Pretty much!
And Smiley wins for not being excited! Turns out the app is a iOS front end wrapper for the shitty HTML5 version thats in beta and everyone says sucks!
Pretty much!
And Smiley wins for not being excited! Turns out the app is a iOS front end wrapper for the shitty HTML5 version thats in beta and everyone says sucks!
Another good game mercviper. Killing you with your own thief seemed right somehow after all the shenanigans we pulled. That was possibly the most fun match I had ever!
GG TM, that one went down to the wire. Too many precision attacks by the PE deck![]()
Ray just wait until they release more factions. There's one called the Benders that has an ability just like Vegas in Neuroshima (pay to take over any common).![]()
http://www.boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/12572/ios-news-flash-playdek-confirms-new-releases-lostBGG said:Playdek Sale and Upcoming Games Confirmed
Playdek is having a sale in honor of GenCon and their latest announcements. Here is what is on sale 8/16/12 through 8/23/12:
Ascension: Chronicle of the God Slayer - $0.99, all expansions $0.99
Summoner Wars - Buy Everything Bundle $4.99
Nightfall - $0.99
Food Fight iOS - $0.99
Playdek has also announced that they are working on the following games:
- Smash Up! from AEG
- Tank on Tank from Lock n Load Publishing
- Can't Stop from Gryphon Games
I will be!Great deals. Everyone in the iOS gaming thread better buy Summoner Wars.
Summoner Wars was coming to Android. I thought I read that on the price drop announcement on BGG.
CodingMonkeys are releasing Reiner Knizias Lost Cities in a couple weeks.
Any good, anyone ?
Looks kinda lame/lightweight.
On Twitter they indicated a Carc expansion later this year.
The boardgame last cities is very lightweight, but nonetheless a lot of fun. And a game doesn't last more than like 10 minutes. But it's fundoesn't have tooooo much to it though, so it's definitely not sth you can play a lot of all the time without getting bored quickly.
oh and donald x just confirmed on bgg that dominion app will be multiplatform play and purchases will carry over across all platforms.
i dunno...hope rising.
Well "of course" it's multiplatform if it's just the front end for an HTML online program... There's not too much programming needed for the platformI guess that also means there won't be ANY offline play?
ok, works for me. i don't really care about the backend as long as the game has the features i want -- which in terms of cross-platform play and not having to double dip and the like puts it miles ahead of most everything
no idea about offline play -- i actually don't really care about it but if you hop into that thread i'm sure donald can tell you![]()
Well I'm thinking if it's HTML it's bound to requre online connection, since all the calculations are server-bound and not local... Right?
There's going to be Seaside A and Seaside B, so it looks like the expansions are going to be broken down into smaller packages.
campaign mode
They should sell "premium" "foil" versions too like MTG app does.
Is Food Fight worth the buck when it goes on sale? The game never looked all that interesting to me. I'm sure everyone already has the others. Though I haven't heard of any of those future games (which doesn't mean much).
Adding to this, the facebook post has more "text" the the new game announcements, I'm confused this hasn't garnered more attention
"Fans have seen them in the rule books and now its official: along with the sale, Playdek is pleased to confirm its next two new titles:
Smash Up!
Smash Up!, the all-new shufflebuilding game from Playdek and Alderac Entertainment Group hits the digital tabletop this year. Featuring Pirates, Ninja, Zombies, Robots, Dinosaurs and more Smash Up! will make your iDevice at least 84.4% more awesome than anyone else's. Smash Up! will offer the best features from all our games and brings AEGs awesome new game play mechanic to the world of deck games. Our friends AEG will be showing Smash Up at Gen Con this year and we think you ought to check it out! Look for further announcements soon! Smash Up the Card Game
And if this wasnt enough news for one release: After many press inquiries and a lot of fan interest Playdek is proud to announce its first collaboration with Lock n Load Publishing will be Tank on Tank!
Tank on Tank
Tank on Tank from Playdek will bring an engaging light war game to your digital tabletop with stunning graphics, ease of play and many of the features youve come to expect from Playdek. Tank on Tank from Lock N Load Publishing is an excellent tactical game that can be learned in five minutes and played during a lunch break. The Allies land in Normandy to liberate France from German rule. The liberation however, wont be an easy road. From D-Day at Omaha Beach, through the battle for Normandy, the Allies will fight the Germans tooth and nail, bayonet and rifle, tank on tank. Look for further news in the weeks ahead. Tank on Tank at Lock N Load Publishing
In addition, Playdek is announcing that it will be bringing Summoner Wars to Android. Look for further announcements about Playdeks Android plans in the future. Summoner Wars on iOS will be playable in the Plaid Hat booth.
Playdeks first title with Gryphon Games:
Cant Stop
Cant Stop is Playdeks first title with their friends from Gryphon Games. Playdek brings the venerable Sid Sackson classic to 3d with the usual Playdek polish. Once you've started this intense dice game, you just can't stop! Youll go for the dice again and again only to risk losing it all on a single roll. Cant Stop Boardgame"
Sounds AWESOME. Astro, I don't know any of these games, can you "or someone else" tell us something about them? Smash Up's description sounds hilarious, a Playdek Wargame sounds interesting and I love wargames, Can't stop doesn't have much description to it... but dice... we'll see?It's playdek so it'll be great I'm sure.
Done. That was very close. I had 1 steel which made the difference when using the shipping line. You had so many ships though. I thought it was all over.gg, superrobot! (Le Havre)
Nice 2-point win. I setup a rematch, but I have no idea what your name is on GC
First you get lucky I didn't Wild Swing, then you get Lucky with the 6 roll to posess my champ. wow. WOOOOOW.
Also Kosh, that 7 dice roll made me... uh... WTF quite hard.
Haha, yeah. I love keeping one phantom in my deck just in case.
Though, its your fault anyway! You should have killed my phantom when you had a chance.
Well I could either kill the phantom and waste a turn that I could spend eliminating all your units to go straight for your summoner (which thanks to Wild Swing also has a high chance of killing the Phantom anyway), and count on the 83% chance that your Phantom won't kill my unit... the choice was a fairly obvious one to me, but my luck failed me twice, and you got lucky.![]()
First you get lucky I didn't Wild Swing, then you get Lucky with the 6 roll to posess my champ. wow. WOOOOOW.
Also Kosh, that 7 dice roll made me... uh... WTF quite hard.
One more day until Dominion.![]()
Crossing my fingers that its awesome!
Hmm, I thought you got to aim your attack with krung though, so after wild swing failed, you could aim your normal attack at the phantom, cause didn't you kill my reaper with krung after wild swing failed?
I dunno! Either way, that was my only phantom anyway.
One more day until Dominion.![]()
What is this Dominion you speak of