iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread (Carcassonne, Everything Playdek, & Many More)


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
No Universal, no local there even asynchronous play? I'm amazed that this was made by the Carcassonne devs...

This Goko-level dumb.

(Posted from the other thread)

No. Nothing will ever beat how terrible Goku was. Everything about that development process and product was just fundamentally awful and ridiculously handled.


Super Sleuth
Ok, so... these are the board games I have on my iPad:

- Ascension
- Carcassonne
- Catan HD
- Caylus
- Le Havre
- Puerto Rico HD
- Ticket To Ride
- Tigris Euphrates

So... apart from the whole dominion fiasco and Summoner Wars am I missing any major game here?

Reiner Knizia's Samurai.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I don't suppose any of you have a list of games that are online multiplayer available, do you?

The list in the OP with the google docs contains all the boardgames that have online multiplayer, pretty much... if that's what you're looking for?
Hmmmm, how did I miss the Pandemic clone ( Eradicate) till now???

Is it good?

While we're at it... Are there any Power Grid, Agricola, 7 Wonders or Twilight Struggle clones??? Or any clones of great games in general?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Hmmmm, how did I miss the Pandemic clone ( Eradicate) till now???

Is it good?

While we're at it... Are there any Power Grid, Agricola, 7 Wonders or Twilight Struggle clones??? Or any clones of great games in general?

It's... not that good, to be honest. the UI is terrible and multiplayer doesn't work that well (e.g. no review of other people's turns and wonky notifications)

Power Grid, 7 Wonders and Twilight Struggle - nothing.

Agricola is being developed by Playdek, the guys who made Ascension/Summoner Wars/Nightfall, so it's bound to be a great port, and is coming this summer.

Otherwise it's pretty much all in the google doc, I think it covers all current good ports and more games get added to it as they come out :p add your name to the list and tell us your GC and preferred games here and people will hit you up with invites :D

What we're all looking forward to:

-Nightfall expansion
-Lost Cities (maybe?)
-eeh... help me out here guys. And the Goku crap (GODDAMNIT WHY RFTG) doesn't count.


Hail to the KING baby
No clones, just that really crappy Pandemic one.

7 Wonders does have a really cool official scoring app though fwiw if you actually own the tabletop.

A lot of games seem to be mired in development/licensing hell of some sort unfortunately. I am really looking forward to Agricola (my favorite board game of all time) and, eh, the Nightfall expansion ... why not?

Also Lost Cities is out, gonna try it now:


There's a lot of cool things going on with Lost Cities. I

I really like the goals and leveling they've implemented. And there's some cool win/loss tracking. I think some games (like Ascension) could really benefit from so post-game data analysis. So I find this kinda neat.

Also: I'm really into the subtle stuff in Lost Cities like the emoticons (reminds me of XBLA Catan) and the ability to message non-friend opponents via Twitter if both players opt in. That's a nice touch that nobody else has really thought of.

I think live is the way to play Lost cities. I piled up three or four games and blew through them at the same time over the course of an hour. The notification in the upper right of the screen is really nice and sort of addictive.

I feel where lots of these board game apps aren't really thinking things out and are maybe just struggling to get their shit to work right that Code Monkeys are thinking on a next level and coming up with some really slick problem solves around multiplayer online board gaming.


Hail to the KING baby
Yep, it's a really quality app despite the lack of async. The AI is excellent and so is the online play. Really thoughtful goals at each level too. They somehow took a crazy simple game and made it really interesting with all their stat-tracking and achievements.


Yep, it's a really quality app despite the lack of async. The AI is excellent and so is the online play. Really thoughtful goals at each level too. They somehow took a crazy simple game and made it really interesting with all their stat-tracking and achievements.

I feel like asynch would be really anticlimactic.


Yep, it's a really quality app despite the lack of async. The AI is excellent and so is the online play. Really thoughtful goals at each level too. They somehow took a crazy simple game and made it really interesting with all their stat-tracking and achievements.

How is Lost Cities not async? I played a few games online this morning and got notifications when it was my turn. I didn't have to remain in the game & app at all times. I thought this was the definition of async...
Yep, it's a really quality app despite the lack of async. The AI is excellent and so is the online play. Really thoughtful goals at each level too. They somehow took a crazy simple game and made it really interesting with all their stat-tracking and achievements.

It's nicely done.
The goals give it a nice campaign mode, which should make it easier to get into for Mrs Robot.
Ms Lindenbrock has my number.
I really need to win a game against her soon.

If anyone wants to test async hit me with an invite


How is Lost Cities not async? I played a few games online this morning and got notifications when it was my turn. I didn't have to remain in the game & app at all times. I thought this was the definition of async...

Ya, I'm confused as well.
They've handled the nick-name->real-name problem with Game Center nicely too.
You select the GC nickname and on the next page it picks out the account for you to confirm.


Ok, so... these are the board games I have on my iPad:

- Ascension
- Carcassonne
- Catan HD
- Caylus
- Le Havre
- Puerto Rico HD
- Ticket To Ride
- Tigris Euphrates

So... apart from the whole dominion fiasco and Summoner Wars am I missing any major game here?

You pretty much got it. I second the recommendation for Ghost Stories above if you like a challenge (and make no mistake, it is extremely challenging). Elder Sign is excellent too as a solitaire game (you can play 4-player co-op on both but I never do that).

Only other game I'd recommend is possibly San Juan, but it's hard to recommend that at 8 bucks if you're not a fan of the game already. It's a good implementation though so worth a look if you are a fan.

And if you haven't checked out the expansions to Ticket to Ride you may want to do so. They add a lot of variety to the game. I've spent a lot of time playing the Asian map lately.

Edit: Oh, and Hero Academy might be worth a look. I don't see much love for it on here, but it's a pretty solid async multiplayer game.


Thinking about trying Neuroshima Hex, but don't know if I'll like it. I see there is a lite version, does that have multiplayer, or is that only a feature in the full app?


Thinking about trying Neuroshima Hex, but don't know if I'll like it. I see there is a lite version, does that have multiplayer, or is that only a feature in the full app?

Last I checked Lite was limited to single player, one army only; vs Easy AI, one army only.

That's probably enough to determine if it is something you enjoy, though.


Codito has their apps on sales this week for $0.99:

  • Le Havre
  • Ra
  • Tikal
  • Medici
  • Tigris and Euphrates

I'm really enjoying Le Havre -- how is Tigris and Euphrates? I've seen that mentioned a few times on here.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I will though! I like the physical game and from the reviews of the posts so far it's a pretty good implementation. I'm just at work and my iPad is at home... :<

This. The physical version plays fast and simple and is a lot of fun, and Coding Monkeys are great porters, AND impressions in here are good. Hence buy.

Buying it right now! :D


They've handled the nick-name->real-name problem with Game Center nicely too.
You select the GC nickname and on the next page it picks out the account for you to confirm.
My only complaint is they list everyone in your friend's list. Can't they only show those who actually have the game?

And eznark, buy it!


Hail to the KING baby
So Lost Cities is for realz async? Only been playing live myself. :D So digging this implementation. Board-game makers please do the world a favor and give Coding Monkeys and Playdek all your games. Lost Cities even has online undo, which I've now sadly gotten so used to not having b/c of Playdek and Neuroshima.

If you own Lost Cities, please add your name to the spreadsheet so I know who to send invites to! I made a ghetto row for now, Heel can you please make it pretty when you have a chance? :D


It's async through GC like Le Havre -- not native-app async like Carc and SW. It works though so good enough!

And I updated the spreadsheet.


Hail to the KING baby
Interesting thing about Lost Cities is that in the tabletop you actually play three rounds. In this one whoo boy you can get smashed by a bad draw.


So Lost Cities is for realz async? Only been playing live myself. :D So digging this implementation. Board-game makers please do the world a favor and give Coding Monkeys and Playdek all your games. Lost Cities even has online undo, which I've now sadly gotten so used to not having b/c of Playdek and Neuroshima.

How? As soon as I play my card, the other player's turn starts and I don't see an 'undo' option...


Interesting thing about Lost Cities is that in the tabletop you actually play three rounds. In this one whoo boy you can get smashed by a bad draw.

You also have to watch the draw pile. The game stops dead cold when that last card is drawn (and also never playable).


Hail to the KING baby
Oh yeah as you probably know now those are investments that multiply your score (positive or negative) 2-4x. For being pretty simple rules-wise there are actually a ton of really tough decisions in a typical Lost Cities game.


Been away from this thread for a long time but I updated the spreadsheet with a couple of games I didn't have down before. The thing is I mostly just play Carc still these days since other games are just too damn slow on my poor 3GS. Hero Academy was painful to play so I try to avoid it now.

Once I get an iPhone 5 (and hopefully an iPad Mini) I'll jump in to a bunch of online games of Ascension and Hex (and maybe Lost Cities if I buy it… I’ve heard it is like Battleline which I own the physical copy of). For now it is just mostly Carc... hard to believe it is still my post played app after all this time.

Looking back at the thread, I see I missed a Carc tourney and a sale on the Ascension expansions. Hopefully I can catch those the next time around.

Finally, I love how RaySpencer owns almost everything listed in the spreadsheet.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I sent Lost Cities invites to AirBrian, eznark and AstroLad, everyone else send me
Invites, I'll add my name to the spreadsheet once I'm home.


Hail to the KING baby
God damn it, I thought I was so clever Astro. I thought every card had to be sequential!

Hehe, yeah I saw a couple plays where it seems like you weren't sure about the rules. No full chat though so I couldn't tell you! :p Still won the first game.

My brother just gifted me Ticket to Ride last night

All-time classic. My go-to 100% reliable eurogame to play with non-gamers.
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