I've seen a lot of folks make a big deal of the PS4 not having an exclusive fighting game at at launch to match up with "Killer Instinct" & "The Fighter Within". So it would makes sense for Sony to make a deal to have this as a next-gen exclusive.
"Injustice: Gods Among Us" >>>>>>>>>> "Killer Instinct" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "The Fighter Within". The average person will choose "Injustice: Gods Among Us" over "Killer Instinct".
I am not really making a big deal out of it because I agree that KI doesn't look interesting in my opinion. But having some variety in the launch lineup isn't a bad idea.
Sony also has Guilty Gear Xrd announced for their consoles, only not ready for launch. I haven't played any GG but the graphics alone make this game very interesting.
Oh please, do you think interest in a Vita SKU will be any higher? It's selling even worse than the Wii U in most countries.
I am sure Sony has some moneyhat going on but your argument is flawed.
The last official numbers we got from NIntendo said that the Vita is outselling the Wii U in Europe and Japan. We also know that 3rd party games sell better on Vita than on the Wii U most of the time. And last but not least, there is already a Injustice version on the Wii U that isn't selling.
I can understand why they don't do a Wii U version, even if they already have a running version. EA doesn't do a legacy edition of their sports games, which should be even less work. Their decision regarding the Xbone is another story and doesn't make sense without a moneyhat.
While Sony is cozying up with Warner they should try getting Scribblenauts on the Vita. It would fit their push for younger target audiences with Epic Mickey and Invizimalz.