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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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Hey guys,
I have been following the posts from this thread for a while and I would like to congrats every indie developer who contributes with his passion to make this community bigger.
On the other hand, now, I have the chance that I was waiting for a long time, to show you our almost finished game, called Chronology, that is currently on Steam Greenlight.
The game it’s about and Old Inventor, who needs to defy the time by manipulating the past and future to fix the present where a mysterious catastrophic event took place.
In the project, my role was as an art director, here you can see the result of my work :

Video link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0GlGYbJH5I

If you would like to find more information regarding the game, like concept art, you can visit the game Steam Greenlight link.
Thanks for reading it and if you have any feedback I would be happy to answer

The visuals are awesome, great work! The time-travel mechanics seem to have good potential as well, I'm keen on trying it out. Upvoted on Greenlight.
Hoping to get some feedback on this screen here, any and all critiques welcomed.

It's an area select screen, you move your meeple there around to select different areas, the gold coin (which I'm currently redoing) indicates there's a quest or someone to talk to in that area.

Much appreciated in advance.


I really like how you did the water and the clouds. Maybe the villages need some work? Or maybe they are already good like that for what you want to show.

Hey guys,
I have been following the posts from this thread for a while and I would like to congrats every indie developer who contributes with his passion to make this community bigger.
On the other hand, now, I have the chance that I was waiting for a long time, to show you our almost finished game, called Chronology, that is currently on Steam Greenlight.
The game it’s about and Old Inventor, who needs to defy the time by manipulating the past and future to fix the present where a mysterious catastrophic event took place.
In the project, my role was as an art director, here you can see the result of my work :



Video link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0GlGYbJH5I

If you would like to find more information regarding the game, like concept art, you can visit the game Steam Greenlight link.
Thanks for reading it and if you have any feedback I would be happy to answer

Looks amazing, just upvoted you on greenlight.
As the art director, may I ask you how much time and people it took to make those fantastic backgrounds and animations?


Hey guys,
I have been following the posts from this thread for a while and I would like to congrats every indie developer who contributes with his passion to make this community bigger.
On the other hand, now, I have the chance that I was waiting for a long time, to show you our almost finished game, called Chronology, that is currently on Steam Greenlight.
The game it’s about and Old Inventor, who needs to defy the time by manipulating the past and future to fix the present where a mysterious catastrophic event took place.
In the project, my role was as an art director, here you can see the result of my work :

Video link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0GlGYbJH5I

If you would like to find more information regarding the game, like concept art, you can visit the game Steam Greenlight link.
Thanks for reading it and if you have any feedback I would be happy to answer

Looks awesome. Good luck, man.
Hey guys!
It's been a little while, but we've just launched a new demo along with our Kickstarter for Olympia Rising. A lot of the feedback we received here was very helpful, and we applied a good chunk of it to our new demo.

Feel free to play it here: http://or.paleozoic.com

And you can check out the Kickstarter here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/paleozoic/olympia-rising

All feedback and support is greatly appreciated!


Hey guys,
I have been following the posts from this thread for a while and I would like to congrats every indie developer who contributes with his passion to make this community bigger.
On the other hand, now, I have the chance that I was waiting for a long time, to show you our almost finished game, called Chronology, that is currently on Steam Greenlight.
The game it’s about and Old Inventor, who needs to defy the time by manipulating the past and future to fix the present where a mysterious catastrophic event took place.
In the project, my role was as an art director, here you can see the result of my work :


If you would like to find more information regarding the game, like concept art, you can visit the game Steam Greenlight link.
Thanks for reading it and if you have any feedback I would be happy to answer

These are awesome projects the both of you have going on--very exciting! Best of luck in your funding and Greenlight campaigns. I will support however I can. :)

I appreciate that you guys had the patience to get a working demo ready before rushing into a Kickstarter; I think that will help people recognize your commitment. You have a very clean and aesthetically inviting layout to your page and pitch. But there was one aspect in particular that gave me mixed vibes, so if I could nag you with my own insight for a bit: Reword your +$50,000 stretch goal. Currently it reads, "Every penny will be spent to make the game as fun, polished, and exciting as possible." That sounds great, but the only thing I could think when reading it was, Why do we have to reach $50K before my contribution matters? I'd like to know and trust that my pledge will be spent in that exact same fashion, regardless of which goal is met. Also, I've never been a believer of vague stretch goals--give me something in specific.

Amazing art direction, truth be told. I also love your time-altering gimmick. Watching through your gameplay demo, something about the movement in regards to overall platforming seems rather clunky, and from what I've seen so far, most traps/puzzles will involve precise timing with time alteration. Having to accurately time actions using funky physics has always been a pet peeve of mine in gaming. That said, perhaps this is purposeful and offers more than I know to your overall concept. I'll keep an eye on this.


Missile, I would guess issues include:

1. Feep doesn't want to do it (and the time to understand, experiment, and implement exceeds the time it would take to work around the issue in the model)
2. Feep's new programmer may not want to do it :p
3. Perhaps most importantly, I am not sure if Unity provides that level of animation/model engine tailoring. Someone was just recently complaining about not being able to tailor a different aspect of Unity. Correct me if I am wrong of course since I don't use Unity much at all.

I'm pretty sure you can do just about anything with Unity. You can get to OpenGL, you can create meshes in code, write the shaders... everything. However, if you're writing your own animation system, you're not really feeling the benefit of a 3rd party engine.

Personally I'd be tempted to live with the limitation and edit the animation or rig. And to be fair to traditional skinning, that was a pretty extreme animation!


So I'm having some difficulties. I'm trying to get my little ship to shoot in the direction the gun is facing, which follows the mouse, but the bullets end up going in the opposite direction. And the rotation is never right on the bullets, it's close, but not perfect :/
So I'm having some difficulties. I'm trying to get my little ship to shoot in the direction the gun is facing, which follows the mouse, but the bullets end up going in the opposite direction. And the rotation is never right on the bullets, it's close, but not perfect :/

In Unity, this particular problem bugged me for ages and ages. When I finally got it, it was certainly a hallelujah moment. In 3D it should be as simple as using Transform.LookAt() in 2D I had to google around a bit for a solution.


IEnumerator ActivateGun()
        activeShots.Add((GameObject)Instantiate(basicBullet, gunPosition.transform.position, Quaternion.identity));
        activeShots[activeShots.Count - 1].transform.rotation = Quaternion.EulerAngles(0, 0, player.transform.rotation.z);

        activeShots[activeShots.Count - 1].rigidbody.AddForce(-bulletDirection * shotSpeed);
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(.033f);

Is there a reason this method doesn't ONLY fire 30fps? It still fires off as fast as possible, I thought this would happen a max of ~30fps because of the yield return WaitForSeconds??


Is there a reason this method doesn't ONLY fire 30fps? It still fires off as fast as possible, I thought this would happen a max of ~30fps because of the yield return WaitForSeconds??
How are you calling this? If my understanding of coroutines are correct... your code is doing this:
IEnumerator ActivateGun()
        // Do stuff 
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(.033f);   // Wait for 0.033f seconds.
        // After 0.033f seconds, do stuff here.... which is nothing.. so the coroutine simply ends.
You're probably calling StartCoroutine(ActivateGun()); on Update? You don't want to call it on every update, just once to kick it off. When you want to activate the gun... call StartCoroutine(ActivateGun());. This will start the coroutine. You want the coroutine to keep doing stuff... so you can do something like...
IEnumerator ActivateGun()
            // Do stuff 
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(.033f);   // Wait for 0.033f seconds.
            // After 0.033f seconds, we come back here, loop, see that GunActivated is still true, then do the shots stuff again.
To stop the gun, set GunActivated to false, and when your coroutine gets run again, the loop will break and it'll stop. (Or use StopCoroutine if you're familiar with that.)

As a side note, I believe Instantiate is a pretty pricey operation, so for stuff like bullets, you want to be using pools. Search up object pools for more info if you don't already know about it. Or drop a line here. =)

Hope that helps.


How are you calling this? If my understanding of coroutines are correct... your code is doing this:
IEnumerator ActivateGun()
        // Do stuff 
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(.033f);   // Wait for 0.033f seconds.
        // After 0.033f seconds, do stuff here.... which is nothing.. so the coroutine simply ends.
You're probably calling StartCoroutine(ActivateGun()); on Update? You don't want to call it on every update, just once to kick it off. When you want to activate the gun... call StartCoroutine(ActivateGun());. This will start the coroutine. You want the coroutine to keep doing stuff... so you can do something like...
IEnumerator ActivateGun()
            // Do stuff 
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(.033f);   // Wait for 0.033f seconds.
            // After 0.033f seconds, we come back here, loop, see that GunActivated is still true, then do the shots stuff again.
To stop the gun, set GunActivated to false, and when your coroutine gets run again, the loop will break and it'll stop. (Or use StopCoroutine if you're familiar with that.)

As a side note, I believe Instantiate is a pretty pricey operation, so for stuff like bullets, you want to be using pools. Search up object pools for more info if you don't already know about it. Or drop a line here. =)

Hope that helps.

Putting the firing logic in a while loop causes it to create even more bullets then before!

Edit: If I set my bool to false after the call in update it slows it down, but seeming still not to 30fps.


If I place the StartCoroutine in the Start() method nothing happens when firing :/ I did change it to the while loop as well.

If I leave the StartCoroutine() in the Update with that while loop change, it fires even more bullets lol.
I probably wouldn't put it in Start. Under what conditions are you calling StartCoroutine in Update? Since it's firing even more bullets now, it sounds like you still calling StartCoroutine on every update, so it's creating a coroutine every frame.
You should only call StartCoroutine on the frame that you want to start firing bullets. For example.. if you want to do it when Fire1 is pressed, you need something like..
void Update()
  if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
Then you'll need code somewhere to stop that coroutine. Maybe in the same update block, you check for GetButtonUp and then stop it. You can PM me if you want a little more help on this.


I probably wouldn't put it in Start. Under what conditions are you calling StartCoroutine in Update? Since it's firing even more bullets now, it sounds like you still calling StartCoroutine on every update, so it's creating a coroutine every frame.
You should only call StartCoroutine on the frame that you want to start firing bullets. For example.. if you want to do it when Fire1 is pressed, you need something like..
void Update()
  if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
Then you'll need code somewhere to stop that coroutine. Maybe in the same update block, you check for GetButtonUp and then stop it. You can PM me if you want a little more help on this.

Yeah, I noticed my mistake by placing it in Start() not long after I did it :)

I figured out the problem though! I just created a currentlyFiring bool that's set true at the coroutine's beginning, and set to false after the yield return. So now it's waiting for the cooldown and not firing a new coroutine every Update() call!


Hmm.. not sure I follow exactly how you have it setup. But you have it working the way you want now? It's firing a bullet every 1/30th of a second? That's good then.


Hmm.. not sure I follow exactly how you have it setup. But you have it working the way you want now? It's firing a bullet every 1/30th of a second? That's good then.

Yeah, I basically did what you said. But since Update() is called more than 1 time per frame (if my understanding is correct), it would fire the co-routine multiple times per update unless I put a bool in there to know when one instance of the coroutine was running so as to not fire it again during the same frame.

Do have a new problem though, I'm using OnTriggerEnter() to detect a hit from the bullet against an enemy, but not every shot is counting. In my test it should take 40 hits to kill the enemy, but it's taking many many more.


Yeah, I basically did what you said. But since Update() is called more than 1 time per frame (if my understanding is correct), it would fire the co-routine multiple times per update unless I put a bool in there to know when one instance of the coroutine was running so as to not fire it again during the same frame.

Do have a new problem though, I'm using OnTriggerEnter() to detect a hit from the bullet against an enemy, but not every shot is counting. In my test it should take 40 hits to kill the enemy, but it's taking many many more.
Update should only be called once per frame. Check out the Unity Execution Orders.


Update should only be called once per frame. Check out the Unity Execution Orders.

Hmm, guess it's FixedUpdate that's called more. But, my hypothesis is probably still correct though, just for the wrong reason lol.

Like you said a new coroutine was being called every frame, even though I had the delay in there. Needed that clear flag bool to be flipped when firing/not firing to not start a new coroutine every frame lol.


Oh! I think it just clicked with me on how you're implementing it. So you're using the coroutine to spawn a bullet, then using the yield as a timer of sorts to block the creation of another bullet via that currentlyFiring flag (which you check against in Update). So you don't need the while loop inside in the coroutine anymore right?

Neat. Not the way I had in mind, but that works as well. Always cool to see how some one else approaches the same problem.


Missile, I would guess issues include:

1. Feep doesn't want to do it (and the time to understand, experiment, and implement exceeds the time it would take to work around the issue in the model)
2. Feep's new programmer may not want to do it :p
3. Perhaps most importantly, I am not sure if Unity provides that level of animation/model engine tailoring. Someone was just recently complaining about not being able to tailor a different aspect of Unity. Correct me if I am wrong of course since I don't use Unity much at all.
These are literally all true! = D
Saturday night here so finally managed to squeeze in my screenshot


Some things i have been working on

-prettying up the map, 1 little section, plenty more to go, water, trees , plants e.t.c
-added a mock name/title , still not final


Hey guys, been messing around in Unity for a couple months, built my UI for a prototype in NGUI, and now I seem to have run into a snag: NGUI doesn't seem to support kb/m controls. You can have a menu controlled by keyboard or mouse, but not both at the same time. Seems like I'll either have to write a new input manager for NGUI, or try a different library. (Daikon Forge? Heard good things there and the input seems a little better thought out.) Has anyone else run across a nice solution for this?


SSS. While doing some art work with blender, I came up with a new splash screen.

Also found this open source vector art (no more jaggies) program InkScape to redo my logo. It amazing how much open source stuff there is to use.

So what's left is to make an icon, which I've been hmmmming and haaaing on for a while now. Can't get anything that looks goods when scaled down so small.

Also can't use the name Instance anymore, there's this other game called Instance: Hardcore Universe. Don't know how I missed it, so I've been thinking of names like a mad-man now.

Beta Test

So if any gaffers have time shoot me a PM and I'll link you a beta sign-up links for Android and IOS. I'm really worried about this game running on devices, all the things that can go wrong with the UI and different resolutions and aspect ratios. I've tested on a iPhone 5, Ipad Mini (1st gen), Nexus 4, Nexus 7, Galaxy 10.1, and some HTC phone so far.


Since I just saw Blender getting mentioned. Which 3d modelling software are people using these days? Everyone just using free software like Blender or do people actually spend money on programs by Autodesk (which are pretty expensive, even more so in Europe), or any other vendor.


Since I just saw Blender getting mentioned. Which 3d modelling software are people using these days? Everyone just using free software like Blender or do people actually spend money on programs by Autodesk (which are pretty expensive, even more so in Europe), or any other vendor.

I am using blender, wings 3d, Daz studio stuff. Not really a big difference between modeling software. At least to me.


I think Blender is the main free 3D modeling choice, and independent people who use other software may often have gotten student discounts or something, I would guess. Blender has a lot of tutorials and a helpful IRC channel to get over the learning curve.

I believe I've also heard Inkscape is good for vector stuff, though I have not used it a lot myself.


New trailer for my Wii U game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op4WbP7Dx8s

As well as gif for one of the new maps! Game does run a little better than the GIF might suggest. :p

Feels so weird to actually be done. I completed and submitted everything to Nintendo this morning.

Congrats my man! We both received our devkits around the same time and I'm still SO far away from completion :p

Of course I couldn't submit my game even if I wanted to because they don't have a release version of Unity yet so no game can be submitted yet lol.


Oh! I think it just clicked with me on how you're implementing it. So you're using the coroutine to spawn a bullet, then using the yield as a timer of sorts to block the creation of another bullet via that currentlyFiring flag (which you check against in Update). So you don't need the while loop inside in the coroutine anymore right?

Neat. Not the way I had in mind, but that works as well. Always cool to see how some one else approaches the same problem.

Personally, I'd write the code without coroutines. It keeps the code simpler, in that everything's explicit - it might be more text, but it's all there to read and follow. With coroutines you have to mentally fill in the gaps every time you look at the code. And if you make a system more complicated then managing the interaction of coroutines becomes a lot of work.

In this example all you'd need to do is set a float to 1/30th and reduce it by Time.deltaTime each Update, when it drops below zero, do your thing and reset the float to 1/30th. Manage the activation/deactivation with a simple state machine and expanding the system becomes a piece of, readable, cake! :D

That's just me though.


Personally, I'd write the code without coroutines. It keeps the code simpler, in that everything's explicit - it might be more text, but it's all there to read and follow. With coroutines you have to mentally fill in the gaps every time you look at the code. And if you make a system more complicated then managing the interaction of coroutines becomes a lot of work.

In this example all you'd need to do is set a float to 1/30th and reduce it by Time.deltaTime each Update, when it drops below zero, do your thing and reset the float to 1/30th. Manage the activation/deactivation with a simple state machine and expanding the system becomes a piece of, readable, cake! :D

That's just me though.
Oh, I agree with you. I don't think I use coroutines that often myself. I'll typically do what you described, or more recently, I've been storing something like a lastEventTime float and checking to see if time since that time is greater than 1/30th. Avoids having to tick something down every update (though ticking down may be more intuitive since it's more analogous to a timer.)


The Amiga Brotherhood
This post is probably ot but looking at all your awesome artworks i decided to challenge my programmer's graphics skills making a faithful HD "pixelart" of a SD sprite, searching in my computer i found Terry so i made him, my sprite is 2 times bigger than the one in KOFXIII.
I drew him from zero(in fact you can see it being different from the original sprite) without layers and i only used the pixel pen, the eraser and the flood fill, no other tools.
I used only the colors of the original sprite + black(i'm in the "black lines" bandwagon lol) + yellow(i always use it for the initial shape and then i completely erase it)
I didn't see how much time i used to make it, but i think i made the first version in maybe less than a hour, then cleaning all the rough lines, errors etc took a lot of time, adding light and shadows just some minutes.
I made placeholder lights and shadows in a hurry without even using a thin pen(trying to not cover the black lines lol) only to see how it would have looked like with them.
I don't think i'll finish it but i think i can be satisfied with it.

Now i can use this to motivate me(i always think i'm not able to do decent graphics or that certain graphics styles would be too hard for me) and to pretend from myself better graphics.


The Amiga Brotherhood
This post is probably ot but looking at all your awesome artworks i decided to challenge my programmer's graphics skills making a faithful HD "pixelart" of a SD sprite, searching in my computer i found Terry so i made him, my sprite is 2 times bigger than the one in KOFXIII.
I drew him from zero(in fact you can see it being different from the original sprite) without layers and i only used the pixel pen, the eraser and the flood fill, no other tools.
I used only the colors of the original sprite + black(i'm in the "black lines" bandwagon lol) + yellow(i always use it for the initial shape and then i completely erase it)
I didn't see how much time i used to make it, but i think i made the first version in maybe less than a hour, then cleaning all the rough lines, errors etc took a lot of time, adding light and shadows just some minutes.
I made placeholder lights and shadows in a hurry without even using a thin pen(trying to not cover the black lines lol) only to see how it would have looked like with them.
I don't think i'll finish it but i think i can be satisfied with it.


Now i can use this to motivate me(i always think i'm not able to do decent graphics or that certain graphics styles would be too hard for me) and to pretend from myself better graphics.
In the end i said to myself: "What the hell? Why i leave it unfinished?" So i finished it(i recolored it, always with the original sprite colors, and fixed some little rough lines)

Still very far from SNK greatness but what the hell i can be happy for it. :)


First piece of in-game art for screenshot saturday.

Cool sprite art, looks a lot like Garen from League of Legends!

New trailer for my Wii U game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op4WbP7Dx8s

As well as gif for one of the new maps! Game does run a little better than the GIF might suggest. :p

Feels so weird to actually be done. I completed and submitted everything to Nintendo this morning.
This is so cool, more eShop developers here! I really should reply to those Nintendo emails, I want a dev kit! is it literally a special version of Unity?

Scenes and Promo Art came through for the next Kickstarter:


So rad!


So I'm testing with IOS now and ran into a weird thing. It seems like my Ipod 5th gen I can't touch any of the edges. My buddy is having the same problem with his Iphone 5.


Anyone else run into this? Should I just re-position my gui to compensate? I've been reading some issues with 5th gen ipods/iphones how the touch screens are wonky...
^ For my part, I'm not even familiar with the League of Legends character, but I find yellow and blue armor rather cheesy and off-putting... the sprite itself is pretty cool though.


Looking through this thread is really fascinating to me. Game design is interesting to me and it's nice seeing how all of you guys are progressing through your games.
New trailer for my Wii U game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op4WbP7Dx8s

As well as gif for one of the new maps! Game does run a little better than the GIF might suggest. :p

Feels so weird to actually be done. I completed and submitted everything to Nintendo this morning.

This reminds me of my most recent Ludum Dare game, which wasn't fully completed but went with a similar theme of building orbital defense turrets. The primary gameplay was an Asteroids clone, though, such that you still had a ship to zip around and blow up the hostiles with.


So I'm testing with IOS now and ran into a weird thing. It seems like my Ipod 5th gen I can't touch any of the edges. My buddy is having the same problem with his Iphone 5.


Anyone else run into this? Should I just re-position my gui to compensate? I've been reading some issues with 5th gen ipods/iphones how the touch screens are wonky...[/QUOTE]
I know the status bar at the top is in the way. Your app won't register any touches within that area.

The bottom, however, I don't understand. Could be due to iOS 7's swipable-menus? (Control panel and notification center)


I updated the targeting, and the game name!

It's provisionally called Super Chopper Squad now :D

The targeting is simpler. It shows a single red triangle for the next target you'll lock on to if you press the target button. The next target is the nearest, in-range target that isn't the currently locked-on target.

This lets the player control the next selection. With the previous system you cycled through the in-range targets and were never sure what you'd select next.

The chopper faces a locked-on target, and goes back to facing in the direction of movement when the current target goes out of range.

The video is a bit shonky in places, but it's a WIP video, not a promo. The important part is that the system works really well! :D



Congrats my man! We both received our devkits around the same time and I'm still SO far away from completion :p

Of course I couldn't submit my game even if I wanted to because they don't have a release version of Unity yet so no game can be submitted yet lol.
How's the game coming?

This is so cool, more eShop developers here! I really should reply to those Nintendo emails, I want a dev kit! is it literally a special version of Unity?
Actually, I'm in the Nintendo Web Framework program, essentially HTML5 games. You should ask Anustart, he is using Unity. But I would guess it's Unity Pro + Wii U support. It be the same as getting a license for the PS4 version or iOS. etc. My best explanation anyways. :p

This reminds me of my most recent Ludum Dare game, which wasn't fully completed but went with a similar theme of building orbital defense turrets. The primary gameplay was an Asteroids clone, though, such that you still had a ship to zip around and blow up the hostiles with.

that's lookin pretty damn spiffy m8!
Thanks. :)

Those moving levels have been my favorite so far, makes them really seem alive.

There are two levels I'm not quite sure what to do to livin it up, as it were. Both already good/designed levels/etc, just background is kinda static. This Nebula one for example looks nice, but when live, it's so static looking while the game is playing. I have a few ideas, just will go back to it later on. I'll prob split up those different parts, and make them individually move slightly, maybe in a simple circle.


Pretty soon I'll be showing the game that me, JulianImp and Bel_Air_Jeff have been working on. It's still in the beginning stages but we have concept art, rough gameplay and music to share.

We are currently looking for a second programmer to help out, as well as someone with 3D animation experience. The game is a sidescroller with 3D assets being coded in C# and running on Unity. For now we are targeting Steam. If you're interested send me a PM and I'll tell you more about it. Thanks :)
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