Vita Screens
People sure are giving a lot of significance to a port of a current gen game coming out 8(?) months later.
People sure are giving a lot of significance to a port of a current gen game coming out 8(?) months later.
I really hope these guys make their own vita game later on
6 new characters?
Martian Manhunter
6 new characters?
Martian Manhunter
Scorpion isn't on the cover.
I don't know if you have a capable PC, but I play MK9 with the Wii U Pro controller just fine. You can even remap the buttons.
Bat tasers... seriously Bruce?Those are PS4 screens
It's going to have the same netcode as the other versions, I imagine.I wonder if the PC version will have better netcode then MK. That was just horrible and also never fixed.
Nobody gains from console exclusivity.
It's not just a port. It's basically a GOTY version with all the DLC etc. And it may not be the best game, or best fighter, but it provides another option in what's an otherwise lackluster launch lineup.
This only works if you think the launch titles of the PS4 and Xbox One are garbage.
It's not just a port. It's basically a GOTY version with all the DLC etc. And it may not be the best game, or best fighter, but it provides another option in what's an otherwise lackluster launch lineup.
Those are PS4 screens
Killzone is Sony's Halo basically, it'll sell 3 million copies over the life of the title pretty easily, more than likely hitting 4 million.
Driveclub is shaping up to be for the PS4 what PGR was for the 360, I expect it to sell at least as well as Forza 5 does on the XB1.
Knack could end up being a sleeper hit, especially as an original IP that will appeal to the family.
Resogun is coming from the group that made Super Stardust HD, which sold more than 400,000 copies on the PS3 as just a downloadable. I think it's going to do really well for Housemarque.
Between Sony's 1st party offerings and 3rd party titles like AC4, Watchdogs, BF4, and Ghosts, not to mention the 3-4 big F2P titles coming out on launch day, the "lackluster launch lineup" story ranks right up there with "no games on the Vita" when it's clearly not true.
Killzone is Sony's Halo basically, it'll sell 3 million copies over the life of the title pretty easily, more than likely hitting 4 million.
Driveclub is shaping up to be for the PS4 what PGR was for the 360, I expect it to sell at least as well as Forza 5 does on the XB1.
Knack could end up being a sleeper hit, especially as an original IP that will appeal to the family.
Resogun is coming from the group that made Super Stardust HD, which sold more than 400,000 copies on the PS3 as just a downloadable. I think it's going to do really well for Housemarque.
Between Sony's 1st party offerings and 3rd party titles like AC4, Watchdogs, BF4, and Ghosts, not to mention the 3-4 big F2P titles coming out on launch day, the "lackluster launch lineup" story ranks right up there with "no games on the Vita" when it's clearly not true.
That's also basically the PS3 launch lineup. Shooter, racer, big third party game, downloadable.Not sure if anyone noticed but Sony is really just emulating the launch of the 360 since that was a very succesful launch. Not only is it coming in cheaper than the competitor at $399 but it has a similar launch lineup:
Killzone Shadow Fall = Perfect Dark Zero
Knack = Kameo
Drive Club = PGR 3
COD Ghosts = COD 2
Resogun = Geometry Wars
People sure are giving a lot of significance to a port of a current gen game coming out 8(?) months later.
That's also basically the PS3 launch lineup. Shooter, racer, big third party game, downloadable.
(Resistance, MotorStorm, CoD 3, Super Stardust)
Motorstorm and Super Stardust weren't launch titles. Also, COD 3 wasn't anywhere near as high profile as COD 2 was because it wasn't made by the primary studio (infinity ward). Have people really forgotten how abysmal the ps3 launch was? It was really just Resistance and then a handful of really shitty tier 3 games and bad ports.
Because a lot of folks haven't played it yet. So this gets a lot of interest as a launch title.
They most likely will have similar fate as Bluepoint games. Not that there's anything wrong with it.I really hope these guys make their own vita game later on
wow ok. looks pretty bad. i was hoping they would atleast up the polycounts or textures, rather than just higher res.
Will probably buy this once a decent Fightstick is available for the PS4
wow ok. looks pretty bad. i was hoping they would atleast up the polycounts or textures, rather than just higher res.
I said this 2 pages back...
You will be sorely mistaken if this runs or looks any better than current gen injustice.. its just a bloody port and alot of people are giving it alot of credence just because its on a PS4.. it will be a direct copy paste for that architecture.. nothing more.
I doubt it. Tomb Raider was heavily rumoured to get a port to One, although whether that was canned in SE's shakeup, I don't know.So, between this and Diablo 3 never getting announced for Xbox One, are we assuming MS just has a policy not to allow late, cross-gen ports on the system?
Didn't know we had a High Voltage insider in here. You're part of the team porting the game? Please tell us more.I said this 2 pages back...
You will be sorely mistaken if this runs or looks any better than current gen injustice.. its just a bloody port and alot of people are giving it alot of credence just because its on a PS4.. it will be a direct copy paste for that architecture.. nothing more.
I completely understand that. My point is just that all these conspiracy theories and comparisons to Titanfall lend this late port a significance it doesn't really deserve. It's a good game, and it rounds out the launch really well (seriously, not having fighters at launch is so weird).
It's unfortunate and makes me a sad panda. Hope something pops up soon.The sad thing is PS4 getting a fighter game the day of console release and no arcade sticks announcements yet...