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Indie Games [October] Now Voting - Post 1253!

Fancy Skulls has some weird-ass enemies I tell ya. The game is quite fun though. Tough as well. Finally made it to level 2 and quickly died.
Same. Made it to level 2 once and then died

And the enemy designs are the best thing about them. You can't tell what an enemy does until you actually encounter it and see for yourself. It all adds to the sense of discovery. But I still hate those red charging melee enemies.

I like that it's tough because it requires precision and skill to kill enemies.


Two more freebies from the OP:

Ninjah: What if N+ had a few more mechanics, like a grappling hook, colour-coded platforms or a jetpack gun? Well, that's Ninjah in a nutshell. I think it's a great idea that allows for some interesting platforming puzzles, especially when they limit your movement options for some levels. It really is a neat idea, but I found everything to be way too loose. The movement is slippery, with the hook you bounce like a rubber ball and it's hard to judge your momentum with the jetpack gun. The controls are simply not refined enough.

Fuaim: This gem comes out of nowhere. Absolutely captivated me for the short time it lasted. The audiovisual design is incredible and the cryptic narrative, that is oh so frail, is enough to keep you going. At its core, it's a platformer with Mario Galaxy-like gravity mechanics. This sort of movement really fits with the overall tone of the experience and it's hard to describe why. It's a game about fragmentation of self, fragmentation of memory, that's how I would pinpoint it, and beautifully realised. If you can appreciate artistic exercises on a small scale, do yourself a favour.


Fuaim: This gem comes out of nowhere. Absolutely captivated me for the short time it lasted. The audiovisual design is incredible and the cryptic narrative, that is oh so frail, is enough to keep you going. At its core, it's a platformer with Mario Galaxy-like gravity mechanics. This sort of movement really fits with the overall tone of the experience and it's hard to describe why. It's a game about fragmentation of self, fragmentation of memory, that's how I would pinpoint it, and beautifully realised. If you can appreciate artistic exercises on a small scale, do yourself a favour.

Glad you liked it. You can find a lot of hidden gems among IGF entrants - this one, luckily, was one of the first on the list, as An Fuaim, when I browsed through it last year:D Can't wait for them to announce this year's submissions.
I remember someone talking about Unholy Heights in one of the threads, bellow my opinions so far.

I've been playing Unholy Heights


The game is a mix between apartment management and tower defense. You play as the devil who owns a tenement building that he rents exclusively for monsters, you need to keep they happy buying stuff for their apartments and in exchange they fight for you and pay the rent even though some of the monsters may be later with the rent.

Each kind of monster has different attacks, some are melee, some ranged and others use magic so it's important to know how monster you "call" first to defend the build, the monsters status are affected by weather, their currently humor or if they have a lover. Other interesting thing is each monster has a job and are out of the building in different times.

The art is cute and the music is very catchy, the game cost $3.99 and has steam trading cards.


We don't have "get out of jail free" cards, but if we did, she'd have one.
The dev of Micron added a Humble Store widget with the sale price to the Not On Steam page so I picked it up this afternoon and beat all 51 normal levels this evening. (Haven't touched the 12 bonus levels; too late in the day. Maybe tomorrow.)

It's a competent game that unfortunately failed to move me. Nice visuals. Didn't run into any bugs or serious interface jank, though I would have preferred it if scrolling the mouse wheel switched through your available pieces rather than zooming in/out (zooming seems pretty unnecessary since the levels aren't that big). I appreciated the fun, branching stage layout which allowed me to skip around or zoom straight ahead to tougher levels when I got bored.

The generated music/sound is pleasant, but when you get down to brass tacks this is a game about guiding dots into goals. All you have to do is think about positioning reflectors, largely in advance. When you do need to place something at a particular time, it's not as if you have to be on-beat. Sound as a whole is just not vital enough to claim that rhythm is a significant part of the game. I guess the silver lining is that deaf/HoH players can enjoy it without missing out on much.
I completely missed that Teleglitch was a weeklong deal on Steam until about an hour ago. I've been waiting for a sale for some time now so I picked it up as soon as I saw it on the store page.

Played the tutorial and the first level so far. I love how scarce the ammo and health items are. Coming off of the first level, I can't say that I'm struggling yet, but I was playing as conservatively as I could while still exploring as much as possible. It seems like a good start to what could become a very challenging game later on. The minimalistic sound design really sets the mood as well and makes those few multi-colored "glitch" zones with the loud droning sound effect that much more ominous. I'm really digging it.


Stormy Grey
Teleglitch is one of my favorite games of this year, even though the original was out last year. So glad a sale's finally come up so I can give people more of a reason to play it.

On another note, Hofmann got mentioned by Tale of Tales on their twitter!



Glad you liked it. You can find a lot of hidden gems among IGF entrants - this one, luckily, was one of the first on the list, as An Fuaim, when I browsed through it last year:D Can't wait for them to announce this year's submissions.

Yes, always interesting to browse that stuff. Shame I don't have the time to try more, although these threads give me a good excuse to deliberately ignore that fact.

I remember someone talking about Unholy Heights in one of the threads, bellow my opinions so far.

Seems like you're enjoying it more than me. I'd definitely like to see more japanese indie games on Western marketplaces, though, despite my criticism towards this one.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Teleglitch is one of my favorite games of this year, even though the original was out last year. So glad a sale's finally come up so I can give people more of a reason to play it.

On another note, Hofmann got mentioned by Tale of Tales on their twitter!


Hofmann becoming a celebrity, ooooh.

R.I.P pieces Toma's wallet, but it's a solilid investment.

Being on topic Cookie, Serve, Delicious! is going to be released later today on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/247020

Dats a good'un. That's probably the most played game on my Nexus right now. The only problem I could see it having on PC is it is a bit of a time waster. By that I mean some of the progression mechanics are a little grind in nature. On my android device this is fine because the entire thing is such a pick-up and play for quick sessions type of deal but if someone was to buy that game hoping to power drive through it I could see some of the grinding for money and 'wait for 20 days before you get a new star' missions being a bit annoying.

Category G

Neo Member
I remember someone talking about Unholy Heights in one of the threads, bellow my opinions so far.

I've enjoyed what I've played of Unholy Heights so far (approaching two hours on Steam). It's cutesy and has the sort of simple but entertaining system which I find is more common in doujin games (Recettear comes to mind instantly) than Western indies. My only concern is that it won't really progress much as the game goes on, but for the price I can't complain. :)

On another note I'm very excited for Tetrobot and Co. which is out in under a week! I really enjoyed Blocks That Matter (21 hours on Steam) so Swing Swing Submarine will be getting my money as soon as they can.


Fakteur - Another charming game I found thanks to IndieGames.com and Indie Statik. It's free and only for Windows as for now.
Fakteur is a game which puts you in a position where you can read and alter the mail that you will deliver to the people of a world made of paper.
Will you lie to make their life easier, or will you let things run their course without intervening? You will have one week long to figure it out…


Charming veneer perhaps! I'm so depressed now

It was more based on the look of it, as I have yet to play it. Good to hear there's much more to it.

Be sure to check out Paradis Perdus from the previous page, which also happens to be a French game. It's like someone finally made a game about me, and probably most of us. It's about the impact we have on the world, about corruption, decay and most importantly greed, which is the main force that keeps us getting forward, resulting in a dilapidation of everything that stands in the way.


It was more based on the look of it, as I have yet to play it. Good to hear there's much more to it.

Be sure to check out Paradis Perdus from the previous page, which also happens to be a French game. It's like someone finally made a game about me, and probably most of us. It's about the impact we have on the world, about corruption, decay and most importantly greed, which is the main force that keeps us getting forward, resulting in a dilapidation of everything that stands in the way.

This one?
Another promising game on Greenlight, vote for this one!

Airscape: The Fall of Gravity
Greenlight | Trailer
Airscape: The Fall of Gravity is a fast-paced platformer set on an alien world during a cataclysmic mechanical invasion. The game's unique gravity system allows for the creation of beautiful, mind-boggling levels that bring fresh challenges to players. An assembly of devious, intelligent obstacles and enemies make the game a difficult, intense, and exciting experience.





Chris Bischoff just sent out an e-mail update for his game, STASIS:

Leading up to Kickstarter & Greenlight


Stasis has been in production for three years already and towards the end of the month we'll be starting the crowd-sourced funding campagins!

Stasis is just over half way complete and playable. Much of the art needed for the second half of the game has even been planned and started. With thousands of hours spent on this labor of love, it is impossible to quantify a $ amount for time spent so far. But Chris is adamant that he can finish Stasis mid 2014. But... in order to achieve this goal though, he needs to work on Stasis full time. Which will only be possible with the success of a crowd-sourced funding campaign. Further to Chris’ full-time investment, Stasis could be even better if ‘polished’ to AAA standards.

To achieve this goal faster, successful crowd-sourced fundraising efforts will allow for a commissioned musical score, professional voice artists, professional copy editing, additional layers of graphic detail and fidelity and so forth. Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight will also provide further opportunities for more people to hear about Stasis and join the community.

Watch your inbox for more info - we'll be sure to keep you updated. Or visit the website for the Stasis campaign countdown clocks until the end of October...


You can grab the FREE desktop background wallpaper (HD) here - http://www.stasisgame.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Desktop-Wallpaper.jpg

He also updated the website. Check it out: http://www.stasisgame.com/
Not exactly sure what is going on, but I am intrigued. What game is this?
That's Rktcr. It's IGS' current featured game, so you can get the game for a $1 right now. It's a physics-based precision platformer where you can control time. You can read my impressions here but in short, it's fun, it's very challenging, it's innovative

And that's a GIF of level transitions, you seamlessly pass through portals into other levels.
I've only picked up Full Bore from Not On Steam sale so far. I can only buy one more < $10 game before tomorrow. Trying to decide between Sokobond, Inescapable or maybe just getting Rktcr from IGS instead.

Any thoughts guys?
I've only picked up Full Bore from Not On Steam sale so far. I can only buy one more < $10 game before tomorrow. Trying to decide between Sokobond, Inescapable or maybe just getting Rktcr from IGS instead.

Any thoughts guys?
I don't know if you like roguelikes but I think Tower of Guns and Fancy Skulls are great (I'd choose FS over TOG if I had to pick). Rktcr is fun but very challenging. Not sure about those other games
I don't know if you like roguelikes but I think Tower of Guns and Fancy Skulls are great (I'd choose FS over TOG if I had to pick). Rktcr is fun but very challenging. Not sure about those other games

Thanks. Fancy Skulls and ToG did pique my interest to some extent as well. Gonna be a tough decision.
Thanks. Fancy Skulls and ToG did pique my interest to some extent as well. Gonna be a tough decision.
If you're deciding between FS and TOG, I have impressions of both on my blog. Bascially, Fancy Skulls has an abstract minimalist style and a slower more strategic pace. Enemies have weak points that are hard to hit but do more damage and ammo for everything except your revolver is limited. And you can only get four times. And you have limited mana for any abilities you acquire.

On the other hand, TOG has a steampunk aesthetic and is crazy old-school kill everything that moves style shooting with a roguelike. Upgrades can do things like give you quadruple jumping or have your rocket launcher fire like a shotgun or even increase difficulty. Enemies and hazards attack in overwhelming numbers

TOG's further along than FS (56% compared to version 0.2) but even at that early stage, FS feels polished.
Gravi is on Early Access
Gravi is an intense puzzle-platformer that will test your tolerance for pain. Shoot and swing your way towards victory as Gravi, an adorable blue ball of energy. While you’re launching through terrorizing traps and bending gravity to your will, Anti-Gravi, an atomic ball of rage, is barreling down on your position.&#8203;



We don't have "get out of jail free" cards, but if we did, she'd have one.
I've only picked up Full Bore from Not On Steam sale so far. I can only buy one more < $10 game before tomorrow. Trying to decide between Sokobond, Inescapable or maybe just getting Rktcr from IGS instead.

Any thoughts guys?
Since they're so different, I think what you feel like playing would be most important. Do you want a pure puzzler that makes no demands of your reflexes? Sokobond. A physics platformer with what looks like a heavy trial-and-error component? Rktcr. An exploration-heavy platformer with switchable weapons? Inescapable.

Positive impressions have been posted of Sokobond and Rktcr, so they would be "safe bets". Nobody seems to know anything about Inescapable, so you could be unearthing a hidden gem.

Of the three you mention, I would personally pick Sokobond. The game is an excellent variation of sokoban with rules that add complexity without feeling contrived or cumbersome. The trial-and-error aspects of Rktcr make it unappealing (to me). It'll also still be PWYW from IGS for another two days and eight hours or so; Inescapable and Sokobond will be full price by then.
Soundodger is getting released on Steam thanks to Adult Swim games as Soundodger+, an expanded version of the original that is free-to-play on Adult Swim. It should be available on Friday.

Also, if you're feeling generous, vote "Yes" for the developer's previous game BasketBelle.

Nice! I played the browser version some months ago and enjoyed it a lot will put the extended version on my wishlist and buy it the next time I go in a spending spree.
Rktcr has some trial and error but it feels different than other games. Other games, you make a mistake, start over, try again, start over, try again. Here, it's a fluid progress of playing, course correcting, continuing along that path, correct again, continue along that new path. It doesn't have the usual trial and error stop-and-go feel


Man, you and me both. I'm already stretching myself thin with all of the games I'm juggling right now as I always do. :(

I'm so bad for that. Especially now I'm trying to get involved in this indie scene more. I'm currently playing: GTA, Ni No Kuni (PS3), Etryian Odyssey 4 (3DS), Dota 2, Teleglitch, Shadowrun Returns, Volgarr, State of Decay...

I haven't even started Mirrormoon or Full bore...
I'm so bad for that. Especially now I'm trying to get involved in this indie scene more. I'm currently playing: GTA, Ni No Kuni (PS3), Etryian Odyssey 4 (3DS), Dota 2, Teleglitch, Shadowrun Returns, Volgarr, State of Decay...

I haven't even started Mirrormoon or Full bore...
What kind of content did your old site cover? It wasn't a site about indies?
Oh, and guys, thanks for the advice last month about sticking with my blog and not working with that other site. One, my blog has been more successful than it ever was before and really it's only been growing in exposure and number of daily views. And two, I took a closer look at that site, Indie Hut
  • Angvik review - June 16
  • McPixel - August 22
  • Thomas Was Alone - August 22
  • Steam Marines - September 29
  • Legend of the Cookie - yesterday
They have five people on their staff and that's all they can produce in five months? And I'm just one guy, in college too, and I try to have at least one piece of new content a day? Something's fishy about that site

So thanks for the advice


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
What kind of content did your old site cover? It wasn't a site about indies?
Oh, and guys, thanks for the advice last month about sticking with my blog and not working with that other site. One, my blog has been more successful than it ever was before and really it's only been growing in exposure and number of daily views. And two, I took a closer look at that site, Indie Hut
  • Angvik review - June 16
  • McPixel - August 22
  • Thomas Was Alone - August 22
  • Steam Marines - September 29
  • Legend of the Cookie - yesterday
They have five people on their staff and that's all they can produce in five months? And I'm just one guy, in college too, and I try to have at least one piece of new content a day? Something's fishy about that site

So thanks for the advice

Yeah, would have been a bad choice.


What kind of content did your old site cover? It wasn't a site about indies?
Oh, and guys, thanks for the advice last month about sticking with my blog and not working with that other site. One, my blog has been more successful than it ever was before and really it's only been growing in exposure and number of daily views. And two, I took a closer look at that site, Indie Hut
  • Angvik review - June 16
  • McPixel - August 22
  • Thomas Was Alone - August 22
  • Steam Marines - September 29
  • Legend of the Cookie - yesterday
They have five people on their staff and that's all they can produce in five months? And I'm just one guy, in college too, and I try to have at least one piece of new content a day? Something's fishy about that site

So thanks for the advice

We covered all sorts. We started covering.. Sanctum, Winter Voices and other Indie stuff along those lines.We moved into more mainstream stuff when the schedule became more demanding - probably our biggest mistake in truth.

And it was solid advice - the grass is always greener etc, but that's a weak output considering the length of time vs how much you've achieved in such a short space of time.
Now this sounds intriguing. Imagine if Cormac McCarthy decided to make a 2D turn-based dungeon crawler with permadeath and that would be Darkest Dungeon
Official site
Terror and Madness Trailer
Darkest Dungeon is a hard-core RPG about the stresses of dungeon crawling. You will lead a band of four heroes on a perilous side-scrolling descent, dealing with a prodigious number of threats to their bodily health, and worse, a relentless assault on their mental fortitude! Five hundred feet below the earth you will not only fight unimaginable foes, but famine, disease, and the stress of the ever-encroaching dark. Darkest Dungeon focuses on the humanity and psychological vulnerability of the heroes and asks: What emotional toll does a life of adventure take?

Darkest Dungeon is intended for gamers who appreciate a tough-but-fair challenge and want to experience dungeon crawling in a way they never have before. You will recruit, equip, and manage a stable of over 16 heroes, and watch as their experiences organically mold and shape them in positive, and...not-so-positive, ways. The combination of innovative combat and the truly unique Affliction System breathe fresh life into one of the oldest and most popular genres.

The game won't coddle you - characters will die, be driven mad, and develop both empowering and unfortunate side-effects from their dungeoneering lifestyle. Much like Dark Souls or X-Com played on Ironman mode, the stakes are always high - but bold moves and calculated strategy will reward you!


Kickstarter coming soon
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