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iOS 6 |OT| New Maps? googy pls



There's no where to go but up from here.

Apple had to release it sometime, and I imagine no matter what they released or when, even if it was objectively superior to Google's offerings (it isn't in its current state, just saying if it were) it would still be bashed. They probably pulled the trigger knowing you can't please everyone, and decided they will build from there.

If I were Apple I would have released an open beta first, but perhaps they didn't want to renew their contract with Google, and were out of time.

As for street view, I don't use it. Did twice when I first got the iPhone (OG), to look up some of my old apartments, for nostalgic reasons. Sucks that it is a feature regression, as I think those should be minimized, but I doubt Google would have licensed the images to Apple and not the whole mapping package.


Once you add that, it does actually become ridiculous, whether you have used it or not.

I don't think it does. For someone who uses google maps on a regular basis just fine without ever bothering with it, and finds that the application works great, it's probably within reason. I don't agree, but different strokes.

And no, everything wasn't directed solely at you.


listen to the mad man
Went to get the bus today, decided to check if there were any "Routing Apps" yet.

There is one for my city. It's a multi-city application called "The Transit App", and best of all it's free. I downloaded it and checked and it gave me a few routes that actually exist... but... none of the routes it gave me were anywhere near the most efficient ways of getting where I was going.

That's when I noticed a note; that many routes were hidden because I didn't have a premium subscription, which I can buy for $0.99 a month or $4.99 a year.

Not only does the built-in map program not do bus routing anymore, the first suggestion it gives you for a replacement is basically bait-and-switch scamware.


just came home from work and my ipad had run out of battery while in "standby mode".
Is there some settings that was introduced or autochanged in iOS6 that may have caused the battery to drain out while it is not in use?
Am I the l only person who thought that the Google maps app was complete garbage?

I bought the Tom Tom app the day it was released and never used GM ever again.


even if it was objectively superior to Google's offerings (it isn't in its current state, just saying if it were) it would still be bashed.
This siege mentality is so weird. Reviewers were going out of their way to may apologies for the maps app and it was only the outcry of actual iPhone users that forced the issue into the headlines. If it were superior to Google's offerings there would be no bashing

Went to get the bus today, decided to check if there were any "Routing Apps" yet.

There is one for my city. It's a multi-city application called "The Transit App", and best of all it's free. I downloaded it and checked and it gave me a few routes that actually exist... but... none of the routes it gave me were anywhere near the most efficient ways of getting where I was going.

That's when I noticed a note; that many routes were hidden because I didn't have a premium subscription, which I can buy for $0.99 a month or $4.99 a year.

Not only does the built-in map program not do bus routing anymore, the first suggestion it gives you for a replacement is basically bait-and-switch scamware.
(I paid for it). I can't seem to find a list view for the route directions. Am I missing something or does that not exist?


This siege mentality is so weird. Reviewers were going out of their way to may apologies for the maps app and it was only the outcry of actual iPhone users that forced the issue into the headlines. If it were superior to Google's offerings there would be no bashing

Name one thing Apple does, one thing that does not get bashed...

Samsung even made a commercial bashing Apple about the choice to put the headphone jack at the bottom of the phone.

Edit: Don't get me wrong, Apple - in the case of Maps.app probably deserves to be bashed.


Am I the l only person who thought that the Google maps app was complete garbage?

I bought Tom Tom as the day it was released and never used GM ever again.
If you replaced it with TomTom you're no doubt after the navigation side, which the app wasn't great at on the iPhone before so I doubt you're alone. I think most people accept that this side of it is a step up from before (if not as good as the GM Android app).
Went to get the bus today, decided to check if there were any "Routing Apps" yet.

There is one for my city. It's a multi-city application called "The Transit App", and best of all it's free. I downloaded it and checked and it gave me a few routes that actually exist... but... none of the routes it gave me were anywhere near the most efficient ways of getting where I was going.

That's when I noticed a note; that many routes were hidden because I didn't have a premium subscription, which I can buy for $0.99 a month or $4.99 a year.

Not only does the built-in map program not do bus routing anymore, the first suggestion it gives you for a replacement is basically bait-and-switch scamware.
How is it scamware or bait-and-switch? They clearly state what you get with and without the subscription in the app description.


Name one thing Apple does, one thing that does not get bashed...

Bashed by whom exactly? If you want to be like the macalope and parodixal_utopia searching the internet for the dredges of fandroids bashing Apple then go ahead. But Anandtech rarely bashes Apple. Pogue rarely bashes Apple. Mossberg rarely bashes Apple. They even use Apple products as their personal devices.


Streetview is a very useful tool... But I only used it from my computer. My iPhone was mainly about directions. What does really bother me is the lack of street numbers without searching for a specific one. That building by building data was amazing.


Bashed by whom exactly? If you want to be like the macalope and parodixal_utopia searching the internet for the dredges of fandroids bashing Apple then go ahead. But Anandtech rarely bashes Apple. Pogue rarely bashes Apple. Mossberg rarely bashes Apple. They even use Apple products as their personal devices.

I'm sure you'd love for me to do that, but I have no interest in it. You know what I mean, random anonymous people on the Internet, Apple is at the top, everyone up there gets scrutinized. I simply said that Maps.app no matter what they did was going to cause someone grief, and people would make a stink about it. Many people had already made up their mind before even trying it. Maps in my particular neck of the woods works just fine, and I have had no false positives, or incorrect directions. When I go down to LA this winter I'll see how it fairs there as well.

I think they are snorting the ashes of Mr. Jobs

worst case of fanbot apologism I have seen in a long time

Well that's distasteful...
Same the data stuff for maps isn't up to snuff.

the actual app isn't too shabby with the (for better or worst) lack of clutter and pretty damn smooth 3d during navigation.

How much data does map use though for like an hr drive? Any body done any tests?


I'm sure you'd love for me to do that, but I have no interest in it. You know what I mean, random anonymous people on the Internet, Apple is at the top, everyone up there gets scrutinized. I simply said that Maps.app no matter what they did was going to cause someone grief, and people would make a stink about it. Many people had already made up their mind before even trying it. Maps in my particular neck of the woods works just fine, and I have had no false positives, or incorrect directions. When I go down to LA this winter I'll see how it fairs there as well.

Well that's distasteful...
Well you're wrong. If they made a Maps app objectively better than Google's maps app there wouldn't be any stink about it. For example, they made a tablet objectively better than Microsoft's tablets and there wasn't any stink about that.


listen to the mad man
How is it scamware or bait-and-switch? They clearly state what you get with and without the subscription in the app description.

I think it's scamware because of the inappropriate subscription model which is not rationally connected to the costs providing the service incurs.

I think it's bait-and-switch because the most sensible functionality for a bus routing app is hidden behind the paywall, while the features available for the free version make no sense. In the absence of, say, a hurricane outside, no one on earth wants the closest possible route to their current position; they want the shortest possible route, even if it takes walking 500 feet to get to the bus stop.

Moreover, while it does technically clarify this in the body description, the vast vast vast majority of users, even attentive ones, will not notice it until they go to search and get crummy results. The short description is: "Transit is your personal bus stop. (works in 19 cities including... )" So unless you click the full description you don't actually learn about the paywall.


iPad 2 seems to have issues with wifi since upgrading to iOS6, running slow, pages not loading etc.

Laptop works fine.

Anyone else have issues.
Well you're wrong. If they made a Maps app objectively better than Google's maps app there wouldn't be any stink about it. For example, they made a tablet objectively better than Microsoft's tablets and there wasn't any stink about that.
Lmao you obviously don't remember the iPad launch.

Shit name, no osx - no sale, big iPhone. Whats the point. No one will buy one etc


listen to the mad man
Lmao you obviously don't remember the iPad launch.

Shit name, no osx - no sale, big iPhone. Whats the point. No one will buy one etc

You're proving his point, because you're basically talking about irrelevant shit-talk that immediately dissipated when the actual product came out and actual people using it responded positively.


ugh, tried a few more generic map queries around my neighbourhood.

"chinese food"
Apple: 1 hit, relatively far away
Google webapp: 7 hits, including several closer to my place on a busy restaurant lined street.

"Italian Restaurant"
Apple: 2 hits
Google: 10 hits.

"Car repair"
Apple 4 hits
Google: 10 hits

Apple: 2 hits nearby, 3 more pretty far away.
Google: 8 hits nearby.

Basically, the maps app is acceptable only if you put in a precise address and ask it to take you there. But if you're actually searching for something that you don't know where it might be (a common function for a mobile maps app) this new Apple POI database is very, very poor. It's embarrassing, really. This kind of service degradation in an OS update should be unacceptable.


Still Alive
Is it just me or is Siri a lot better now? I know they added the sports and movies stuff, but i'm talking about simply registering what i'm saying and giving me the results I was looking for.

Maybe it's just because I haven't used it since forever, but it feels a lot faster/accurate now. Find myself using it more lately (when i'm alone, anyway :lol).


maps shmaps. killer feature for me is shared photo stream. such a nice way to share photos privately with my family. love iOS 6.
ugh, tried a few more generic map queries around my neighbourhood.

"chinese food"
Apple: 1 hit, relatively far away
Google webapp: 7 hits, including several closer to my place on a busy restaurant lined street.

"Italian Restaurant"
Apple: 2 hits
Google: 10 hits.

"Car repair"
Apple 4 hits
Google: 10 hits

Apple: 2 hits nearby, 3 more pretty far away.
Google: 8 hits nearby.

Basically, the maps app is acceptable only if you put in a precise address and ask it to take you there. But if you're actually searching for something that you don't know where it might be (a common function for a mobile maps app) this new Apple POI database is very, very poor. It's embarrassing, really. This kind of service degradation in an OS update should be unacceptable.

See this just stands out to me as a big problem. When I first got my first iPhone, the 3G, it was just days before I went to my first Comic Con. It was such a mind blowing experience at the time to pull up the Maps app, search for food, select the listed location, look at the street view to see what it looked like and then call from the link to make a reservation. This was in a place that I had not been before and was with other people not familiar with the area. I would not have this experience if I tried to do that with an iPhone 5 or iOS6 device today. There's something wrong about that IMO to have that experience to be taken away from the end user.


listen to the mad man
See this just stands out to me as a big problem. When I first got my first iPhone, the 3G, it was just days before I went to my first Comic Con. It was such a mind blowing experience at the time to pull up the Maps app, search for food, select the listed location, look at the street view to see what it looked like and then call from the link to make a reservation. This was in a place that I had not been before and was with other people not familiar with the area. I would not have this experience if I tried to do that with an iPhone 5 or iOS6 device today. There's something wrong about that IMO to have that experience to be taken away from the end user.

Well, you would, because you could ask Siri for food nearby and you'd get high-quality results powered by Yelp. :p


Well, you would, because you could ask Siri for food nearby and you'd get high-quality results powered by Yelp. :p

y'know... I just did this. Siri found 15 Chinese restaurants. 9 of them are nearby (including the ones google found on that busy street nearby).

first of all, that's good that there's some way to acccess some additional database info. But...

Why can siri access this info but maps can't?

And, of course, people who own the iphone 4 and don't have access to siri (and, apparently, the extra data it can access) are out of luck.


listen to the mad man
y'know... I just did this. Siri found 15 Chinese restaurants. 9 of them are nearby (including the ones google found on that busy street nearby).

first of all, that's good that there's some way to acccess some additional database info. But...

Why can siri access this info but maps can't?

Because Yelp is a good, robust, modern, up-to-date service and Apple Maps is not ready for primetime. Why Siri integrates with Yelp and Maps doesn't, beats me.

I will say one thing about maps--if you zoom in you'll get better results. Apple Maps has this weird LOD effect where if I zoom to, say, a 10 block radius around my house and search "food" I get 3-4 restaurants, but if I zoom in to a 2-3 block radius around my house I get the appropriate 12-15 restaurants. It's suck if someone didn't know that and they were in an unfamiliar area.


nods at old men
iPad 2 seems to have issues with wifi since upgrading to iOS6, running slow, pages not loading etc.

Laptop works fine.

Anyone else have issues.
My iPad 2 is just great since the update, and it only uses Wifi at home. Safari has been my favorite upgrade on it since pages load quicker and no tab limitation.

You may want to backup and restore.

ugh, tried a few more generic map queries around my neighbourhood.

"chinese food"
Apple: 1 hit, relatively far away
Google webapp: 7 hits, including several closer to my place on a busy restaurant lined street.

"Italian Restaurant"
Apple: 2 hits
Google: 10 hits.

"Car repair"
Apple 4 hits
Google: 10 hits

Apple: 2 hits nearby, 3 more pretty far away.
Google: 8 hits nearby.

Basically, the maps app is acceptable only if you put in a precise address and ask it to take you there. But if you're actually searching for something that you don't know where it might be (a common function for a mobile maps app) this new Apple POI database is very, very poor. It's embarrassing, really. This kind of service degradation in an OS update should be unacceptable.
My experience as well unfortunately.
I really want Apple to improve asap, and a highly polished Google App to be released.


Did a search for "blu-ray", got mostly accurate results. Mostly accurate because it listed Blockbuster, which is defunct in Canada. :lol

Tried a search for "Future Shop", got plenty of stores in the surrounding area, except for the one nearest to me. I did a more specific search "Future Shop [City name]" and it came up with an "approximate location" with an incomplete phone number.

Otherwise, it's been pretty good so far for the places I've had to go to recently.


Because Yelp is a good, robust, modern, up-to-date service and Apple Maps is not ready for primetime. Why Siri integrates with Yelp and Maps doesn't, beats me.

I will say one thing about maps--if you zoom in you'll get better results. Apple Maps has this weird LOD effect where if I zoom to, say, a 10 block radius around my house and search "food" I get 3-4 restaurants, but if I zoom in to a 2-3 block radius around my house I get the appropriate 12-15 restaurants. It's suck if someone didn't know that and they were in an unfamiliar area.

Totally agree with this and this is why I'm disappointed. It sucks to have to go through multiple replacement apps, I really hope we get a Google Maps app from Google soon.
Not only does the built-in map program not do bus routing anymore, the first suggestion it gives you for a replacement is basically bait-and-switch scamware.

Why not just use maps.google.com? I looked up some transit directions the other day using it as a test and it worked just fine. On an iPhone 5, between LTE and the speediness of the CPU, it runs just as smooth as the old maps app. The only problem with it right now is it has no street view and it's not optimized for the 4" screen.


listen to the mad man
Why not just use maps.google.com? I looked up some transit directions the other day using it as a test and it worked just fine. On an iPhone 5, between LTE and the speediness of the CPU, it runs just as smooth as the old maps app. The only problem with it right now is it has no street view and it's not optimized for the 4" screen.

I just used my girlfriend's iPhone 4 which is on iOS5. It wasn't so much not being able to find a solution as it was frustration that the problem would exist at all.
Is it just me or is Siri a lot better now? I know they added the sports and movies stuff, but i'm talking about simply registering what i'm saying and giving me the results I was looking for.

Maybe it's just because I haven't used it since forever, but it feels a lot faster/accurate now. Find myself using it more lately (when i'm alone, anyway :lol).


edit: wait, you could still be on a 4S I suppose. Not sure, then.


Has anybody experienced any issues with keyboard shortcuts since the update? I'm having nothing but trouble with it. It's on and off- but mostly off.


Anyone with an Apple TV:

With the update, you can now rearrange the "apps". Hold down select, and it will jiggle, just like every other iOS device.


Because Yelp is a good, robust, modern, up-to-date service and Apple Maps is not ready for primetime. Why Siri integrates with Yelp and Maps doesn't, beats me.

But it does. I do agree that the scaling is a bit off in that it will find more results when zoomed in than zoomed out.

I am surprised to find out that people ever used Maps to find generic listings like "chinese food" or "cleaners". I've always done that in Yelp, since it has so much more detailed info. Now I can do it directly in Maps.

Has anybody experienced any issues with keyboard shortcuts since the update? I'm having nothing but trouble with it. It's on and off- but mostly off.

I had some issues at the start. I think it was something to do with iCloud. I deleted the few that I had created and then added them back and have had no problems since then. Definitely one of my most used features in iOS5 and I'm glad to see that it's been expanded to iCloud in 6.

On that note, I find it very annoying that they didn't add Maps bookmarks to iCloud. Seems like a no-brainer. But now they'll be so busy worrying about fixing the more basic functions that I don't expect that to come anytime soon.


I had some issues at the start. I think it was something to do with iCloud. I deleted the few that I had created and then added them back and have had no problems since then. Definitely one of my most used features in iOS5 and I'm glad to see that it's been expanded to iCloud in 6.

On that note, I find it very annoying that they didn't add Maps bookmarks to iCloud. Seems like a no-brainer. But now they'll be so busy worrying about fixing the more basic functions that I don't expect that to come anytime soon.

Thanks man, i'll try it out right now. Appreciate it
Am I the l only person who thought that the Google maps app was complete garbage?

I bought the Tom Tom app the day it was released and never used GM ever again.

I agree with you. The Maps app with Google was not good at all. The data on Google maps was not good as well from my experience. I'm not missing it a bit. On the other hand the Apple Maps apps is version 1. It will take some time to mature. I tried a few different things and its lacking basic search which Google was good at. Currently I'm searching in Google mobile maps for the places Apple Maps doesn't have a listing for and then putting the address to get the turn by turn navigation, which is nice for free.


Really hope they release a Maps portion into iCloud. I think having it available at a desktop will allow us to correct errors much quicker.

Has anyone used one of the apps that they said would help with data, specifically transit apps? Whats that experience like?


Guys, I accidentally restored my phone and lost all my text messages and stuff :(

I plugged my iphone back into my computer now I am all confused on how to get my stuff back, I'm new to itunes (always been a zune guy) where do I go from here :z

really just want my text messages back


nods at old men
But it does. I do agree that the scaling is a bit off in that it will find more results when zoomed in than zoomed out.

I am surprised to find out that people ever used Maps to find generic listings like "chinese food" or "cleaners". I've always done that in Yelp, since it has so much more detailed info. Now I can do it directly in Maps.
But LCFiner just demonstrated this not to be the case....
Yes Maps is supposed to source Yelp, but why is so much missing?


Guys, I accidentally restored my phone and lost all my text messages and stuff :(

I plugged my iphone back into my computer now I am all confused on how to get my stuff back, I'm new to itunes (always been a zune guy) where do I go from here :z

really just want my text messages back
Go to iTunes preferences -> Devices and check when your last backup was.


And then go to your iPhone -> Settings -> iCloud -> Backup -> Manage Storage and see when your last backup was. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4859


Whichever has the latest backup, restore it from that: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1766


But LCFiner just demonstrated this not to be the case....
Yes Maps is supposed to source Yelp, but why is so much missing?

I haven't noticed anything missing. Just that you have to be fairly specific in the area you search and the zooming. That's also true of the Yelp app; I often find I have to 'redo search in this area'.


The Autumn Wind
So maps is showing my home address as being about 4 miles north of where it actually is. It's very frustrating because I can't properly get directions to anywhere from my place if I'm not at home to use my current location as the starting point.

I've already submitted the problem to Apple. Not sure what happened, since it was showing the right location as recently as yesterday.


So maps is showing my home address as being about 4 miles north of where it actually is. It's very frustrating because I can't properly get directions to anywhere from my place if I'm not at home to use my current location as the starting point.

I've already submitted the problem to Apple. Not sure what happened, since it was showing the right location as recently as yesterday.

You can drop a pin to where your house actually is, and set a route.

To drop a pin, tap the area where your house is on the map.
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