iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread (Carcassonne, Everything Playdek, & Many More)


BGG says $7.99 for San Juan.


$7.99... I'll probably just hold off for RFTG if it is that much. I like the game but it's super simple. Plus I already have Puerto Rico sitting on my iPad doing nothing.

On another note, I think I'm going to play Cloaks exclusively for Summoner Wars, even though my win rate for them is 40%. Now if only I had a SW for Android that integrated with iOS servers so I could play during the day...


Hail to the KING baby
No async? Bah what a bummer. I might still pick it up because I quite like San Juan and it's definitely a nice on-the-go/plane game if you have a few people around for local multi (wife and I actually used to play the tabletop version on the plane). fwiw for those on the fence it's an excellent intro to RFTG. In fact, for casual gamers, I never teach RFTG first anymore.


Hail to the KING baby
I love the game, but $7.99?


if you listen to the yucata guys, they are basically nuts about their digital rights and i suppose digital monetization opportunities. kind of like knizia except i don't think they farm their stuff out to fourth-rate developers and they charge about 5x more.
I will buy it for 8 bucks, its still way cheaper than buying the board game. Plus im stupid and buy stuff like that all the time, and never play it :'(


Hail to the KING baby
San Juan is good. Is it maybe overpriced without async? Sure. But it's a solid implementation -- very polished.


GG Astro, I messed up at the end there and moved my summoner to the wrong spot to be able to hit and run away proper. Those JE champs have soooooo much HP and so hard to deal with.
Has anyone played a MP San Juan game yet?
If so does anyone know if it works nicely with web proxies (like Carcasonne) or does it
use unusal ports (anything by Playdek, Caylus, NH)?
I don't want to have to keep switching to 3G all day.
San Juan is way easier to learn than all of those thankfully. Really a fun light game.

It seems a lot like Puerto Rico too, haha. Tutorial was either really shit in San Juan or I just wasnt paying attention though. I will play a game vs the AI later today and figure it out quick. Looks nice though, and plays well.


Hail to the KING baby
GG Astro, I messed up at the end there and moved my summoner to the wrong spot to be able to hit and run away proper. Those JE champs have soooooo much HP and so hard to deal with.
Yeah man thought we might have a stalemate on our hands. Quite exciting.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I'm in two games in which I'm playing ad Vanguard against Cloaks right now with mercviper and Ray... Mildly confusing to say the least.


New update to Ticket to Ride iPad gives the option to purchase the Legendary Asia map IAP along with several other new features (see below).

Also check out Days of Wonder co-founder and CEO Eric Hautemont talkin' gobbledygook with Macworld; briefly addressing why you don't need async and sound reasoning for multiple apps :

• NEW Legendary Asia Map offered as an In-App Purchase.
• New AI Opponents specifically designed for the maps of Europe, Switzerland and Asia.
• New Achievements:
◇ 45 exciting achievements, including All-new Map-specific ones for Europe, Switzerland and Asia
◇ Game Center support
◇ DoW Online support lets you back your achievements up on Days of Wonder Servers and share them with our newly-released Ticket to Ride Europe Pocket
◇ Once unlocked, publish your achievements on Twitter to taunt or impress your friends
• Retina Display on the New iPad now fully supported across all of the game’s UI, not just in-game Maps.
• Various fixes.​


Hail to the KING baby
New update to Ticket to Ride iPad gives the option to purchase the Legendary Asia map IAP along with several other new features (see below).

Also check out Days of Wonder co-founder and CEO Eric Hautemont talkin' gobbledygook with Macworld; briefly addressing why you don't need async and sound reasoning for multiple apps :

Wow, fuck these guys. Won't be buying any of their games anymore. Thanks for making Small World abandonware and releasing 18 Ticket to Ride apps that aren't cross-compatible though. Maybe if your notifications weren't buggy as shit, people would actually play and take their turns. Also thanks for fucking up Memoir 44 on PC by having some weird system where you basically have to pay for each play after a while. Jags.
Picked up San Juan. Tutorial makes it seem like a pretty good implementation. It would be better if I knew the illustrations well enough to know what all the cards did.


Hail to the KING baby
Picked up San Juan. Tutorial makes it seem like a pretty good implementation. It would be better if I knew the illustrations well enough to know what all the cards did.

It would also be nice if there were actual people playing online but I can't find a single quick game. But oh wait nm async sucks and should never be supported.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Waitwhaaaaat. In NSHex, the protection from ranged attacks is working even when the unit is deactivated?!? Is that really how it is?!? I was under the assumption it wouldn't oo. Damn.
It would also be nice if there were actual people playing online but I can't find a single quick game. But oh wait nm async sucks and should never be supported.

Yeah hautemont's logic really doesn't hold water given the length of a turn in other (not to mention more popular) digital implentations of games.


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah hautemont's logic really doesn't hold water given the length of a turn in other (not to mention more popular) digital implentations of games.

I really think it's just pure rationalization for not putting in the work. A "very vocal minority"? mean your fans who want to be able to play your games in the best way possible? Yeah, fuck them, let's cater to the people who just buy games and never play them. They're great for word of mouth and sustained success.
I really think it's just pure rationalization for not putting in the work. A "very vocal minority"? mean your fans who want to be able to play your games in the best way possible? Yeah, fuck them, let's cater to the people who just buy games and never play them. They're great for word of mouth and sustained success.
I think they're saying that a lot of people are playing online, but not many are playing async.




Hail to the KING baby
Everyone should implement online to the level of Carcassonne. It is bizarre that no one has copied it.

Ugh, I know. It frustrates me constantly to no end. Elo, async, chat.

For those on the fence about San Juan, Ravensburger just released an async update for Puerto Rico and said they would async update San Juan as well (who knows when of course, or if it works better than the broken async games (i.e., every game except Carc & Playdek), but hey it's a start.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Uh...yeah? You can always count on DoW to fuck things up though. Would be so fun async with multiple players. Isn't their abandonware app local 2P only? Hahaha.

It's ipad only anyway, so I wouldn't know. But 4p async Small World would be sooooo gooood. Give it to Playdek, they'd make it SW-ish and we'd all be happy :(
It's ipad only anyway, so I wouldn't know. But 4p async Small World would be sooooo gooood. Give it to Playdek, they'd make it SW-ish and we'd all be happy :(
Let's let PlayDek finish Agricola first.

TheCodingMonkeys can do Small World. And correct the Ticket to Ride Pocket stuff with a redo.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
We're both Winners Ray! yay! :D 7/20 for both of us in the NSHex game, in case it disappears for you :p
We're both Winners Ray! yay! :D 7/20 for both of us in the NSHex game, in case it disappears for you :p

Haha, yeah. Double win!

I'm not lookin good in our SW or Nightfall match though, haha. Crossing my fingers!

Edit: I wish I wasn't always the one to make the NH games though, I always have to pick my team first :(



eznark vs Of All Trades
InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got The Shakes
wideawakewesley vs tm24

If you've tried to hook up with your opponent with no luck refresh my memory. Thanks!


New update to Ticket to Ride iPad gives the option to purchase the Legendary Asia map IAP along with several other new features (see below).
I hate to do it because DoW is so frustrating lately, but I love the Asia map so I begrudgingly bought this. I'll make my stand at TTR Pocket Europe though, even though I'd love to play iPhone vs iPad with my wife on the Switzerland map. >__<

eznark vs Of All Trades
InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got The Shakes
wideawakewesley vs tm24

If you've tried to hook up with your opponent with no luck refresh my memory. Thanks!

I've tried to link up with soldat7, but I have seen him on here in quite awhile and he never accepted my GC request so I could start the game.

eznark vs Of All Trades
InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got The Shakes
wideawakewesley vs tm24

If you've tried to hook up with your opponent with no luck refresh my memory. Thanks!

I sent an invite to eznark for our rematch (we tied) but he hasn't accepted.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.

eznark vs Of All Trades
InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got The Shakes
wideawakewesley vs tm24

If you've tried to hook up with your opponent with no luck refresh my memory. Thanks!

Inaudiblewhisper said on Monday (?) that he'd forgotten his ipad over the weekend, but I tried contacting him to see if he's got it back, but haven't heard from him... So our game is still in a stall, since July 27.

Also Ray okay, I'll start next time :p it's not like I pick teams that counter your picks... If such a thing even exists...

EDIT: he just made a turn, we're back OTW! :D
Inaudiblewhisper said on Monday (?) that he'd forgotten his ipad over the weekend, but I tried contacting him to see if he's got it back, but haven't heard from him... So our game is still in a stall, since July 27.

Also Ray okay, I'll start next time :p it's not like I pick teams that counter your picks... If such a thing even exists...

EDIT: he just made a turn, we're back OTW! :D

I honestly dont even know what would counter anything, haha. sometimes I just want to try certain match ups, or sometimes I feel like im taking the team someone else wants to use, and then sometimes I DO want to try to see if a team could counter another team, haha. When I can only have 5 (?) games going at once, Its more important to use them wisely!

Edit: And its not just our game smiley! Ive made like 90% of all of my NH games, period, haha.


Summoner Wars hates me. Since I have time again I was going to play more, but it isn't enough I suck. For the life of me I can't figure out why when I rolled a 2-4 the '4' didn't count as a hit (I don't see a buff or any note on the goblin's Fighter). Now they have a clean shot at my summoner:( Not the end of the world and I knew it was a gamble, but I got a 4! Let's forget the 4 misses against another unit (making me go 0-6 that turn...). [/rant]

And if your opponent forfeits because they run out of time you don't get the win? I know one wasn't added to my total (when you only have 9 wins it's easy to tell:). Bastards. I had them dead to rights after they almost had me. The Fallen thrives on death, and I had them outnumbered 8 units to their 1 at end game:) I can see they started the first two phases of their turn, and then just stopped...
It sucks getting an invite to a new game of Nightfall (or any game really, haha) from someone your already playing a game in. You just know that shit probably went wrong in that last one, haha.

GG Smiley, Ive been trying a new style of play in Nightfall, but in our game I didnt notice what my filler card was, and had to kill my own dudes a lot (or enough that it was a problem, haha).

And nice win in our SW game, I felt like I was WAY behind that whole match, so I just had to do something stupid/crazy to try to pull it out, and it didnt work, haha. You went with a super crazy strategy with your VG, it was cool to play against for sure.
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