I don't know if this is the place for art critiques but your game sooo close to animating really nicely.
I made a few changes to your idle animation. A single "wrong" frame/inbetween can break the illusion of form and shape, like the bottom of the thighs sort flopping around because it changes it's shape from convex to concave from one frame to the next. Try to avoid that (if you're using Photoshop that's a lot more difficult).
It's really tough to stay on-model when it's fighting game because are so many frames of animation but I feel like it's important. Fighting games are all about characters so they need to be as believable possible. Having a model sheet for each character can be very helpful. Another approach is to constantly compare new animations with frames you're particularly satisfied with (for example the idle animation). Lastly, be careful about still properly conveying mass when there's a lot of foreshortening.
I do hope this helps at least little bit.
edit: Goddamnit, top of the page.
Top of the page indeed, but thanks a lot for the comments!
I am indeed using Photoshop, but I'm not sure what you mean by it making things more difficult - after all, it's a matter of paying (more) attention to each individual frame, right?
As I've been saying, this whole project's purpose is for me to practice animation, so pointing that stuff out really helps To be quite honest, the idle animation is one of the really old/earlier ones I'd probably redo if I do yet another redoing pass (already did one to change some of the really not working ones). I have to balance the time spent redoing stuff against the time spent animating new stuff however, and since there are still many more things requiring attention, I'm not focusing on redoing right now, but I'll get there yet - and with more experience, to boot
Since we're on that topic, here are a few examples of animation for the newest character:
See anything wrong in there? Since it's a lot fresher in my mind/fingertips, it'll be a lot easier to correct :-D (I've already fixed an issue with the top shirt on the first two frames of the first hit, but I didn't bother redoing/reuploading the .gif... I'll do that on saturday for the character's integration!)
And once again, thanks a lot :-D