Carcassonne Tourney 1 is COMPLETE. Thanks to all who participated. Congrats to our fantastic four:
1. AstroLad
2. CzarTim
3. Gatekeeper
4. Yaboosh
Carcassonne Tourney 2 update
Here's what I have so far, in seeded order. The top four finishers from Tourney 1 are first, then everyone else in ELO order.
If you plan to play please make sure your name is on this list. As far as I know I've added everyone who said they will play.
- Astrolad | AstroLad (1448)
- CzarTim | CzarTim (1391)
- Gatekeeper | Z3R0_5UM (1412)
- Yaboosh | Yaboosh (1378)
- mikeworks | mikeworks (1437)
- Vard | gamecentrist (1418)
- Mercviper | mercviper (1406)
- chicobalay | chicobalay (1403)
- soldat7 | soldat7 (1384)
- AirBrian | AirBrian (1372)
- eznark | eznark (1310)
- blahness | blahness (1302)
- Heel | [Slade] (1298)
- Gamecocks625 | Gamecocks625 (1270)
- superrobot | Diesel Pioneer (1265)
- InaudibleWhispa | InaudibleWhisper (1261)
- RaySpencer | RaySpencer (1253)
- Smiley90 | smiley1790 (1251)
- Flunkie | Flunkie44 (1226)
- wideawakewesley | wideawakewesley (1226)
- Of All Trades | of.all.trades (1212)
- ScrabbleDude | scrabbledude! (1200)
- Ghost Dad the Whip | The Gentleman Ghost Dad (1200)
- besada | mfelps (1200)
- Slacker | Slacker (1192)
- Got the Shakes | Got the Shakes (1179)
- animlboogy | animlboogy (1189)
- TechSamuraiX | TechsamuraiX (1188)
- Octobot | MechaOctobot (1143)
- tm24 | Mightytm24 (1141)
- sladeums | sladeums (1130)
- Bigdaddygamebot / bigdaddygamebot (1110)
Reminder on the rules:
- Single game matches against each opponent
- Double elimination
- Base game only
- Feel free to work out whether you'll play async or live with your opponent.
We didn't need any time limits last time, so hopefully everyone will keep making their moves this time. I'd say a resonable time frame to finish a match is three days. Most last time did finished their matches on the same day they were assigned, so it all went pretty quick. We have a hardcore enough group here that it should work. How awesome is it, by the way, to have 30+ hardcore boardgamers ready to play online against each other?
The time to lock in the brackets is nigh upon us. If you want to play and haven't told us yet, now is the time. Give me your GC name and Friend ELO rating plskthx. I'll lock it down this afternoon and we can get started with the matchups. LETS DO THIS, GAF.