iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread (Carcassonne, Everything Playdek, & Many More)


I cannot stop getting rolled by those damned dwarves. And I still get tundra orcs on my first random attempt about 80% of the time.



Let's keep it going here, Carcers. Gamecocks has completed his domination of the winners bracket, so let's get the losers bracket caught up. Games we're waiting on currently:

Gatekeeper vs Octobot
eznark vs Of All Trades
InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got the Shakes
wideawakewesley vs tm24
I literally have no idea what I am doing but when I did something a pop up showed up saying "in only two turns you can have a steel ship!" and I was like, fuck yes I want a steel ship!

Now I am bankrupt.

In another game I sold 4 meat and charcoal to the restaurant for 24 Francs.
I got over excited and bought a Wooden ship worth 2 Francs for 14 francs.
Now I am going to lose.

Let's keep it going here, Carcers. Gamecocks has completed his domination of the winners bracket, so let's get the losers bracket caught up. Games we're waiting on currently:

Gatekeeper vs Octobot
eznark vs Of All Trades
InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got the Shakes
wideawakewesley vs tm24

I've tried getting ahold of soldat7 a few times and I got no response. Also sent him a friend request a week or so back so I could start our Carc game, and I don't believe he accepted it.

Let's keep it going here, Carcers. Gamecocks has completed his domination of the winners bracket, so let's get the losers bracket caught up. Games we're waiting on currently:

Gatekeeper vs Octobot
eznark vs Of All Trades
InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got the Shakes
wideawakewesley vs tm24

Reported about 9 days ago. Octobot won 101-76


Reported about 9 days ago. Octobot won 101-76

Thank you sir, got it now.

got the shakes said:
I've tried getting ahold of soldat7 a few times and I got no response. Also sent him a friend request a week or so back so I could start our Carc game, and I don't believe he accepted it.
If you don't hear from him by the time InaudibleWhispa and Smiley90 finish their game, we'll give him a forfeit.
I cannot stop getting rolled by those damned dwarves. And I still get tundra orcs on my first random attempt about 80% of the time.

me too on the random select. 1 time I found that double tapping on random, rather than random and hitting load, it actually randomized it properly. it must've been in my head tho because it's just the same either way now


me too on the random select. 1 time I found that double tapping on random, rather than random and hitting load, it actually randomized it properly. it must've been in my head tho because it's just the same either way now

So I monkeyed with it a bit today. 5 random tries. In every attempt the first army I got was tundra orcs and the second I got was the undead.



Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Inaudiblewhisper and me are in our game, can't do too manyturns a day though, but there's progress made :)


I had hoped to avenge my earlier death against chicobalay with a rematch next round, but alas, I have been double-eliminated.

CzarTim 109 - Slacker 99 in a nail biter. Great game!


I had hoped to avenge my earlier death against chicobalay with a rematch next round, but alas, I have been double-eliminated.

CzarTim 109 - Slacker 99 in a nail biter. Great game!

I was positive I was going to lose until about 15 tiles left. Could have easily gone either way.


@Rayspencer and Scrabbledude. Sorry guys but I'm going to resign our NH games. I'm trying to free up some game space for a league I'm in over @ the Quarter to Three forums. No hard feelings! You guys were kicking my butt anyways :-D.

Let's keep it going here, Carcers. Gamecocks has completed his domination of the winners bracket, so let's get the losers bracket caught up. Games we're waiting on currently:

Gatekeeper vs Octobot
eznark vs Of All Trades
InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got the Shakes
wideawakewesley vs tm24

wideawakewesley vs tm24 is ongoing, we must both be at opposite sides of the planet because we've yet to be online at the same time, so it's almost one turn a day at the moment.
@Rayspencer and Scrabbledude. Sorry guys but I'm going to resign our NH games. I'm trying to free up some game space for a league I'm in over @ the Quarter to Three forums. No hard feelings! You guys were kicking my butt anyways :-D.
I was wondering why our game ended. Have fun!
@Rayspencer and Scrabbledude. Sorry guys but I'm going to resign our NH games. I'm trying to free up some game space for a league I'm in over @ the Quarter to Three forums. No hard feelings! You guys were kicking my butt anyways :-D.

I don't think that was true, haha. But have fun in your tourney!


I was about to flip a table in SW after i accidently used my spell instead of my attack. Luckily the dice were on my side and made Astro miss his attack and i followed up with a clean hit next turn


Hail to the KING baby
I was about to flip a table in SW after i accidently used my spell instead of my attack. Luckily the dice were on my side and made Astro miss his attack and i followed up with a clean hit next turn
Yeah I misplayed so much stuff that game. Just gonna stick to gobs I think sick of errors.
Never played San Juan, its supposed to be good though, so I will pick this up!

Hopefully Puerto Rico goes on sale when it gets its update too, I need to grab that one.

San Juan is a good game in its own right but also is a handy primer for Race For The Galaxy, which Rio Grande are planning to release in early 2012.
Well maybe after they've finished Dominion then.


Never played San Juan, its supposed to be good though, so I will pick this up!

Hopefully Puerto Rico goes on sale when it gets its update too, I need to grab that one.

I'm hoping San Juan is well put together. If so it'll be a nice complement to Ticket to Ride (1910 version) on the iPad: A quick game I can play against one other player in ~20 minutes.
San Juan is a good game in its own right but also is a handy primer for Race For The Galaxy, which Rio Grande are planning to release in early 2012.
Well maybe after they've finished Dominion then.

Well I enjoyed Race for the Galaxy, so the best get on that shit soon, already bought!

Slacker, your turn in Caylus!


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
San Juan is a good game in its own right but also is a handy primer for Race For The Galaxy, which Rio Grande are planning to release in early 2012.
Well maybe after they've finished Dominion then.

I wonder why RFTG takes so long, there's already a standalone PC version, porting that can't be too hard... Can it?


I wonder why RFTG takes so long, there's already a standalone PC version, porting that can't be too hard... Can it?

Rio Grande hasn't shown much dedication to action with iOS so far. Dominion was supposed to come out in January/Februrary of this year I think, and we still don't even have screenshots. There must be some behind-the-scenes machinations slowing the process down.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Rio Grande hasn't shown much dedication to action with iOS so far. Dominion was supposed to come out in January/Februrary of this year I think, and we still don't even have screenshots. There must be some behind-the-scenes machinations slowing the process down.

Don't mention iOS Dominion, all the delays, announcements and then silence over missed deadlines hurts too much.


Hail to the KING baby
Probably better there isn't a Dominion app as I overdosed on the isotropic site (which is excellent).
My brain would be buzzing for hours if I played 5 or 6 straight games before bedtime.

Yep isotropic can really burn you out on Dominion quickly. Thankfully an async app would play a lot slower, so you wouldn't generally have the "problem" of being able to spam 20 games in an hour.

Didn't even know they had RFTG planned -- wow. One of my favorite games of all time. Bummed that Rio Grande seems to be dragging their feet on all their games though.
A Quick Round Up of Statuses
Somebody in one of our threads threw up a list of game whose apps were in some state of progress. We thought we would just address them wholesale to the latest of our knowledge. So here goes:
Pandemic - Zman games bringing to iOS (reported in March)
Race for the Galaxy - with a developer you've heard of (but can't say which)
Through the Ages - Codito plans for September 2012
San Juan - beginning of August
Age of Industry - Codito plans for March 2013
Red November - disappeared on brink of launch, FFG and another studio, no one knows why
Dominant Species - GMT (not clear if Playdek involved)
Dominion (RGG) - FunSockets (Alpha)
Alien Frontiers - Kickstarter funded
Agricola - Fall 2012
Eclipse - Big Daddy's working on it, no date given
7 Wonders - Repos working on it, not very likely in 2012
Olympos - last reported Q1 2012, stalled out, more than 3 months delayed,
Dice Town - last reported first half of 2012, stalled out, more than 3 months delayed

I want most of these. All of them except Olympos actually.

Rivals for Catan is coming too, but isn't listed there. That's another good one.


Hail to the KING baby
Damn, I wish most of those were coming out really soon but they all seem trapped in some degree of development hell. Also I get excited but not super excited for anything from Codito or Big Daddy's because of their persistent notification issues (I think Big Daddy's does a better job in terms of gloss though). Too bad the Carc guys don't seem to be working anything. Considering how Carc still has a better async implementation than anyone else by a mile, and looking at some of the dev houses actually getting work, it's pretty shocking unless they've turned offers down.

fwiw, the official 7 Wonders companion app is quite awesome if you play the game regularly. It has a new board (you use the iPad), makes scoring easier (especially for science), and has persistent stat-tracking. A few kinks, but really an awesome job that accomplishes the absolute ideal for any companion-type app: makes us want to play the game more.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I want most of these. All of them except Olympos actually.

Rivals for Catan is coming too, but isn't listed there. That's another good one.

If Playdek make all of Agricola, Dominant Species and RFTG, I will be the happiest man alive.


Too bad the Carc guys don't seem to be working anything. Considering how Carc still has a better async implementation than anyone else by a mile, and looking at some of the dev houses actually getting work, it's pretty shocking unless they've turned offers down.

They're working on Traders & Builders now. I assume the Carcassonne team is a small one with a fairly deliberate development methodology. Look how long the River and I&C took. I don't mind the wait because they always deliver such high quality, but it would be nice if such a great developer had a few more of the top teir games to work with.
They're working on Traders & Builders now. I assume the Carcassonne team is a small one with a fairly deliberate development methodology. Look how long the River and I&C took. I don't mind the wait because they always deliver such high quality, but it would be nice if such a great developer had a few more of the top teir games to work with.

Please excuse my severe lack of board game knowledge, but is Traders & Builders a Carc expansion or an entirely different game?


Expansion. Adds 3 new elements: Traders, Builders and pigs. Traders add a new scoring mechanic, Builders are a new meeple used to gain an extra turn and pigs are a new farm scoring mechanic


Please excuse my severe lack of board game knowledge, but is Traders & Builders a Carc expansion or an entirely different game?

It's an expansion that adds a couple cool new elements to the game. One is a builder piece that can be placed on a city or road that already contains one of your followers when you add another tile to it. Once you do that, the next time you add another tile to that same feature, you get to draw another tile and go again. Only one extra tile per turn.

The other addition is icons on some tiles representing three different resources that players collect while playing the game. You get a resource token (example: wheat) if you complete a city that has that token displayed on one of the tiles. Whoever has the most of each resource at the end of the game gets 10 bonus points (30 points total up for grabs). You get the resource tiles even if completing the city scores points for another player, so it adds an interesting decision making situation to the game (is it worth helping my opponent to get the resource).

It's my IRL group's favorite and most-played expansion by far, and will no doubt be expertly implemented on the iOS stuff. Can't wait. :)

Edit: Oh yeah, forgot pigs. Makes cities worth 4 points instead of 3 in farm scoring. :)
It's an expansion that adds a couple cool new elements to the game. One is a builder piece that can be placed on a city or road that already contains one of your followers when you add another tile to it. Once you do that, the next time you add another tile to that same feature, you get to draw another tile and go again. Only one extra tile per turn.

The other addition is icons on some tiles representing three different resources that players collect while playing the game. You get a resource token (example: wheat) if you complete a city that has that token displayed on one of the tiles. Whoever has the most of each resource at the end of the game gets 10 bonus points (30 points total up for grabs). You get the resource tiles even if completing the city scores points for another player, so it adds an interesting decision making situation to the game (is it worth helping my opponent to get the resource).

It's my IRL group's favorite and most-played expansion by far, and will no doubt be expertly implemented on the iOS stuff. Can't wait. :)

Edit: Oh yeah, forgot pigs. Makes cities worth 4 points instead of 3 in farm scoring. :)

Oh sweet. Sounds great
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