Was given some files and I finally got the plugins and such all working properly. EASILY can you setup texture mods. Im still asking around on how to access the in game models like they did in MK9. The Deadpool guy has some fragmenting of his model that looks like a bad conversion of quads to triangular polygons when he opened his model in 3ds Max. I'm still waiting to find out from him or someone else with more experience how they unpacked and accessed the models properly from the "package format" the files are in. That and Im not even certain what name the file is that I'm looking for here.
Still though I have COMPLETE access to every last lightning bolt, smoke animation, fireball, damage texture, and all the other textures on Sinestro and Raven thanks to Heymanjack hooking me up with a file. I'll have to do something about getting my cash handy to double dip for PC version myself, but college plus holidays are killing me so right now its a no go...I'll just ask for character files and send my work to the guys who got me the files so they can test them for me before publishing anything.
This is awesome guys. Reaaaaaaaaally easy stuff here. I can essentially be a lazy ass and just mask off Sinestro's head, use the hue saturation sliders in photoshop and cut/paste whatever lantern symbol I want over his fear symbols on his map and BAM instant lantern corp change using this. I'd have to tweak a few more files in his effects to update his yellow beams to whatever, but they are all here to do that with so whatever.
Happy times are ahead of me. My finals are straight fucked now...Im gonna be so distracted this week from my studies.