Man, its crazy how the free fire elf people only have like 20 more games played than the next faction online, thats awesome. It basically means there is very few people playing the game without purchasing a faction or 2. Good for playdek and for the future of how they would sell their games im sure.
Quick question (that I could easily google, but instead I will ask you smart people! ) for all your summoner wars vets, since the factions are both listed as the say 'Cave Goblins' but also have the name of the summoner 'Sneeks' Does that mean there is, or will be different summoners for factions later? I hope so, I like options!
I'm pretty sure those are online only stats, and since to play online you need to buy at least one faction...I'm not sure that means much.
I'm no vet, but I read on BGG (somewhere, I'm lazy too that they do plan on releasing new summoners and associated event cards for the existing factions as possible standalone decks that are mixable.
Man, I played about 10 SW games against the AI before jumping online (going about 4-6, though one win was thanks to a bug in the AI where it 'decided' to stop moving). Didn't help. Got destroyed in my two online games so far. I have no idea what I'm doing...