Hey Indie GAF, I'm now working with some other guys as Pixel Worm, a new indie working full time in our game. We're a few unknown developers with a LOT of industry experience, making a sci-fi side-scrolling game with Metroid-style exploration and 2D, non-retro art:
So here's my Kickstarter question: say we've got what we think is a slick 1.5 minute storyline trailer with good animation, music, and narration, that explains what the game's all about. Do you think it would be better to open with that before going into our gameplay trailer, or show gameplay with no explanation and then the storyline trailer? We've heard differing opinions - some people say you should get to the gameplay as soon as possible, but others say to concentrate on what makes your game unique, which in our case is our story/main character, and then get to the gameplay.
Also, what do you think of us asking for $60k? I know it's hard to make that kind of judgement without too much more info, but $60k is literally the least money we could possibly ask for and still ship the game we want, and we're not sure if it's realistic or not.