iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread (Carcassonne, Everything Playdek, & Many More)


anyone who plays me with the pupu platter (every expansions) has at least a 50% chance of winning, probably a good deal more :D

I think we should arrange a best of 7 between you two. The champion needs a Bellator style superfight while he awaits the next tournament winner. :)


Hail to the KING baby
think i just had a good run of luck in the tourney. i don't really purport to be all that good at ascension, if that's even a thing you can be
Man, that's 2 nightfall games in a row vs smiley, that the card I use to link together my good card has fucked me over, haha.

I need to pay more attention, I haven't lost yet, but its not looking good.

I also just fucked up my turn in SW vs Kosh One, stupid phoenix elf summoner move needs to be closer than his regular attack, now I'm going to have a Baldar on my ass for 1 turn, and if he's got the right cards I could lose just from that, haha.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Bah, I need some turn-based racing!

Any chances of it getting shut down? I had read somewhere that the original makers of De might not be too happy?

Operation: Eradicat is out too and it's pretty much a Pandemic clone, but called differently so it's not the same... not sure what they're gonna do, but I think they'll be fine. They're waaaay too far along now to just be shut down, I'm sure the publisher would've intervened earlier.


Hail to the KING baby
I was just thinking how awesome it would be if Twilight Struggle & Labyrinth: The War on Terror had iPad apps. Gah!! At least give me Agricola. Pleease.

As far as the D app I will get it if people say it's good. I'm a bit wary of knockoff apps though ever since that Pandemic knockoff was a pretty bad implementation. Android has way higher quality knockoffs. :p But if it's good, then great. I honestly don't see why we can't have a pretty decent industry where people build great implementations and then do some sort of revshare with the company to get the license. Sadly I'm sure some of it has to do with licensing complexities, but I do think a lot of it has to do with the shortsightedness of some publishers, feeling that they need to control every detail, derive huge revenues from the app itself (ignoring the publicity element), etc. :/


Skimming the Formula Feud thread on TA was not very inspiring.
Here's a few random dev quotes :

"To find all of your friends already playing this little gem, just connect to Facebook or Twitter and let the game find your friends for you!"

"The game includes one completely free track and you can also get one more for free if you just post a status to Facebook or Twitter.
After that you have several more tracks that you can purchase via the Feud Store!"

"GameCenter is not supported right now because of some features lacking...
In iOS6 Apple has done some improvements so we might look into it further along!"

In other IOS racing news, Slingshot Racing got an async multiplayer update today along with a price drop to $0.99.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I want to join the SW tourney for August or whenever. I noticed people are posting their records, do I need to too?

You`ll be the Nr1 seed anyway, so... I`d say you can skip that unless you want to frustrate every future opponent. :p


Carc tourney update:

I beat wideawakewesley 107-80. Was a good game, I took all of the big 27 point farm with the very last tile.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Raaaaay you didn't end your turn in the NShex game... I think... :D i see you setting tiles but it's still your turn :D

Also, Carc tourney, I don't know where inaudiblewhisper is but I always have to wait like 2, 3 days for him to make a turn... Was waiting from the 5th to the 8th and now waiting since :(


Finally bought summoner wars. I enjoy the physical game quite a bit, and I am really happy with the way this has turned out on ios. Went ahead and flat out bought the entire 7.99 pack after the tutorial even though I am probably only going to be playing as the Cave Goblins to give Playdek more of my money and to hopefully help with a speedier release of Agricola. ;)



Getting closer to the end. :)

Do we have an update on soldat7 vs Got the Shakes?

And Smiley90 keep trying with Inaudible. You'll have to wait on the winner of the above game anyway. Once one of the two games we're waiting on finishes, we'll deal with the other if it's not moving.


Front page announces the sad news that it's time to shut down.
No mention of iOS versions though. Browser only.

Sad indeed. I killed countless nights there. Hopefully the iPad version will measure up.

Anyone playing the new TF2 team in Hero Academy? They are going to take some getting used to. There is a lot of variety in the units. Feel free to challenge Slacker to a game if you're playing.
Sold my iPad (3rd gen) to get ready for the iPad mini. Having to suffer through Carc on my wife's iPod touch...yuck. Man the smaller screen sucks. Can't see anything and have made quite a few mistakes as a result in recent 1v1s. Totally different game on the iPad display. So much room!

Whoever plays me in the final has to wait until September. lol
sort of kidding


Hail to the KING baby
And Carc is one of the few games that works decently on there. That screen is just too small compared to other phones so it's no wonder Apple is finally catching up to the rest of the industry with the 5. Playdek games are just WOW in terms of so much stuff squeezed onto there. Though I do commend the effort and definitely appreciate the larger playerbase.


Sold my iPad (3rd gen) to get ready for the iPad mini. Having to suffer through Carc on my wife's iPod touch...yuck. Man the smaller screen sucks. Can't see anything and have made quite a few mistakes as a result in recent 1v1s. Totally different game on the iPad display. So much room!

Whoever plays me in the final has to wait until September. lol
sort of kidding

I play all my games on my iPhone (Carc, SW, HA, LeHavre). :lol I keep putting off buying an iPad, but I'll be breaking down when the next one comes out!

And GG Astro on that last SW game. I hope that wasn't a newbie pity win!


Hail to the KING baby
haha no way. i've been doing pretty mediocre recently trying out some new strategies but i do always go for the gusto :D
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