Hi guys, my first time posting in this thread I have been lurking for a long time tho.
Great work being displayed in here, keep it up.
In fact I think this thread was one of the reasons me and a few friends started making a small game for our study assignment this semester.
Games are a very uncommon subject here at our school, the focus is on small movies or just assets most of the time, so it was a completely new experience not only for us but also for our supervising professor.
We only have/had about 3 months time so we tried to build something we thought we could manage in that timeframe. Interactions are very limited. We are still not done but development got into the final stage one week ago and I really hope we will have a playable protoype that only lacks a proper ui by the end of the month.
We knew from the start that interaction would be very limited and so we decided to go with a game that basically blatantly rips of the great concept in "stanley parable", a voice from the off that guides the player and little interaction other than choosing where to go.
We came up with the idea of two children, a brother and his sister, in their shared bedroom.
The sister cant sleep and asks the brother to tell her a good night story, he starts telling her a story about a boy who has to rescue a princess but at times the story starts to get a little scary and dangerous. At those times the girl might interrupt him changing the story to be more of a bright fairytale with unicorns and candy.
As the player you dictate where the story goes, will you choose to ignore unicorns and the like in order to quickly save the princess and face great danger or will you choose to follow the new elements the girl introduces to make the story a little brighter? But in the end how much control do you really have if its two children fighting over a story?
Having never worked on a game before we did some research on which engine to use and in the end decided on cryengine (3.5), that might seem like a strange thing to do for our first game ever but as we do not intend to publish our game, wont have many interaktive elements, wanted a first person experience and have many outdoor locations it seemed like a good fit (and were all german as well so we were interested in trying out a internationally recognized german software).
Atm our lvls are only greyboxed so instead I would like to share with you some shots of the assets I created for our game over these last two months:
Building this has probably been the most fun (ans stress) I ever had on a project, loved and still love every second of it.