About 6-7 hours into this and loving it. It is being criminally overlooked on end-of-year lists.
First of all, I have to completely disagree on the music. Several tracks have stood out to me, and I love the jazz / new orleans influence. I would have pointed out the music as a highlight even before it was mentioned in this thread.
I LOVE how there is no "abilitease" in this game and you have things like the grenades and hover/grind abilities immediately. The worst part of doing my evil run in Infamous 1 was the lack of hover and grind during the first few hours. Wish I had those homing missles back, though.
Here's the best thing: the traversal mechanics in this game are brilliant. Open world games live and die by this measure, and Sucker Punch nails it. The aforementioned grinding and hovering are fun and effective. One downside -- I like the vertical boost pipes, but they are not "sticky" enough in the climbing algorithm so it often takes me a few tries to get on one. By that time I could have just climbed up. Cole needs some kind of super-jump ability (maybe there is one? i haven't unlocked everything). Also, Cole's running speed is just right. Fast enough to make running a viable option (reducing the frustration of falling off a building), but with a great animation that makes the speed seem realistic.
It also starts you out with one of my favorite video game moves, which is, for lack of a better term, the "ground pound" area-effect move. I tried it before the tutorial even mentioned it, and was totally pleased with the results.
Love this game. Already on board for 3 if they make it.