tha manual cover to resemble Atari VCS games cover (I do really love them), even if the game is mostly a tribute to PC Engine shmups (Gunhed in primis)... please don't get angry at this discrepancy!