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Injustice 2 has made me a DC fan, and I hated DC


Redeemable people don't get shit done. Without the Regime Earth would have been Fucked. Without the the insurgency Brainiac wouldn't have even come to Earth. Superman had an Army of Asskickers on his side, Grodd and his cronies would have been behind Bars or Dead. Batman did some dirty shit during the five years before Injustice that he's never made to answer for just to stop Superman.

Both He and his People have this superiority complex that is unreal. Hell Alfred was basically just Bruce's enabler who never really calls him on his shit even when he's clearly in the wrong. Batman escalated every meeting between him and Superman instead of making a true effort to reach Clark and talk him down just so he could be in a position of Strength in case things went south. That's like planing for the worst whilst hoping for the worst. After awhile Clark just stopped listening yet He still tried to be merciful by doing to Bruce what Bruce should have done to the Joker years ago, Paralyze him and it still didn't work.

I see why Gotham is so fucked up. When the guy protecting it has a punch first mentality you'll start punching first too or taking hostages just to protect yourself and get the upper hand. If you were in a three count gunfight with a guy you know draws on two, wouldn't you draw on one? It'd be stupid not to.

This is where I'd point out that Superman murders a child in Injustice 1. He has no moral high ground to stand on.


I am Korean.
Kyle Rayner has fans?

He's still a billion times more interesting than Hal Jordan. Oh, and Saint Walker.

Also OP, if you liked that version of Wonder Woman, there's only one story you need to read.

Amazons Attack.

They have a bee weapon. My God.


Not really, especially when Batman is still Batman in games.

To be fair, Batman gets to keep being Batman because batman was always a dick (at least modern batman anyway). They guy who keeps a contingency plan on how to murder his best friends falls pretty in line with what's happening in Injustice.

But really, Cap is a nazi, Captain Marvel is a border patrole, Hulk is a kid, no one in comics is interested in keeping the core of the characters the same. Nothing is sacred anything is permitted. I remember how weird it was when, for about 5 months, Bruce Banner was HAPPY. Didn't feel right.


love on your sleeve
Kyle Rayner has fans?



Fanboy wars are pointless. It's much more redeeming to enjoy what you want to enjoy. Pick and choose from the best or most interesting of DC and Marvel,as a start. No one is pinning you down and stopping you from seeing what the other "side" can offer.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
He's my favorite superhero writer but outside of a few exceptions like JLA and his first couple of arcs on Batman, I'd say he's an acquired taste. The weird 50s / 60s quirkiness of All Star Superman might not be the best entry point for new readers despite how great it is once you understand the history of the character.

I dunno. I've always seen him as an exemplar of what comics can be, so I'd always heartily recommend him to anyone, comic book vet or not. Like, AA:ASHOASE is one of the first Batman stories I read, and it was a great intro to the cast, if somewhat obtuse. It got DC a lifelong Bat fan, though.

I feel like I'm haunted by him. Literally the first weekly I got into was Marvel UK's Spiderman, and Morrison wrote the back-up strip, Zoids (I didn't realise till only a few years ago), which was a weird mix of Alien and Cold War criticism. Left an impression. :)
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