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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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Hi everyone,

I will start following as many of you as I can, I myself am not a developer. I am a youtuber who does Indie Impressions daily and I am about to expand to a full fledged website called www.Indiespotted.com

This website will be devoted towards the indie games. At the start it will mainly be computer and Ouya based indies, yet I will be expanding in due time. With my website I wish to support all of you to get the word about your game out there. Weither you are a new developer company or you are all alone in your project. Each and everyone of you work hard and deserve to be known.

How will my website help all of you? My video impressions will be on the website, together with articles that you may provide me about your game. I will also do specials towards interesting looking concepts, crowdfunding campaings and I will give developers to put their crowdfunding campaign on the website either by article or the actual Kickstarter/IndieGoGo widget.

I will be sharing more information soon, as of now feel free to follow me @Indiespotted or @EaglEyeLoco (my own account).


Neo Member

Trailer is coming next week...


My twitter handle is https://twitter.com/audinowho, although I barely use it for anything. I'm typically not a very social person, but I keep hearing time and again how that's a bad trait to have. I guess I should start breaking out of that and be a little more open to the public when I'm actually working on something, eh?


Screenshot Saturday!

This'll be the first time I've shown anything from my still-unnamed game. Honestly, it doesn't show very well in stills. I tried to do some stuff with GifCam, but no matter what I tried, it came out stuttering or too fast. Anyways, it's a Geometry Wars style top-down shooter where you build your ship. There's going to be a strong influence from Crimsonland in the campaign mode as well.

Swarm Mode: Normal looking ship, shooting stuff

Ship Editor: Lets make a stupid ship!

More Swarm: Stupid ship in action!

If you actually look at my Twitter, I don't think I ever use it other than to promote games and post about what I eat. Apparently, I really used to like Panda Express...


hi Snarge,

Quite funny, I am just making a similar game now, not like geometry wars, but you can add enemy modules into your ship and things like that, similar idea

I will post some screenshots soon since I have almost finished it


I had seen your original screenshot from a while back and did a spit take, heh. I can see a lot of differences, but also the similarities. From the screen you posted, I believe you are also placing some type of accelerators on the ship as well, to affect movement? There was a brief moment where we toyed around with that idea as well, but I felt it would make ours a little too sim, and not enough arcade. Yours looks great though, can't wait to see the full thing in action.


I'm playing whatever you're making :D ...
xD I think you may like it since you may have a similar preference going by
your latest game Chopper Mike. Anyhow, didn't you said you want to make
another one? How are things?

In other news, I'm gearing up for Ludum Dare, gonna do the Jam...

This may be the "art style"...

Looks cool somehow. I actually like the simplicity and the way it is presented.
Hints a funny game. But could wrong. ;)

It will be interesting to see how this turns out. Are you doing everything yourself?
In which terms? Technically am doing everything myself, have to, but who knows
what happens further down the road? I could need a graphics and sound/effects
programmer, and an artist as well. But that's too much to ask for given the
state of the project. Basically, the core component, which will be the custom
build physics engine, needs to be ready before considering any such steps.
Once the physics engine is ready to go I will be able to make a demo showing
the game's mechanics (rules) and parts of its gameplay (how you can play the
game) demonstrating the game's razor's edge character. ;)


Wow, you guys are all doing amazing stuff!
I can't do anything right now because I'm swamped with exams, I can't even partecipate in Ludum Dare...I usually do it every time! :(

Here's my twitter too if anybody cares https://twitter.com/Berareu

I usually only tweet about my gamedev stuff / jam games, like this one I made for GBJAM, No Brakes!
Still can't show any proper game related shots yet, so here's another engine test one.



Using the Sponza scene in a CryEngine tech demo, copied over to deferred Source Engine to use as reference for possible real time radiosity implementation in the future.

For anyone interested. We're using the Alien Swarm branch of the Source Engine, which is why deferred lighting is possible. The code was provided to the community by a programmer called BioHazard,


who also made the source shader editor tool. We merely took that code and built upon it will many new shaders (Bokeh DOF, HBAO, custom HDR bloom, Sun rays, screen effects etc) & engine enhancements.

it means that we're able to have 100% dynamic light sources, all with real time shadows & volumetrics. It's pretty incredible since it doesn't even look like the Source Engine anymore. We're currently optimizing the shadow perf code to run on more modest hardware, since this is still a DX9 engine (which may change once we get a licence). I'm also very surprised hardly any other mods/indie teams fluent in Source modding haven't taken greater advantage of this yet.


So I've got some cool stuff for today that may be of interest to a number of you! I've been searching for a while for a site that hosts videos at 60 FPS. With the speed of Air Dash Online, I felt it was important that the video playback reflect the game's actual fluidity. By some dumb luck I stumbled upon CreatorsCast today.

See the results here at 60 FPS!

And while I'm at it, here's an animated gif of one clip:


Anyways, if you would like to support the site, they are running an Indiegogo campaign to help pay for server costs as they grow (I kicked them $10).


The Everyman
So I've got some cool stuff for today that may be of interest to a number of you! I've been searching for a while for a site that hosts videos at 60 FPS. With the speed of Air Dash Online, I felt it was important that the video playback reflect the game's actual fluidity. By some dumb luck I stumbled upon CreatorsCast today.

See the results here at 60 FPS!

And while I'm at it, here's an animated gif of one clip:


Anyways, if you would like to support the site, they are running an Indiegogo campaign to help pay for server costs as they grow (I kicked them $10).

looking good ma man. looks like you guys are doin' what nintendon't

edit: and those rocks are sexy.


y'all should be ashamed
I started work on my new game this week. I put CONFIDENTIAL on a concept art piece and it made me feel like such a big shot! I recommend everyone do this to their art sheets. Feels awesome.


Been working all weekend on my first game that I AM going to finish. I've made things in the past, but never finished anything substantial. I figured that Ludum Dare was a good excuse to get something done.

Anyway, my current game is a text-based fight scene with music and illustrations. Going well so far!


So I've got some cool stuff for today that may be of interest to a number of you! I've been searching for a while for a site that hosts videos at 60 FPS. With the speed of Air Dash Online, I felt it was important that the video playback reflect the game's actual fluidity. By some dumb luck I stumbled upon CreatorsCast today.

See the results here at 60 FPS!

And while I'm at it, here's an animated gif of one clip:


Anyways, if you would like to support the site, they are running an Indiegogo campaign to help pay for server costs as they grow (I kicked them $10).

Oh thank you thank you! I've been looking for ages for a 60fps video site, we've tuned the hell out of Cactus so it runs at 60fps even on a hd4000 GPU (because hey, that's how oldschool sega blue sky's games were played!) and only being able to use gifs to show that motion was driving me nuts.

Things have been kind of blowing up in our development lately, PS4/Vita versions got announced at Gamescom and I highly recommend people talk to Sony if you are serious about console development as they are fantastic. We're locking down details of a PC demo & alpha sales next week so it's still go go go for us, and I guess it's going to stay that way until the game is finished. I posted this gif in a few other threads but I guess it still works for Screenshot Saturday - 4 player on a level with dynamic light changes where the enemies come at you from every angle.

If twitter stuff is still being collated ours is @AndroidCactus
I've decided to use Unity + Playmaker for my thesis MFA project and was wondering what is another place for good assets besides the asset store?

Last I remember it was the Unity forums.
I had seen your original screenshot from a while back and did a spit take, heh. I can see a lot of differences, but also the similarities. From the screen you posted, I believe you are also placing some type of accelerators on the ship as well, to affect movement? There was a brief moment where we toyed around with that idea as well, but I felt it would make ours a little too sim, and not enough arcade. Yours looks great though, can't wait to see the full thing in action.

well I had little bit different ideas at the beginning, I wanted to make something like FTL but able to command your ship more like a simulator. So, because I turned this project into a summer challenge and to make it in around 2 weeks, which is actually due by now, I ended up doing it more like a mix of arcade and sim. So, for this game, I have different modules you can attach to your ship, like your game I think, but all of them have different function and energy requirements and well as upgrades,etc... little bit of simulation, power distribution and arcade playing... will post some videos as soon as I finish the UI and help screens, since most of it is already finished, I am at 90% of it now, and need to add the sound at the end.

about movement, it all depends on your thrusters locations, so if some are destroyed it may get difficult to maneuver, also have inertia negators and some other stuff like shield modules, extra storage for parts, repair modules, energy generators,etc... I wish I had more time to add more modules, but with around 20 different ones I had too much to implement in just 2 weeks.


well I had little bit different ideas at the beginning, I wanted to make something like FTL but able to command your ship more like a simulator. So, because I turned this project into a summer challenge and to make it in around 2 weeks, which is actually due by now, I ended up doing it more like a mix of arcade and sim. So, for this game, I have different modules you can attach to your ship, like your game I think, but all of them have different function and energy requirements and well as upgrades,etc... little bit of simulation, power distribution and arcade playing... will post some videos as soon as I finish the UI and help screens, since most of it is already finished, I am at 90% of it now, and need to add the sound at the end.

about movement, it all depends on your thrusters locations, so if some are destroyed it may get difficult to maneuver, also have inertia negators and some other stuff like shield modules, extra storage for parts, repair modules, energy generators,etc... I wish I had more time to add more modules, but with around 20 different ones I had too much to implement in just 2 weeks.

Yeah, that's how I guessed it would work with the thrusters, which I think is really cool. Energy generators sounds really cool too. Only things I have for construction right now is basically a shape-body and guns. I probably will be adding a non-visual thing called "mods" later, which would be like the perks system from crimsonland.

That's an impressive turn around for the game too, in that time frame. Mine will be releasing much, much later and has taken a while already. We're just getting some artists on board now, and even that is not a sure thing.


Mine is @julian_imp. I haven't been using it in a while since I put Quark Storm on the sidelines and I don't have many followers, but I'd gladly help spread the word about other GAFfer's indie games.

I'll probably be posting stuff there once my team's project is further along.


wow....this is super impressive. Love those animations. Are you going at this full time?

Sorry, haven't been following as much...did you say at some point you were working on a typing of the dead style oculus rift game? That sounded incredible.
Yup! Full-time.

I made a Typing of the Dead Oculus Rift game in a 24-hour programming competition, like...three or four months ago. It was finished, for the most part. The link is somewhere buried in the Oculus thread...I can't pull it up right now, I'm on mobile. = P

The animations look nice. For some reason the top 13 or so YouTube suggestions on the side are My Little Pony though. I really don't get the connection. =P
I, uh...think that's you, bro. >.>


I, uh...think that's you, bro. >.>
I'd be curious if anyone else sees them then, since I hardly ever watched MLP or even MLP-related stuff on YouTube, and different videos give suggestions that are totally unrelated. Only the There Came an Echo has that, on two different web browsers without a youtube/google account logged in.
Anyone going to Indiecade in October? I'm seriously thinking about it, if not just to mingle... and see the Avellone/Wilson panel. Which I'm sure will be awkward as hell.

I also suggested once that us indie gaffers could follow each other on twitter, help retweet release info etc.

I'll get in on this when we release. :p


I'll hop on the twitter train as well, just made a new one. Actually, I'm full force marketing mode right now.


New logo, youtube channel, website, twitter, amd new teaser trailer:


Oh and my game has a name now, Instance. Feels good to finally show progress, and getting somewhere. I'll be bringing a build to Unite if anyone is going.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
I don't know if anyone else was doing it, but I just put together a simple spreadsheet for our twitter accounts. Tell me if there are any mistakes.


So if you want to, you can follow other gaffers, or you can check there if you see someone follow you and you don't know who they are. I'm following a few on there now, and I'll follow the others when I get around to it.

Doh, I was last post on the last page. Quoted for new page.
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