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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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If he has programming knowledge Unity would be better. Just set the camera to ortho, some 2d controls and collision(he can use the physics engine that comes with unity) and he's good to go in regards to prototyping.

I agree, but I read the post as him not having that much programming experience nor the desire to learn complicated things, and a good part of what makes Unity interesting is being able to code your own shaders, editor extensions and other stuff like that.

For finding teammates for game development, so far I've had quite a bit of luck with this thread, finding an amazing artist and a composer I'm currently working with. Perhaps we could start a special thread for that, or add a list of developers looking for teammates in the indie dev contact guide thread that was made recently?


I agree, but I read the post as him not having that much programming experience nor the desire to learn complicated things, and a good part of what makes Unity interesting is being able to code your own shaders, editor extensions and other stuff like that.

For what it's worth, Game Maker has recently introduced the ability to code your own shaders to its functionality, using either HLSL or GLSL.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
Hmm, does anyone here have any experience with Box2D? After realizing that the last time I tried to roll my own physics, I was likely wasting a lot of cycles (aka time), I spent some time getting Box2D included and compiling into my engine. For the most part, it's working. The game starts and the sprites on-screen succumb to gravity and fall. The problem I'm encountering is the ground I defined -- following a tutorial I found online -- doesn't seem to be positioned right. Both of the sprites fall just far enough that they're mostly off-screen. All I see is the top of them.

If I had to venture a guess, I suspect maybe it has to do with the position of Box2D's bodyDef components versus the positioning of sprites in my engine. All of my rendering is treating the top left corner of the window as 0,0 and the bottom right as 640,480. The sprites themselves use the top left corner for placement.

Since I know code is infinitely more useful than words, this is the code for the creation of my Box2D "World".

    // This is defined elsewhere (in another header file)
    const GLuint BOX2D_PTM_RATIO = 32;

    // Define the gravity vector
    b2Vec2 b2Gravity;
    b2Gravity.Set(0.0f, 10.0f);
    // Let bodies sleep, speeds up Box2D's simulation
    bool b2Sleep = true;
    // Construct the "game world" (aka Box2D's little bubble), this will contain all of the physics-affected objects
    pWorld = new b2World(b2Gravity, b2Sleep);
    // Toggle CCD (constant collision detection) on to help avoid tunneling
    // Define the ground "body"
    b2BodyDef groundBodyDef;
    groundBodyDef.position.Set(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT/BOX2D_PTM_RATIO);
    // Call the body factory which allocates memory for the ground body
    // from a pool and creates the ground box shape (also from a pool).
    // The body is also added to the world.
    b2Body *groundBody = pWorld->CreateBody(&groundBodyDef);
    // Define the ground box shape
    b2PolygonShape groundBox;

    // Bottom
    groundBody->CreateFixture(&groundBox, 0);
    // Top
    groundBox.SetAsEdge(b2Vec2(0,0), b2Vec2(SCREEN_WIDTH/BOX2D_PTM_RATIO, 0));
    groundBody->CreateFixture(&groundBox, 0);
    // Left
    groundBox.SetAsEdge(b2Vec2(0,0), b2Vec2(0,SCREEN_HEIGHT/BOX2D_PTM_RATIO));
    groundBody->CreateFixture(&groundBox, 0);
    // Right
    groundBody->CreateFixture(&groundBox, 0);

This is when a sprite is added to the World.

    // Define a new dynamic body
    b2BodyDef bodyDef;
    // Set its type explicitly
    bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;

    // Calculate the starting position of the GameObject (based on Pixel-To-Meter ratio)
    GLfloat startX = (position->GetCoords().x) / BOX2D_PTM_RATIO;
    GLfloat startY = (position->GetCoords().y) / BOX2D_PTM_RATIO;
    // Attach the Box2DComponent to the dynamic body
    bodyDef.position.Set(startX, startY);
    bodyDef.userData = position;
    // Add to Box2D's world
    b2Body *body = pWorld->CreateBody(&bodyDef);
    // Define another box shape for our dynamic body.
    b2PolygonShape dynamicBox;
    dynamicBox.SetAsBox(0.5f, 0.5f);//These are mid points for our 1m box
    // Define the dynamic body fixture.
    b2FixtureDef fixtureDef;
    fixtureDef.shape = &dynamicBox;
    fixtureDef.density = 1.0f;
    fixtureDef.friction = 0.3f;

And this is the code that runs in the Step() function of my game loop.

    pWorld->Step(dt, 8, 1);
    for (b2Body *b=pWorld->GetBodyList(); b; b=b->GetNext())
        if (b->GetUserData() != NULL)
            PositionComponent *position = (PositionComponent *)b->GetUserData();

            position->SetCoords(b->GetPosition().x * BOX2D_PTM_RATIO, b->GetPosition().y * BOX2D_PTM_RATIO, position->GetCoords().z);


Does anything jump out as being wrong? I was toiling over it for a few hours last night and couldn't come up with a fix. :(

Is the box smaller than the sprite that you've attached to it?


Just a reminder the Beginning Game Programming with C# course starts today on Coursera, teaches C# and Xna if anyone's interested.

Starting it myself :)


Well, I guess I'll ask my first question here :)

Does anyone know how to create a more evenly-distributed color separation effect in Unity? The Vignetting effect in Unity Pro has a chromatic abberation (color separation) slider, but it does it in a weird way. The color separation only happens on the edges, and doesn't happen at all in the middle of the screen, almost like a fisheye version of it. Does anyone have any tips as to how I can make color separation in Unity that's evenly distributed across the screen?


This is brilliant, truly impressive. I love how both the character and the animation look clean but solid at the same time. Really 'satisfying' for the eye.

I'm planning to do the same thing with my game, even if the whole process seems a proper time consuming task (I mean, even the idle animation I tried to put together - which looks embarrassingly jerky compared to your result - took me some serious time in order to be done in PS-only).

If I can ask, do you have any tip/suggestion in order to optimise time and resources? I'd love to see how you work on the single frames from start to finish.

That said, congratulations again, excellent job.

thanks. :) I hate to tell you this but there's no fast and easy way to do good animation, an idle animation might take me hours as well.

I'm also a bad person to ask about managing time and resources, I'm very disorganized, very ADD, very scatterbrained, I get things done through tinkering and willpower...

Long and short of it is.. If you want to do artwork, and particularly animation, and do it with detail and skill, unless you're the select few truly gifted people out there, prepare to sink a lot of time into it!


My Wii U dev kit came today. after some initial set up, got my tower defense game running on the gamepad. I need to redo my rendering, as right now I have it to stretch down the TV view to the gamepad, which is resulting in obviously bad quality (hard to see in image though) as well as incorrect click position data. But that won't take too long to correct.


Got a lot of fun work ahead of me!


good suggestions, I'm looking at the glue gun stuff but I'm a little concerned about the implications this could have for the map design as a whole. it feels like it'd be more central to the game.

I'm sure Vanillaware's techniques and technology are far beyond anything I do. What I do is all in photoshop, I'll figure out the poses and movements by traditional means and/or manipulating body segments, and then retouch over them to make it all look good. Sometimes I'll rough out an animation idea and then build up the detailed body parts piece by piece like I'm building up a structure. So, I imagine it's the same basic idea at play as what VW does, but much less sophisticated.

This is my old run animation from the old game.. It's a bit lower res because I only ever expected the character to be rather small on screen. As such it's a little messy looking because the small size hid any warts.


What I'm working on doing now is fixing up the pose and proportions a bit (not quite happy with them), longer, better looking cloth, blowing it up to a higher res and retouching it, and generally rebuilding the same animations but doing it better and adding new ones as well, such as connective transition animations. Also, the aforementioned "left-right consistency" (as opposed to flipping the sprite left and right).

The original animations, as seen above, while they took a lot of effort, were always done with a certain "well, I'll let that slide" type of laziness because it was "just" a flash game. The approach is a bit more thorough now. It's a big job, and it'll take me a while, but I think the end result will be worth it. A good visually compelling main character is essential to this type of game especially if you want to stand out.

Hey Jobbs, I sent you a message on Kickstarter. I'm in talks with other devs at the moment, but my offer still stands. Let me know if you'd like to work together, -Nick
what I'm working on... I'm not good at making solid gameplay but I'm getting the core of the game to work...

Main Game style (partial screen grab)

Test Portrait for dialogue scenes (illustrator + Spriter)


so far I have the basic functions working and I have yet to impliment the dialogue scenes (as well as most things) but ti's getting there... it's 50% placeholders and 50% not. The GIF can't capture the speed it runs at though.

I want to get better at animating the faces too, but for now it's getting things working to modify later.


what I'm working on... I'm not good at making solid gameplay but I'm getting the core of the game to work...

so far I have the basic functions working and I have yet to impliment the dialogue scenes (as well as most things) but ti's getting there... it's 50% placeholders and 50% not. The GIF can't capture the speed it runs at though.

I want to get better at animating the faces too, but for now it's getting things working to modify later.

Cool use of vector graphics!


Is the box smaller than the sprite that you've attached to it?
I don't think so, but I'm not sure either. It's tough to see what it's doing and where the bounding boxes are when I can't get the debugDraw class I extended to work at run-time. The more I messed with it (Box2D), the more I felt like maybe it's using a bazooka to kill a mosquito. The game I'm trying to make isn't really something that would directly benefit in any way from sophisticated physics. I was hoping it'd just be a quick and dirty solution rather than spending the time authoring my own collision detection; boy oh boy have I been proven wrong, three days in.

I think I'm gonna shelve shoehorning Box2D in for now and revisit rolling my own. Lord knows there's hundreds of tutes out there for 2D collision detection. Surely I can track down one that makes enough sense to me.


Well that was an unexpected surprise in my email; heard back from Nintendo regarding my interest in becoming a licensed developer. They want a phone number and a time to set up the call.

Should I be nervous? 'Cuz TBH, I kind of am.


Well that was an unexpected surprise in my email; heard back from Nintendo regarding my interest in becoming a licensed developer. They want a phone number and a time to set up the call.

Should I be nervous? 'Cuz TBH, I kind of am.

No need to be. They will call and ask literally a few questions then you'll be good to go.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
I don't think so, but I'm not sure either. It's tough to see what it's doing and where the bounding boxes are when I can't get the debugDraw class I extended to work at run-time. The more I messed with it (Box2D), the more I felt like maybe it's using a bazooka to kill a mosquito. The game I'm trying to make isn't really something that would directly benefit in any way from sophisticated physics. I was hoping it'd just be a quick and dirty solution rather than spending the time authoring my own collision detection; boy oh boy have I been proven wrong, three days in.

I think I'm gonna shelve shoehorning Box2D in for now and revisit rolling my own. Lord knows there's hundreds of tutes out there for 2D collision detection. Surely I can track down one that makes enough sense to me.

There's also a nice bit of software for visually setting up box2d scenes called Rube. You might want to have a go at the trial version



I don't think so, but I'm not sure either. It's tough to see what it's doing and where the bounding boxes are when I can't get the debugDraw class I extended to work at run-time. The more I messed with it (Box2D), the more I felt like maybe it's using a bazooka to kill a mosquito. The game I'm trying to make isn't really something that would directly benefit in any way from sophisticated physics. I was hoping it'd just be a quick and dirty solution rather than spending the time authoring my own collision detection; boy oh boy have I been proven wrong, three days in.

I think I'm gonna shelve shoehorning Box2D in for now and revisit rolling my own. Lord knows there's hundreds of tutes out there for 2D collision detection. Surely I can track down one that makes enough sense to me.

Box2d can be great if you are going to be doing a whole lot more than just super mario bros 1 stuff. Start a list of things you want to do in regards to any type of movement or collision in your game and write down briefly how you would do it. Then think about whether or not you should use b2d.


Hi guys,

I have my phone interview with Nintendo coming up at some point, and I have a few questions:

1.) From what i've read online, it's not really an 'interview' so much as they're confirming what you typed on the signup while telling you a bit about the different options they have, NDAs, etc. essentially it's just letting you know the details, as opposed to being another step in the process. Is this accruate?

2.) Most of my professional work has been in traditional web development, so I have little JS game experience. Is the Nintendo Web Framework "black box"-esque in that I could use something like, say, Impact JS or the HTML5 module of GM: Studio with it?

Thanks guys! Feel free to PM me if needed.


My Wii U dev kit came today. after some initial set up, got my tower defense game running on the gamepad. I need to redo my rendering, as right now I have it to stretch down the TV view to the gamepad, which is resulting in obviously bad quality (hard to see in image though) as well as incorrect click position data. But that won't take too long to correct.

Got a lot of fun work ahead of me!

Are you using Unity?


Cool animation Feep, but for a tiny soldier in a large view strategy game, isn't that potentially a big overkill with animations and/or polys? ;) (though it may actually be pretty low-poly and I think you mentioned you were reusing the model)


Cool animation Feep, but for a tiny soldier in a large view strategy game, isn't that potentially a big overkill with animations and/or polys? ;) (though it may actually be pretty low-poly and I think you mentioned you were reusing the model)
Your critique is that it is TOO AWESOME?!

Cutscenes can get pretty close, and animating a hard-surface object like that is pretty simple. ^^


thanks. :) I hate to tell you this but there's no fast and easy way to do good animation, an idle animation might take me hours as well.

I'm also a bad person to ask about managing time and resources, I'm very disorganized, very ADD, very scatterbrained, I get things done through tinkering and willpower...

Long and short of it is.. If you want to do artwork, and particularly animation, and do it with detail and skill, unless you're the select few truly gifted people out there, prepare to sink a lot of time into it!
Well, don't hate it then, because what you wrote is quote heart-warming and encouraging. Not to mention we seem quite similar when it comes to self-management. :D
I'd still love to see some step-by-step of your work tho. Do you have any tumblr/online art-place where I can lurk into?

Talking about animations, this is what I'm doing...

Since I wasn't happy with my first tests, I decided to take some time and study a bit better the main character's anatomy and key-positions. This is just the beginning but you can probably see what I'm trying to achieve here, which is to split her body in different parts, so I can put them back together in various ways and coming up with many different frames.

Also, this piece reveals something big about Kunoichi that I was keeping secret. :p


Is there any particular blog hosting site that is a good idea to use for posting progress on game development? If it makes no difference I'll probably just do a tumblr.


Well that was an unexpected surprise in my email; heard back from Nintendo regarding my interest in becoming a licensed developer. They want a phone number and a time to set up the call.

Should I be nervous? 'Cuz TBH, I kind of am.

Haven't been following you in this thread, so can I ask how you went about doing this? Thanks.



Speaking of Wii U, my game is progressing well. Got a lot done so far. also got the rendering on the gamepad and tv in a nice fashion. Today I started working on possible inputs from the controller buttons.



Speaking of Wii U, my game is progressing well. Got a lot done so far. also got the rendering on the gamepad and tv in a nice fashion. Today I started working on possible inputs from the controller buttons.

Does jQuery work on the Wii U Html5 or is there some additional JS library for Wii U's gamepad touches? I have heard something about that, controller button support or something like that. As I recall, on a desktop JS, one cant use the 360 controller as an input device...

We are now licensed WiiU developers :)

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