iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread (Carcassonne, Everything Playdek, & Many More)


Hail to the KING baby
Thanks! :p Some of these teams I either had early losses or with JE I'd often just carry over my Sneeks habits to them which is not a great idea and can result in quick losses. They are my second-favorite squadron though.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
these are my sw stats. a couple decks i think i tweaked negatively but oh well rather mess around myself

Cave Goblins: 44-12
Jungle Elves: 27-18
Phoenix Elves: 10-7
Guild Dwarves: 10-9
Tundra Orcs: 2-2
Vanguards: 0-2
FK/Cloaks: 0-0

Waitwut, you've NEVER played FK/Cloaks and Vanguard&Orcs less than 4 times?!? How come oO


My replay with tm24 after our initial draw is complete, match finished wideawakewesley 159 - 119 tm24

I've sent an invite to blahness, so hopefully we can crack on with our game asap.

Saw the invite pop up on my phone but went to accept it and it is now gone. Sent another one to ya.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Congrats to hereafter for winning the first summoner wars iOS league!

Today in: Things we all saw coming :p

Congratz though! Does that mean we can finally lock the other thread and all talk about SW in here? :D


Today in: Things we all saw coming :p

Congratz though! Does that mean we can finally lock the other thread and all talk about SW in here? :D

I think so. The last game last was with me trying to build magic while slowly being whittled down by the Elven Warriors.

Gazele summoned the mighty Drake and attack a priest from far away his his breath attack. This seemed to anger the almighty as another Priest joined the fray and back by the power of the Holy did 12 damage on the Drake. This turned the tide of battle as the Elves never recovered.

Kalon entered the battle soon after but the combined might of Meleena and Warriors did all but angered him. He killed Meleena and was sooned healed to full health again at the Elf's dismay. The Elves collapsed shortly after that.

Good game Gazele, once that Vanguard engine is running, it's hard to stop them.

Edit: thanks to Scrabbledude for hosting the first league!


yep, i hit the 4/5 too which helped :D

Yep, should of blaze stepped into wall and stopped that direct hit. Warriors are top tier units for defense. On the plus side, ive totally figured you out! Need more peeps to play me at SW! If you havent, add me GC: mightytm24

Also, anyone want to play a game of Carc with the expansions?

EDIT: A Formula D clone is coming with chat and async

Astro, tell us about Formula D
I'll tell you. It's awesome. Formula De (I refuse to call it by its bastard name) is one of my favorite board games of all time. It might look relatively boring, but the strategy involved in both how you build your car and when to shift gears is surprisingly deep and rewarding.
But apparently this has no AI, multiplayer only. This is a big downer for me. I need the option to play solo against an AI for when groups aren't available.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
But apparently this has no AI, multiplayer only. This is a big downer for me. I need the option to play solo against an AI for when groups aren't available.

As long as it has async multiplayer I don`t care about AI. I`ve played like 5 games of AI multiplayer in all of Ascension, Carc, Nightfall and SW combined. GAF FTW.

I don`t know the game, but it looks eerily similar to the old pen&paper racing games, you know, the ones where you had to accelerate, make turns and slow down based on the squares on a square-paper, and you drew your own tracks etc. Is it anything like that? :D
Yes, it's similar. With advanced rules in formula de, you choose to put a certain amount of points into your brakes, body, and/or tires. You have six gears you can shift through, and you move by rolling a die that corresponds to the gear you're in. The turns on a course have a certain number of stops you must make in that turn or you start spending points in tires and brakes. If you spend too many your car wipes out.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Yes, it's similar. With advanced rules in formula de, you choose to put a certain amount of points into your brakes, body, and/or tires. You have six gears you can shift through, and you move by rolling a die that corresponds to the gear you're in. The turns on a course have a certain number of stops you must make in that turn or you start spending points in tires and brakes. If you spend too many your car wipes out.

Sounds vaguely similar, although way more elaborate and... well, more "ruley". I love it. Used to play the pen&paper game all the time, it's a lot of fun. If this is only remotely like it, I'll love it I know. :D
Sounds vaguely similar, although way more elaborate and... well, more "ruley". I love it. Used to play the pen&paper game all the time, it's a lot of fun. If this is only remotely like it, I'll love it I know. :D

Participating in a Formula De league that mirrored the Formula One circuit is some is some of the most fun I've ever had gaming. I will pick this up day one and be happy if I this comes even 50 percent close to that. If there is a great selection of tracks I will volunteer to admin a league if there's enough interest.


Participating in a Formula De league that mirrored the Formula One circuit is some is some of the most fun I've ever had gaming. I will pick this up day one and be happy if I this comes even 50 percent close to that. If there is a great selection of tracks I will volunteer to admin a league if there's enough interest.

DO it! Do it! Do iT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Participating in a Formula De league that mirrored the Formula One circuit is some is some of the most fun I've ever had gaming. I will pick this up day one and be happy if I this comes even 50 percent close to that. If there is a great selection of tracks I will volunteer to admin a league if there's enough interest.

Is there a possibility for a track editor? I have no idea if the boardgame is theoretically customizable but lacking the tools, so would an iOS/electronic have the possibility? Not saying they'll put it in, but would it THEORETICALLY be possible? :D
Is there a possibility for a track editor? I have no idea if the boardgame is theoretically customizable but lacking the tools, so would an iOS/electronic have the possibility? Not saying they'll put it in, but would it THEORETICALLY be possible? :D

The board game had all sorts of different tracks that we're sold separately that (I believe) were based on real life formula one tracks at the time. But yes i suppose it is a distinct possibility this game could have that.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Looks really cool, hopefully it makes it, 250,000 seems like a lot though idk

Well it was started 6 days ago and it's at 70k out of 250k... I'm estimating it'll end somewhere around the first stretch goal, so 350k.
Yep, should of blaze stepped into wall and stopped that direct hit. Warriors are top tier units for defense. On the plus side, ive totally figured you out! Need more peeps to play me at SW! If you havent, add me GC: mightytm24

Also, anyone want to play a game of Carc with the expansions?

EDIT: A Formula D clone is coming with chat and async

Astro, tell us about Formula D

Why isn't this out yet?!?!?!


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
yeah, win/loss and games played. basically I'm gonna do pool play for the first round so everyone will get a lot of games played and get some good exp.

It was in another thread, thats why!

Sounds good! Let's please do it in this thread though :p


Anyone looking for a good Ascension game should add sladeums. We manage to blow through a complete game in one sitting about once a day. We're always playing different strategies and it's always back and forth. Tons of fun when you play all your turns at once and form an actual game plan.


Anyone looking for a good Ascension game should add sladeums. We manage to blow through a complete game in one sitting about once a day. We're always playing different strategies and it's always back and forth. Tons of fun when you play all your turns at once and form an actual game plan.


I always appreciate getting a full game in one go.
Plus I have no life, so outside of my work and sleep hours I'm online/available pretty much constantly.

So hit me up.
(p.s. I'm really weak, so don't play too tough against me.)



I always appreciate getting a full game in one go.
Plus I have no life, so outside of my work and sleep hours I'm online/available pretty much constantly.

So hit me up.
(p.s. I'm really weak, so don't play too tough against me.)

Don't be so modest, you're actually one of the few players I have consistent trouble against.

Have you played tourney champ Astro Lad? I like your odds.


Don't be so modest, you're actually one of the few players I have consistent trouble against.

Have you played tourney champ Astro Lad? I like your odds.

I think I've played him a couple times right after SoS hit, but nothing regular.

I'm definitely improving ... looking at the last tourney from a couple months ago my record was around 130-140, now I'm at about 230-210.

I had some really good win streaks going there at the end of last month.


Hail to the KING baby
anyone who plays me with the pupu platter (every expansions) has at least a 50% chance of winning, probably a good deal more :D
Spectromancer just got submitted to the US App store for approval. This game is fantastic and has had a couple successful PC iterations and has the pedigree of Richard Garfield attached to it. I highly recommend picking this up day 1.

Edit: I had no idea this game was a front runner to Kard Combat. If you like that, you should love this.

Edit 2: ok, I just downloaded Kard Combat. I didn't know it ever recieved a universal update so I never touched. Spectromancer is the same game. Almost identical, even down to the story progression. I will put out the opinion that spectromancer's art is a trillion times better than Kard Combat's.
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