Steven: Speaking of background tasks, it seems that a lot of reviewers that ran some of the first benchmarks of Geekbench 4, and Im not going to name names here, but it seems like a lot of people have been not properly killing all background apps, not doing it from a fresh start, stuff like that. Do you guys care that some news sources arent really representing Geekbench properly?
John: We would like everybody to sort of take a certain amount of care. If youre looking at hardware, if youre trying to sort of say Were coming up with the platonic ideal. This is the best score for the device, then yeah, I really care about like Are you doing this in the right way? Are you making sure your phone is completely up to date? Maybe, to make absolutely sure, are you turning off your Wi-Fi connection?, something like that. Are you making sure you dont have like Spotify running in the background pumping the latest jams (or whatever it is the kids call it these days)? At the same time, people run their phones in all sorts of environments. I mean you look at, again I will name names, you look at ASUS phones, and they just have a tremendous amount of crap on them. Whereas you look at a Nexus device, and that basically is sort of nice shiny, and you launch, it will update some things, and then youre good to go.