Some part of the blame also rests on the people who though it was acceptable to push people forward just because they were in a crowd and anonymous.
I think the problem people are having is with the above. You can't tell a thousand people instantly in that situation to stop moving forward. It was impossible. People got crushed to death because the people from the back had no idea what was going on at the front.
There can't be any blame on the people who moved forward. They weren't psychic. They couldn't have known what was happening. This is why the responsibility is on the event organisers to ensure that the crowd are kept safe, even from each other.
The Police had a duty of care to the people there that day.
They should have known what opening one gate would have caused.
They should have known opening a gate into an already mostly full area would have caused this.
They should have tried sooner to stop the flow or people or started helping people over the barriers.
They should have opened the gate to the pitch to allow people to move out of the crush and into the area.
They should not have carried out a cover up that directly blamed the victims as the cause of all of this.
The logic behind the decision to open a single gate makes no sense. They were worried about a riot starting as there were hundreds of fans still outside when the game was about to start. The Police opened a single gate, instead of several as to even the pressure, to let people in side. With no police of officials to manage the people going through, this was a death trap. A Death trap created by carelessness.