A little; looks like the sort of situation I'd strongly consider legging it from than getting hacky-slashy in XD
Ooh! Thanks for your considered feedback :3
I agree with the idea of drip-feeding teasing bits of story as I found the simple bites of text in
these robotic hearts of mine to be quite tantalising to the point where I was almost frustrated at having to deal with the puzzle to find out what would be said next XD
Inspired by that, I initially had the 'levels' in a book, with each 'task' having a diary entry from the player character (excuse the nonsense pictures and somewhat random writing, it was mostly placeholder

Unfortunately, in user testing people weren't turning the pages (often re-doing the same puzzles again by accident even with some almost excruitatingly in your face UI stuff trying to stop it

) and I felt it was a bit limiting in regards to giving a real sense of progress and general navigation. I could've perhaps redesigned the book around that but in the end I found the scroll idea I finally went with appealed to me more :3
As for the game world, a.k.a. the environment the players see: It'll mostly be relegated to the task scroll where you select what your'e doing and the cauldron interiors but I was hoping to use the decor and stuff to at least give a sense of place with some detailing and symbols :3
Again, I'm currently dabbling with 'dialogue' which I have this EXTREMELY PLACEHOLDERY screenie of XD (unlike this, the final result will bear no resemblance to zero punctuation

The general idea being that through these little skits, I could maybe get across the key characters, dialogue and even drop some hints about the world. I was somewhat inspired by things like Grim Grimoire in that respect, as I rather enjoyed how the story aspect was handled in that game.
In hindsight maybe the diary entries would still be a better thing to fall back on though as they afford more mystery and require a lot less content to be generated, though it does limit my ability to get across things like the characters themselves (which I believe are usually best shown through their interactions with each other :3 )
Ultimately, I'm super confident in my world building abilities, so the issue really comes down to whether I can tell a story from said world effectively or not.
The skipping stuff is less a lack of conviction and more just because I know some players would skip almost any story no matter how good it is and I often end up testing this game in silly environments like a pub where people aren't at their most receptive to reading XD
I'll do more 'closed environment' testing soon though,
especially when checking the story stuff :3
Edit: I had a quick peek to see what you're working on Blast and WOW, that trailer you posted a few days back is awesome! I love the arts and crafts look you guys are going for and the soundtrack gives me weird nostalgia pangs for David Bowie's Labyrinth film XD Seriously though, I'm still somewhat in the dark as far as the trailer goes as to what the actual game is but that's some slick presentation