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Irate customer shoots up Milwaukee Taco Bell due to missing sour cream

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Better than a bulletproof interior.


Yep, I've seen this. This is how you know you are in the wrong neighborhood.


The strangest thing to me is some people have never seen this. I know Chicago has some like this. Detroit too. LA, etc. Eh I don't take it as any different than glass interiors in gas stations. Those are common in a ton of places.

Some people have never been inside the hood before, which let's be real, is where you see these types of things. I've rarely seen them in "good" (white) neighborhoods.


This whole thing is so American

  • Slight Fast Food mix up leads to gun violence
  • Manager offers customer entirely reasonable solution of a free meal the next day
  • Customer who is also a gun owner of course instead decides to shoot up the place after they're already closed
  • Drive-through window is bulletproof because of USA!USA!USA!
But no America doesn't have any problems with guns.

The key is to arm just enough of us with guns, but not too many.
I mean listen, Milwaukee man wouldn't have been so bold if he knew there was a gun hidden inside a chalupa ready to defend the Taco Bell at a moment's notice.

Some people have never been inside the hood before, which let's be real, is where you see these types of things. I've rarely seen them in "good" (white) neighborhoods.

Fair enough, personally I treat them like the glass shielding in a ton of gas stations you find when driving across the state.
I mean, how can you have mexican food without sour cream?!

And it is infuriating when taco bell forgets to put sour cream on your orders, especially on your supreme ordered tacos!


The Autumn Wind
The other big thing I got out of this is that a Taco Bell has bulletproof windows.

Just murmur on that for a second.
Doesn't seem that odd. Fast food places are open very late into the night and deal with a lot of cash, so they are prime targets for robberies.


People to spin this into a mental health issue.
It's as much a mental health issue as it is a gun problem. They're not seperate things. We need better mental health care and need to get rid of the stigma on mental illness just as we need to work to keep firearms out of the hands of less stable people. Treating the symptom and ignoring the cause is pretty foolish, we absolutely need to address both.


listen to the mad man
I'm not going to argue for gun control, but I will argue for voluntarily not carrying a gun everywhere you go. It's true that chicken nugget shootings are a minority among shootings, but they are all 100% preventable. Ten minutes after the people shoot the place up they'd be able to tell you, "hey, wait, it's actually not worth it to go this ballistic over sour cream". It's obviously one of those things there their buttons got pushed and they saw red. These are not people who woke up in the morning thinking they'd shoot someone. They did not think "boy, I'm an irresponsible gun owner". They were in control of their faculties. And then something happened and they weren't.

So, again, not an argument about gun control, not an argument that they shouldn't be able to buy guns, not an argument about banning guns, not an argument about making it harder to buy guns, not an argument about guns being bad, not an argument about guns not being a useful way to stop bank robbers in an epic wild west duel--

--just simply an argument that maybe you don't need to take your gun with you when you go to order fast food.
Honestly... I'm pretty against the death penalty because the justice system is imperfect. But I see no reason why someone like this shouldn't get life in prison at the very least as an equivalent. I don't think someone like this deserves a second chance or any sort of rehabilitation.

Dude got offered a free meal as compensation and this was his reaction.


People to spin this into a mental health issue.

And that's why we have to repeal Obamacare!

Wait a second, I pulled the wrong flashcard? Huh, that hasn't happened before...

Here's a hint, Republicans - if you wanted to use mental healthcare as a scapegoat, maybe you shouldn't have fucked it over in every way between stigmatizing therapy, encouraging unhealthy attitudes such as blind rejection of help and support systems, and continuous attempts to undo any progress in favor of literally no plan.


Better than a bulletproof interior.


Church's Chicken in Riverside was like this last time I went there. I haven't been back since seeing that I might get shot trying to order while the employees are all safe. Not to say I don't want them to be safe, but if there's that much of an issue, time to close up shop.
I'm not going to argue for gun control, but I will argue for voluntarily not carrying a gun everywhere you go. It's true that chicken nugget shootings are a minority among shootings, but they are all 100% preventable. Ten minutes after the people shoot the place up they'd be able to tell you, "hey, wait, it's actually not worth it to go this ballistic over sour cream". It's obviously one of those things there their buttons got pushed and they saw red. These are not people who woke up in the morning thinking they'd shoot someone. They did not think "boy, I'm an irresponsible gun owner". They were in control of their faculties. And then something happened and they weren't.

So, again, not an argument about gun control, not an argument that they shouldn't be able to buy guns, not an argument about banning guns, not an argument about making it harder to buy guns, not an argument about guns being bad, not an argument about guns not being a useful way to stop bank robbers in an epic wild west duel--

--just simply an argument that maybe you don't need to take your gun with you when you go to order fast food.

But how am I supposed to defend myself from the roving gangs of murderers and psychos specifically out to kill me without any specific reasoning when I go for my fast food?

I mean the opposing line of thought even has a cool acronym, EDC. That just sounds safe.

All you have is like logic and stuff
--just simply an argument that maybe you don't need to take your gun with you when you go to order fast food.

You never know what might go down at Taco Bell. I mean people have the nerve to mess up fast food orders. It's ridiculous especially when you should assume I have a gun.
But I see no reason why someone like this shouldn't get life in prison at the very least as an equivalent. I don't think someone like this deserves a second chance or any sort of rehabilitation.
You think an idiot who created a dangerous situation and caused probably a couple thousand dollars of property damage deserves life in prison at the very least? We're going to need a bigger private prison.
You think an idiot who created a dangerous situation and caused probably a couple thousand dollars of property damage deserves life in prison at the very least? We're going to need a bigger private prison.

Dude fired a gun over sour cream.

What value does he possibly provide to society? And did he know the glass was bulletproof when he shot at it?

I don't like private prisons. I also really don't want someone who fires a GUN over sour cream walking around in society.


Looking for meaning in GAF
The strangest thing to me is some people have never seen this. I know Chicago has some like this. Detroit too. LA, etc. Eh I don't take it as any different than glass interiors in gas stations. Those are common in a ton of places.
I live in canada, and I've never seen a bank, government office, or airport security gate locked down anywhere near as hard as this.
How about don't fuck up the order. This is Wisconsin, dammit, and sour cream is the most important component to anything we eat.

Lucky that it was only Taco Bell that got shot up. I think it's completely reasonable to go after the families of the employees too. When I say SUPREME, make it a goddamned supreme. Nuke the neighborhood if you need to.
This kind of thing is exactly why I'm so anxious anytime I go in public these days. Maybe I'm being a little too susceptible to all the media attention, but especially when I'm out with my wife, I'm always trying to keep an eye out for some sign of this kind of crazy.

I feel like for every responsible gun owner I know or read about, I read about someone like this and I can't help but wonder when was the last time they claimed to be a "responsible" gun owner or a "good guy with a gun."
I've never heard of a Taco Bell with bullet proof windows or a Taco Bell that closes before 1AM.

I'm glad no one was injured and I hope they catch the piece of shit.

Do Better

OK America, you win. You can have your guns. Just promise you'll shoot to kill when you come for me, so I don't have to try and subsist in this armed-to-the-teeth shithole.

You write stuff like this, and then when it happens people will say you had it coming.


The Dominos in Hartford, Connecticut is like this. There's only a slot under the window for food and cash. The door to the outside locks automatically and the workers inside open the door electronically to let people in.

That's how the gas stations and fast foodaries are in McKeesport too. Moved from rural New Mexico to McKeesport and had legit culture shock at the steps I had to go through to buy a pack of cigarettes after 9pm.
Dude fired a gun over sour cream.

What value does he possibly provide to society? And did he know the glass was bulletproof when he shot at it?

I don't like private prisons. I also really don't want someone who fires a GUN over sour cream walking around in society.

Let's not go crazy here. The man clearly shouldn't have access to deadly weapons if he's prone to these kinds of outbursts (could also do with seeing a shrink too), but locking him up and throwing away the key sounds a bit much.
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