That's a good Baron name. Baron QUINN.
He looks familiar i just can't put my finger on it..
I recognize him as the bad guy from the recent Equalizer movie with Denzel.
That's a good Baron name. Baron QUINN.
He looks familiar i just can't put my finger on it..
Yup and yup.Seen The Equalizer? The movie, not the show. He plays the main bad guy there.
Gohan survival power activatedwow this shit really is anime as fuck
Great show so far, really interested in seeing how the story plays out. it's nice to see a flashy martial arts western show with no guns in a position to succeed. AMC's marketing for this is pretty amazing.
Advertise with TWD, premiers immediately after TWD for 20 minutes with no commercials, preview of the next TWD episode during the commercial break.
Ha! Just watched this movie yesterday.This Motherfucker got the glow
Just watch the opening fight scene and that should help you make your decision.If I don't like kung-fu or martial arts movies, will I like this? The art style looks interesting, but the subject matter is a deterrent.
So good.
Sonny got his mind blown.
Yeah, that was weird.Did Sonny walk into a slow mo scene in regular speed?
It's also very clear this early on that Sunny has seen some shit. I like that was his reaction too.
I swear I've read some manga or seen some anime where a character went batshit from bleeding.
Epic fight scene in the rain incoming!