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Iran’s presidential advisor: ‘all of the Middle East is part of the Iranian Empire "

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Online Ho Champ
I mean, there are a lot of shiites in Iraq who probably wouldn't be opposed to the idea.

Although Iraqis are Arabs and most Iranian/Persian people I know will always point out that they themselves aren't arab. It would be nice if there could be some Pan-Islamic unity at the very least, with a secular government similar to Turkey. I often wonder what the ME would look like if the Ottoman Empire wasn't broken up and divided.

Iraqis are Arabs? did I miss a massacre?


“The geography of Iran and Iraq cannot be divided,” said Younesi, a former intelligence minister, speaking at a Tehran forum titled “Iran: nationality, history and heritage.”

In other words a nobody.


Just compare Iran now with Yester Iran, it's weight completely shifted. If Iran is such modern and Progressive why Iranian are migrating to other places for work and fortune? The only people who have power and wealth in Iran are religious men

Iran wasn't rich during the Shah. The people were quite poor and oppressed.
So, I think I already know the answer to this, but is there any possibility of the ME being able to get together and for a union similar to the EU?

The United Arab Republic existed briefly (a year or two IIRC) under Nasser. A shame it was disbanded. Pan Arab unity would do the region well I think.


I mean, he's not wrong. Persia has multiple times in its existence been a cultural force that has spread its culture and values in the region. Even Shiite Islam is basically Islam infused with Persian culture; the society adapted Islam to its own liking.

This isn't that different from the U.S. saying it seeks to protect western democracy and promote American media/culture around the globe, and defend the people who believe in it. Or Russia saying it will protect culturally Russian people.

I just don't like the idea of the current Theocratic government being responsible for the culture's defense. They pick and choose which aspects of Persian culture they defend. But many Persians would be on board with this general idea.


So, I think I already know the answer to this, but is there any possibility of the ME being able to get together and for a union similar to the EU?
This was possible during the height of Pan-Arabism -- obviously not uniting all of the Middle East but the region's Arab-majority countries. However, the region now has reverted so dramatically toward sectarianism, with people fighting each other due to ethnicity, religion, and political stance, that it is now mostly inconceivable.

What is more likely, in my opinion, is that the Middle East will eventually experience a WW1-type conflict that will tear the region apart and redraw national boundaries.
Iran wasn't rich during the Shah. The people were quite poor and oppressed.
And nowadays? Things don't look like it got better, poverty is breaking records, Iranians loosing their lives fighting on countries not theirs for a bunch Imams who will eventually gain the fruits and not the citizens.


Iran is not progressive by standards of Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel, I think the standards of the region are higher than you're giving credit for.

Turkey is regressing but isn't a bad choice (history of cultural force in region, certainly better than Saudi Arabia). Lebanon will never have stability and is partly run by Iran through proxy (Hezbollah) anyhow. Jordan is basically immaterial to the discussion due to lack of ability to push influence, and it would be hard for the region to relate to Israel for various reasons.

Iran and Turkey are relatively much better countries to support than Saudi Arabia in terms of promoting progressivism and influence.

Once Iran doesn't feel threatened by the west, the people won't have to rally behind the government many of them hate. Combine that with cheap oil and you have the beginning of the end of the current regime.
Unofficial Twitter talks but it seems Saudi, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, UAE and Bahrain will have an official united action against Irans after these claims. Things might get a little serious
You know I am sick of people talking about world leaders as if they are morons or idiots. These people are smarter than you or anyone you know.

Unofficial news from Persian sources: members of the Iranian Parliament are calling for the resignation of the Presidential Advisor after his statement.
In other news regional countries are saying the advisory only exposed the true ambitions of Iran


Unofficial news from Persian sources: members of the Iranian Parliament are calling for the resignation of the Presidential Advisor after his statement.
In other news regional countries are saying the advisory only exposed the true ambitions of Iran

I'm sure some Iranian neighbors are nervous about Iran but Iran up till this point has had every official state they want to be a driving influence in that region as opposed to having dominion there.
Don't know if it's related or not but the Prime minister of Pakistan is visiting Riyadh and the president of Afganstan is visiting Riyadh tomorrow.
The Persian empire was never that successful...

"Hey these Greeks aren't... oh no"

"Pshaw, these Arabs could nev... oh dear"

"The Mongols? Why would we be worr.... oh my"

Reminder that the ancient Persian Empire shares nothing but its geographical location with Iran.


Iran is a developing nation with a very small economy compared to well ......... any country that matters. Their military sphere of influence barely extends past their own borders and their continued development is almost entirely reliant on the weakening economies of Russia and China. They are not a threat to the USA, Israel, or any developed nation.

Drawing attention to themselves by saying outrageous shit is basically the only way they remain internationally relevant. Just ignore it.
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