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Iran’s presidential advisor: ‘all of the Middle East is part of the Iranian Empire "

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European pre-madonna
I see the currently ongoing Saudi Arabia-Iran Cold War heating up in our near future.
Considering iran looks modern and progressive compared to islamic state and saudi arabia, i think the west is on the wrong side of the Sunni / shia conflict
You don't know Iran, the last time Iran was modern and progressive was 1978. The theocracies there turned it back. Theocracies in general whether democratic or not are the worst
You don't know Iran, the last time Iran was modern and progressive was 1978. The theocracies there turned it back. Theocracies in general whether democratic or not are the worst

Slightly harsh statement, compared to Saudi Arabia I totally agree with him. And being half Iranian I do know Iran.

Though I agree completely that Theocracies are terrible and have ruined that country. I'm never going within a hundred leagues of Iran until they kick out those fucking mullahs.


You don't know Iran, the last time Iran was modern and progressive was 1978. The theocracies there turned it back. Theocracies in general whether democratic or not are the worst

Are you trying to say it was progressive when the Shah was ruling and the US was rigging elections so their puppet could imprison and kill intelligentsia and communists?

It's that meddling which led to the Iranian revolution in the first place


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I would not be surprised if, in a decade, Iran is one of the US' closest allies in the Middle East. They have very similar interests, and as the world begins its shift away from oil, they're a more valuable friend to have.

I could even imagine Israel becoming closer to Iran if they stop their Anti-Semitism. Their governments could bond over a shared hatred for Sunni Arabs.
I see the currently ongoing Saudi Arabia-Iran Cold War heating up in our near future.
Both of them know better that both won't engage in one to one war because both will lose. Iran uses militias to expand which is evident by Qasim Sulaimani presence in Iraq and Syria.
Slightly harsh statement, compared to Saudi Arabia I totally agree with him. And being half Iranian I do know Iran.

Though I agree completely that Theocracies are terrible and have ruined that country. I'm never going within a hundred leagues of Iran until they kick out those fucking mullahs.
Saudi is a different story they are a Monarchy,
While Iran is a theocracy, the real leader of the country has a Religious rank while in Saudi Arabia the king doesn't hold any Religious weight what so ever.
AHAHAHAHA! Nice joke!

Wait, are you serious?
Just compare Iran now with Yester Iran, it's weight completely shifted. If Iran is such modern and Progressive why Iranian are migrating to other places for work and fortune? The only people who have power and wealth in Iran are religious men


Just compare Iran now with Yester Iran, it's weight completely shifted. If Iran is such modern and Progressive why Iranian are migrating to other places for work and fortune? The only people who have power and wealth in Iran are religious men

The Shah was operating a secret police state more pervasive and brutal than anything this side of the Iron Curtain. Did you think that some day in '78 the priests somehow magically toppled the regime and turned Iran into a theocracy? The support for the uprising was much broader. And the West had enough time to come to good terms with Iran before their obstinate support of the old despised regime caused things to come to a head.
Saudi is a different story they are a Monarchy,
While Iran is a theocracy, the real leader of the country has a Religious rank while in Saudi Arabia the king doesn't hold any Religious weight what so ever.
Saudi is not a different story. The fact they are a monarchy means nothing. Religious weight of the guy at the top is immaterial if your women still can't drive, can't vote, can't even leave the house without a male chaperone. While in Iran women can and are members of parliament.
Both are extremely backward. One just more than the other.
I often wonder what the ME would look like if the Ottoman Empire wasn't broken up and divided.

Ideally you'd think that since it would be Turkish territory and part of the country that we now know as Turkey, that it would literally be like Turkey. But it would probably be more complicated than that, perhaps with a Arab version of the PKK complicating matters.

Anti Arab
Anti Turk
Anti Atharis
Anti Kurds
Anti Beloishies
You name it

To be honest I feel that in reality Turks and Iranians are "meh" towards each other. The Sunni VS Shia thing is just as much an Arab VS Persian thing as it is a religious divide.

Turks and Iranians are culturally closer than either are to Arabs, so even though Turks and Arabs are mostly Sunni, Turks and Persians are more in common due to historical ties.

Firstly Turkic/Iranian tribes lived around the same geographical area since antiquity. Also Turkic tribes ruled Iran for nearly a 1000 years cumulatively, and Turks became Muslim by way of the Persians so became Persianised in addition to religious conversion. A lot of idiosyncrasies in Turkish culture are due to Classical Persian influence. Indeed some scholars call the Ottoman Empire a Persian Empire (especially in its early to middle years where Persian was the preferred court language).


Everyone has there own sphere of influence. The Sunnis have shown just how kind they are towards Shia Muslims as evidenced in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, etc. This is nothing more than the only Shia power in the region telling the Sunnis that shit isn't going to fly no longer. Just sabre rattling.

Look how the shia government treated the sunni in Iraq! Maliki and the militias abused and killed many sunni leading to the support for the uprising and the initial burst of support for ISIS.

Shia militia invading sunni Iraq under the control of Iran is going to cause more harm than good, ISIS maybe driven out but no long term peace or stability will be achieved.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I also think that the Iranian-Arab dichotomy is rather overstated and is more properly understood as a Sunni-Shia one. Modern Iran already contains parts of medieval Iraq (Khuzestan) and corresponding Arab populations, but they're largely Shia and tolerated because of it. It's also true that the parts of Iraq which are currently Shia were part of the Farsi cultural and political sphere for centuries - and this is largely the reason they became Shia to begin with.

Iran wanting to influence these regions is not unusual or even necessarily detrimental, given Iran is infinitely more stable than Iraq and relatively (big stress on the word relatively) progressive by the standards of the region.


I also think that the Iranian-Arab dichotomy is rather overstated and is more properly understood as a Sunni-Shia one. Modern Iran already contains parts of medieval Iraq (Khuzestan) and corresponding Arab populations, but they're largely Shia and tolerated because of it. It's also true that the parts of Iraq which are currently Shia were part of the Farsi cultural and political sphere for centuries - and this is largely the reason they became Shia to begin with.

Iran wanting to influence these regions is not unusual or even necessarily detrimental, given Iran is infinitely more stable than Iraq and relatively (big stress on the word relatively) progressive by the standards of the region.

And still more shia / Iranian influence will only continue to be a destabilising effect upon the sunni populace in Iraq.

After what we have seen happen already due to shia secterian governance I would say it is quite detrimental.
Iran wanting to influence these regions is not unusual or even necessarily detrimental, given Iran is infinitely more stable than Iraq and relatively (big stress on the word relatively) progressive by the standards of the region.

Iran is not progressive by standards of Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel, I think the standards of the region are higher than you're giving credit for.
What a great idea. Every country can reestablish their Empires!

Oh crap....

In a clear jibe at archrivals Saudi Arabia and Turkey, Younesi said Tehran’s military involvement in the region is to “protect the Iranian people against the Wahabis and Ottoman rule.
Wahabis and Ottomans, nice
Considering iran looks modern and progressive compared to islamic state and saudi arabia, i think the west is on the wrong side of the Sunni / shia conflict

How is Iran modern and progressive? I really see little distinction between all of them. They are all backwards thinking societies prone to intolerance and barbarity. Only recently an Iranian blogger was given the death sentence for Facebook posts insulting Mohammad.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Iran is not progressive by standards of Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel, I think the standards of the region are higher than you're giving credit for.

These are all true, and I'd also throw in Kuwait to that group. However, Turkey, Israel and Lebanon have very little influence on the other countries in the region for historical reasons, and Jordan and Kuwait are hardly power players. From the Egypt-Iran-Saudi power triangle, Iran is the least bad.
These are all true, and I'd also throw in Kuwait to that group. However, Turkey, Israel and Lebanon have very little influence on the other countries in the region for historical reasons, and Jordan and Kuwait are hardly power players. From the Egypt-Iran-Saudi power triangle, Iran is the least bad.

True. In terms of regional influence those are the three vying for it. Lebanon isn't that powerful relatively and Israel is strong but small and religiously different so aren't interested in that.

Turkey is the one heavyweight that could compete with the power triangle, but they don't seem as invested in any pan-Islamic influence and are more invested in pan-Turkism with a dash of specifically Turco-Islamism.

I don't know much about Egypt's place in the "power triangle", I always saw it as Iran VS Saudi. All I know of Egypt's influence is that it their people spread the Arab Spring to the rest of the Arab World in a big way and they are the largest Arab country and are historically seen as the centre of Sunni Islam.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I don't know much about Egypt's place in the "power triangle", I always saw it as Iran VS Saudi. All I know of Egypt's influence is that it their people spread the Arab Spring to the rest of the Arab World in a big way and they are the largest Arab country and are historically seen as the centre of Sunni Islam.

Egypt has really spent the last two decades slowly drifting out of the big leagues and adopting a more isolationist position. Their tanking economy put them into a supplicant position with respect to Saudi Arabia, and the historically Egypt-aligned minors Syria, Palestine and Yemen have drifted away or are suffering from too much political instability to be useful. However, I wouldn't rule Egypt out. They are the largest Middle Eastern state and the historical hegemony, it seems unlikely they'll remain in a slump forever.


Getting talking points from Putin, I see.

But unlike Putin, Iran actually knows how to exert their strength without getting penalized for it.

As shitty as this could be, the world wants ISIS destroyed. Countries like Iran are expected to do that since they are closest. We can complain all we want if they decide to not leave the territories they liberated but it's our fault for not creating a UN army to deal with ISIS in the first place.

b) the American public is tired of sending soldiers to the other side of the planet to fight in a war that doesn't really affect them.
Also, Western intervention is what made the Middle East into the volatile powder keg it is today. More Western intervention isn't going to help that. Not that it deterred anyone anyways.

Not while there's oil there. Oh, and Israel too, can't leave our nukes unattended.

Polls changed 2 weeks ago bro. The majority of Americans equally across political ideologies wants our government to step in and crush ISIS now.
The beginning of the super states has began! Soon the Chinese Empire will Annex Canada and war will ensue

best get digging my Vault


Persia existed as an empire. The Islamic Republic of Iran does not exist as a far reaching empire but a poor theocracy that is struggling with sanctions.

Does Mongolia get its land back from China, Russia and other Eurasian countries? Does India get to reclaim Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan?

He's primarily speaking about Shia Islam here. While Saddam and the Baath'ist were in power they were enemies of Iran, just like Saudi Arabia is right now, because they are Sunni. Now the Shia influence of Iran reaches Iraq, Lebanon, parts of Syria etc.
Is the world the wild west in terms of land grabs right now? If so, I want in. I always wanted my own kingdom. Where can I take over some land that no one would care about? I mean I understand I'll probably get hit with sanctions, but whatever. I just don't want to get bombed in my palace.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Pretty suspect "sources". Either way, are we going to take every word that any government official takes at face value? Nationalists tend to say dumb things. As far as anyone is concerned, it's not part of official Iranian policy to "revive the empire".

that's a real credible website you got there, liger05 levels of credibility

DXB-KNIGHT is pretty much the anti-Iran liger05-light


Borders in this region should have been drawn up differently by someone with a better understanding of the various factions anyway after WWI instead of Western nations. The entire region was set up for failure after WWI.


So, I think I already know the answer to this, but is there any possibility of the ME being able to get together and for a union similar to the EU?
Borders in this region should have been drawn up differently by someone with a better understanding of the various factions anyway after WWI instead of Western nations. The entire region was set up for failure after WWI.

The biggest war in the Middle East after WW1 was the Iraq-Iran war over a border that had existed since Zand dynasty of the 18th century.
So, I think I already know the answer to this, but is there any possibility of the ME being able to get together and for a union similar to the EU?

Something like that already exists, but it's based on ethnic lines. There is the Arab League full of Arab countries and the International Organization of Turkic Culture full of the Turkic countries.

There's also the The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation which all Muslim majority countries are members of.


Something like that already exists, but it's based on ethnic lines. There is the Arab League full of Arab countries and the International Organization of Turkic Culture full of the Turkic countries.

I totally forgot about the Arab League. I honestly don't even know what they do.
I totally forgot about the Arab League. I honestly don't even know what they do.

They are UN-like loose organisation compared with the solidity of the EU.

Something like the EU isn't going to happen until religion and nationalism die down in the Middle East. Europe learned that the hard way...


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What a great idea. Every country can reestablish their Empires!

This will probably happen if the US somehow lost its military and political hegemony.

In a world sans America, Iran quite likely could annex some of its neighbors and Russia absolutely could. China, becoming the world's dominant trade nation, would easily exert its influence across Asia and Africa.

A world like that, where power is more equally distributed, may be more ethical on paper but would lead to a great deal of violence and genocide that would not have occurred otherwise.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
To be honest I feel that in reality Turks and Iranians are "meh" towards each other. The Sunni VS Shia thing is just as much an Arab VS Persian thing as it is a religious divide.

Turks and Iranians are culturally closer than either are to Arabs, so even though Turks and Arabs are mostly Sunni, Turks and Persians are more in common due to historical ties.

Firstly Turkic/Iranian tribes lived around the same geographical area since antiquity. Also Turkic tribes ruled Iran for nearly a 1000 years cumulatively, and Turks became Muslim by way of the Persians so became Persianised in addition to religious conversion. A lot of idiosyncrasies in Turkish culture are due to Classical Persian influence. Indeed some scholars call the Ottoman Empire a Persian Empire (especially in its early to middle years where Persian was the preferred court language).
The Ottomans were partly the reason why Iran is a majority Shia country today. Being stuck between two Turkic powers and wanting to differentiate themselves, made the Safavid dynasty turn to Shia Islam during the 16th century. Prior to that, Persia was perhaps the most important region for Sunni Islamic thought and teaching. So Turkic/Persian rivalry caused the rise of Twelver Islam and the split of Persia from the Sunni world.

True. In terms of regional influence those are the three vying for it. Lebanon isn't that powerful relatively and Israel is strong but small and religiously different so aren't interested in that.

Turkey is the one heavyweight that could compete with the power triangle, but they don't seem as invested in any pan-Islamic influence and are more invested in pan-Turkism with a dash of specifically Turco-Islamism.

I don't know much about Egypt's place in the "power triangle", I always saw it as Iran VS Saudi. All I know of Egypt's influence is that it their people spread the Arab Spring to the rest of the Arab World in a big way and they are the largest Arab country and are historically seen as the centre of Sunni Islam.

Egypt is the cultural heartbeat of the Arab world. We may not project power the way we did during the Nasser years, but our music and our movies are the most popular across the Arab world.
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