iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread (Carcassonne, Everything Playdek, & Many More)


You got to be facking kidding me.

They (@gokogames) just announced on Twitter that they've gone back to Beta because Goko's launch had more than a few hiccups.



That Formula game got pulled from review by the dev after the publisher of Formua De got wind of it. Sounded like it was dead in the water.

And RFTG is another Goko title, ya know?

I think it was said they're resubmitting the artwork for Formula and renaming it to avoid violating any copywrite laws, but will still be released in some form eventually.


Super Sleuth
I really wish Carc would get more detailed stats on wins and losses, including records in different player counts and records against individual players.
Ok, I like having a high ELO but I have no idea why in one game I'll lose by 2 points and lose like 26 ELO points, but then I'll blow someone out by 30 points and only gain 8 ELO points. What's the deal? (Seinfeld voice). Can someone explain ELO to me?

I really wish Carc would get more detailed stats on wins and losses, including records in different player counts and records against individual players.

Totally agree. Would love that feature.


Hail to the KING baby
It only has to do with the ratings of other people. If you win against someone with your same Elo it's roughly +20/-20. But then if you beat people below you you gain less and they lose less.
I meant to comment on some of my games in SW earlier, but I will now!

First, sorry I forgot who exactly the game was against, Kosh I think, it was my Cloaks vs his Dwarves, I ended up getting my Vlox in on HIS backline, and was kinda cornered but I had some friends near by, a Scrapper, and Dagger my Champ. I would have died next round for sure, but I assassinated a key guy, and brought my Dagger up to help, and we killed the Oldin! I was scared, it was super fun.

Cloaks are easily my favorite team, and its weird because they arent a type of team I would normally use. FK are a close second!

Hereafter - GG man! I used a bunch of my abilities at really in opportune times in our game, because I had the issue of ALL 3 of my champs in my hand really early in that game. It really fucked me up.

What do you guys do in a game where you get your champs in hand really early, and dont have the magic to summon them?

What are some good 4-player, turn-based board games on iOS?

I would recommend:

Ticket to Ride (iPad or Pocket version, depending on what you need)
-edit: Ascension! I forgot ascesnion-

and then there is a a few more that I havent played too much yet, but seemed really good when I did:

Le Havre
Neuroshima Hex
Catan (not online)
Titan HD (not online)

Those would probably be my top ones. Carc, Ticket to Ride, Ascension and Samurai are amazing games, loads of fun.


Haha, yeah, the good news for you though, is I cant roll the dice for shit in our game, and I also just took 2HP of my summoner so that I could summon....NOTHING ! yay!

We're you trying to scare the other player? If I can do this to myself, what do you think I can do to you?! :p

I thought you played well the other game. Did you freeze my lioneer in the beginning? Math dictates I kill him myself (1 magic point gain vs 2 lose) Freezing commons is usually a bad idea.

PS Surrounding Khan (Splinter) is a bad idea:)


What do you guys do in a game where you get your champs in hand really early, and dont have the magic to summon them?

Good question. Yesterday I started with 2, and drew the third my second draw. Grrr. I tried burying actions I wouldn't otherwise (since I also kept drawing those) and killing my own for more magic, but it clearly wasn't the right path:)
I saw that. Thought it was hilarious :)

I also wasted a turn after summoning Legion summoning 3 guys, and didnt attack with 2 of them, haha. You played really well in our game, and I played REALLY poorly. It was still loads of fun to try to get myself out of a shitty situation all game, haha.

We're you trying to scare the other player? If I can do this to myself, what do you think I can do to you?! :p

I thought you played well the other game. Did you freeze my lioneer in the beginning? Math dictates I kill him myself (1 magic point gain vs 2 lose) Freezing commons is usually a bad idea.

PS Surrounding Khan (Splinter) is a bad idea:)

Naw, wasnt me! I dont freeze anything that isnt a Summoner or Champ, and 90% of the time I will do a summoner over anything else.


Good question. Yesterday I started with 2, and drew the third my second draw. Grrr. I tried burying actions I wouldn't otherwise (since I also kept drawing those) and killing my own for more magic, but it clearly wasn't the right path:)

Drop one right away and use your commons to win. I usually have 1 low cost champ in my decks for such a occasion. Khan Queso is amazing!

If you are playing with the orcs, don't drop Krung or Bragg.
Drop one right away and use your commons to win. I usually have 1 low cost champ in my decks for such a occasion. Khan Queso is amazing!

If you are playing with the orcs, don't drop Krung or Bragg.

Yeah, my real big issue in that particular game, was that I had Krung, Bragg and Ragnor, a freeze and I think an Ice Wall, haha.

I had maybe 1 or 2 magic at the time, I SHOULD have dropped Ragnor I guess ( I think I might have eventually, I dont remember), I think I blew a freeze and ice wall, but with no Bragg out, and you with stacks of magic as per usual my freeze wouldnt do much, and I dropped the Ice Wall right by your Gorilla to stop him from coming and crushing my Summoner.

I dunno, it was just like the worst set of dudes I had ever had so early in a match, haha. I dont play Frost Tundra Orcs (I keep calling them Frost Orcs) much though, so at least that exact thing wont happen to me again for a while, haha.


Yeah, my real big issue in that particular game, was that I had Krung, Bragg and Ragnor, a freeze and I think an Ice Wall, haha.

I had maybe 1 or 2 magic at the time, I SHOULD have dropped Ragnor I guess ( I think I might have eventually, I dont remember), I think I blew a freeze and ice wall, but with no Bragg out, and you with stacks of magic as per usual my freeze wouldnt do much, and I dropped the Ice Wall right by your Gorilla to stop him from coming and crushing my Summoner.

I dunno, it was just like the worst set of dudes I had ever had so early in a match, haha. I dont play Frost Tundra Orcs (I keep calling them Frost Orcs) much though, so at least that exact thing wont happen to me again for a while, haha.

I would've freeze the summoner and drop the ice wall for magic. Cull 4 units and next turn Ragnor would be out. If you get freezes next turn, play defensive for 1 more and try to Bragg out. i think people try to play too fast with the Tundra Orcs. The thing is they are the best defensive faction in the game. Take advantage of it. They should advance slowly and unlike the Jungle Elves and the Cave Goblins. Of this is my way of playing, YMMV. :)

Edit: Splinter did awesome in our last match. I think he ended up with 8 wounds+ in total. Splinter plus haste is crazy.


Hail to the KING baby
I really wish Summoner Wars tabletop had a big pack of all the iOS factions (instead you have to buy them individually or in packs of two, and many are out of print right now). If you don't know they have a "Master Set" that has a board and six new factions not in iOS, but man it would be great to own every faction because the Master Set factions are absolutely awesome. Gonna be megaton when they drop on iOS.


There's gonna be a lot of Filth mirror matches soon.

Also, if you havent done so already, sign up for the tourney! Here who i have so far

Hereafter (hasn't actually signed up, but has a slot open)
superrobot/Diesel Pioneer
Kosh / Kosh One
benny lava/barneshome
Got the Shakes


Hail to the KING baby
Is Filth OP or something? Our favorites (just in terms of fun more so than anything) from the Master Set are Shadow Elves, Benders, and Swamp Orcs.


Is Filth OP or something? Our favorites (just in terms of fun more so than anything) from the Master Set are Shadow Elves, Benders, and Swamp Orcs.

Nope, just the most fun and creative deck out of all of them. The Filth revolves around a new type of unit called Mutations. Basically, you summon it on top of any common unit and it turns into a new monster. You can switch out mutations and pay the difference in summoning cost. Basically, shit is crazy


Hail to the KING baby
Swamp Orcs are pretty cool with their army of Vine Walls. Mountain Vargath (goats) win the title of most boring with just very basic abilities. Still fun though and it's awesome to see how the factions are all so distinct. I kind of dig Sand Goblins too, whose Summoner and events are basically based around keeping people at bay with Sandstorm and Camouflage.


Is Filth OP or something? Our favorites (just in terms of fun more so than anything) from the Master Set are Shadow Elves, Benders, and Swamp Orcs.

Did you see the new filth units?




I think they will actually make the filth top tier and even more fun. My current understanding is they are actually mid-low tier.


Is Filth OP or something? Our favorites (just in terms of fun more so than anything) from the Master Set are Shadow Elves, Benders, and Swamp Orcs.

Yeah I love the shadow elves and the uhhh forget what they are called but they are super aggressive.

I can't wait for jungle elves and fallen kingdom to get reprinted.

Anyone try the mercenary faction yet?


Why did they name a faction Mercenaries and have mercenaries? Just to confuse people? :)

I was hesitant to bury any of my champs because I was playing as the Dwarves who seem to be champ dependent (I've only played them twice).

I still hate playing against the tundra orcs the most. Between extra walls, that wall shard action, units that can keep attacking and moving, units that take no hits unless you roll a hit on every die, krung, and of course freeze cards. So annoying!


Why did they name a faction Mercenaries and have mercenaries? Just to confuse people? :)

I was hesitant to bury any of my champs because I was playing as the Dwarves who seem to be champ dependent (I've only played them twice).

I still hate playing against the tundra orcs the most. Between extra walls, that wall shard action, units that can keep attacking and moving, units that take no hits unless you roll a hit on every die, krung, and of course freeze cards. So annoying!

That's why Baldur is so good. You should have 4 magic by the second or third turn. Who were you playing against?


That's why Baldur is so good. You should have 4 magic by the second or third turn. Who were you playing against?

I was playing against the tundra orcs. Who managed to freeze Baldur right when I got him out making me waste 2 magic I didn't have to spare. I never said I was any good at this game:)

Side note, I didn't like Outwitters (I hate fog of war), but the ability to replay matches was cool. SW needs that. It might help me learn a thing or two.

Where are we with the following games?

InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got the Shakes
Octobot vs eznark

Sorry if I missed any results, was on vacation for the last week or so.

Sorry I was gone all weekend at a friends wedding. We've been playing out game for the past week. Seems like a handful of turns per day. Hope to wrap it up soon.


Sorry I was gone all weekend at a friends wedding. We've been playing out game for the past week. Seems like a handful of turns per day. Hope to wrap it up soon.

Thank you sir. The quicker the better, as you're the farthest one behind now. ;)

Only one other game is ready for action:

mikeworks vs eznark

Good luck, men!


Hail to the KING baby
When you customize SW decks, can you customize the event cards as well? If so, how?

No, every Summoner has a starting setup (specific units & placement) and set of event cards that go with him. Some factions depend more on events than others.


No, every Summoner has a starting setup (specific units & placement) and set of event cards that go with him. Some factions depend more on events than others.

OK, that's what I figured. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing some option somewhere.

And BTW, your wall events are brutal! :lol


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah I've been getting more into Dwarves recently. I really do wish they had a random teams option though, especially when the new factions come out.


Now that I'm a bit more comfortable with the game and its mechanics, I'm trying out custom decks. This could totally backfire, but it'll be glorious either way.


Hail to the KING baby
Now that I'm a bit more comfortable with the game and its mechanics, I'm trying out custom decks. This could totally backfire, but it'll be glorious either way.

Yeah it's really cool that they include all the faction booster cards with the complete pack. Kind of the opposite of pulling a Goko in terms of pricing.


Yeah I've been getting more into Dwarves recently. I really do wish they had a random teams option though, especially when the new factions come out.

If you have custom decks you can select a random custom deck. Thats what I've been doing lately.

Edit: I find the dwarves so boring to play... build magic, build magic, GROR!
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