So you might be wondering what the folks at Bit Monster have been doing after making Lili?
Well I just learned they're making this beauty (PC)
Ho-ly sh*t.
Just watched the trailer. Mind blown.
So you might be wondering what the folks at Bit Monster have been doing after making Lili?
Well I just learned they're making this beauty (PC)
Thanks, but any suggestion on things/sites that are not apps themselves?
My goodness. The gaming community outside of iOS is stupid.
I honestly think the most intelligent gamers are the ones that praise the iOS platform. Everyone else calls stuff "stupid phone games" and think iOS is a ridiculously weak platform.
On the Klei forums, a bunch of people said that iOS probably wouldn't be able to run a console/PC game like Don't Starve, so I called them out and brought up XCOM, the Banner Saga, FTL, and This War of Mine.
Didn't have any interest in Nintendo games and consoles for the longest time, until this year really. Now I'm seriously debating between a Wii U and a PS4.
That's just silly. There are legitimate reasons to not like the platform. No one is forced to like something and that shouldn't be a criteria for judging anyone's intelligence.
Ipads outclassed the vita a while ago.Precisely, it's utter bullshit.
Part of their argument is that the game runs terribly on Vita, which is a platform "made specifically for gaming, so there's no way an iPad would be able to run it well." This is partly understandable, but obviously those saying it have no knowledge of the PC and console games that iOS runs.
Ipads outclassed the vita a while ago.
Yeah, devs have said they're also working on a tablet/mobile version. And going by the UI and controls, game is already perfect for touch controls. All you do need to do is click or double click, and everything has nice big iconsThis War of Mine is going to be on iOS?
Ahh F2P.OK I take back the nice things I said about Best Fiends. Game is infuriating, and I'm done with it.
New Monument Valley DLC chapter "Ida´s (RED) Dream" for the (RED) HIV campaign going on. Its 99c and looks like it has a few new levels.
Edit: Only lasts until December 7th...
Also, S U N B U R N ! is going into my Game of the Year list. Is a game Bronxsta would love for sure. Indie love.
Even more Monument Valley? I'll take it
And yeah, I posted Sunburn impressions a few pages back
Even more Monument Valley? I'll take it
And yeah, I posted Sunburn impressions a few pages back
Can anyone who played Game Dev Story by Kariosoft confirm something for me?
I updated the app via iTunes a few days ago, and as per usual it dumps the old app into the trash.
But for some reason, where most apps are called like "Angry Birds x.x.x.ipa", Game DEv story was labelled as "gm08f22e x.x.x.ipa".
Why is that? is that normal? Is this what the name of the file itself is labelled for anyone else BEFORE the current version? (current is 1.2.0, and is labelled "Game D Story x.x.x.ipa". (you can check by right clicking and "get info" on the app in iTunes and selecting "file", OR navigate to your mobile applications folder in Finder.
I've only ever downloaded things from the App Store.
While I'm here, I bought the new Monument Valley level - it says only until December 7, does that mean you simply can't buy it after that date, or that it actually will be deleted from your app?
It means that you won't be able to buy it after that date. It won't be removed from your app.
Is the new Monument Valley level worth it?
Is the new Monument Valley level worth it?
Only release I'm aware of is Wicked LairAnyone knows what is coming this week?
That's so cool, haha.This is just great
I've been eyeing Monument Valley for a while, as well. My question is that it seems like if I buy the base game, the (Red) expansion comes with it?
Does it include the previous expansion or are those IAP? If so, how much are they?
After weeks of stop, waiting for Omega (the free expansion), yesterday I replayed for first time in a while Out There.
Had a wonderful the end I opted for the easy ending because I still missed 'things' for red and blu was a bit too difficult for that specific run (all where in the same range).
Still awesome.
Experience was enhanced by having just saw Gravity (mediocre, but it pumped me up to play) and by the fact I forgot many of the encounters.
Omega can't arrive soon enough.
Shame on me as I haven't bought FRAMED yet... damn GameCenter... maybe I will skip my rule for once...
It wasYou thought Gravity was... mediocre?
You thought Gravity was... mediocre?
Sorry, but that is a stupid rule Frosty, haha.
If you buy the game now, you get the (RED) expansion for free, if already own the game and want it, it's 69p. The additional expansion is a £1.49 IAP regardless. I'm not sure of US pricing but adjust accordingly. Probably $2 for the expansion, $1 for the (RED) level.
Where does it say this? I never bought MV, but it shows RED as a $0.99 IAP...
Bought Heavy Metal Thunder since it is free and I am broke... I've been eyeing the game since it was originally released, so I was pretty excited to delve into it last night.
Played for about 30-45 minutes and it is freaking awesome. This is my first ever game novel experience and I can see why everyone has been geeking out over them so much. The narrative for HMT is very well written and the sense of danger and suspense is immediately apparent and doesn't let up. I was really surprised at how much "game" there actually is in the game, as well. I always assumed these things worked just like a choose your own adventure novel where you would have 1-3 choices on what to do, some leading you to glory and some killing you right away. The fact that it works similarly to an RPG is just really cool and it's implemented in a fairly seamless fashion.
I haven't made it very far into the game; I've only finished the first section and 38/490 sections of chapter 1. I'm going on vacation tomorrow until Sunday, so this is going to be the perfect little companion for me. Me thinks I am going to go ahead and buy the inkle Adventures! bundle right now for $11.99. Comes with: 80 Days, Sworcery 1/2 and Down Among the Dead Men. Is this a good idea or would anyone recommend something over that?