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Irate customer shoots up Milwaukee Taco Bell due to missing sour cream

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I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!
Let's not go crazy here. The man clearly shouldn't have access to deadly weapons if he's prone to these kinds of outbursts (could also do with seeing a shrink too), but locking him up and throwing away the key sounds a bit much.

Dude was basically willing to kill over a dollop of sour cream.


Worked in South Los Angeles for a while. Every food place was like this. The banks were even more insane. One by one walking into a pod and waiting for a green light to exit the pod and into the bank and then dealing with transactions through the bulletprroof glass.


Aftershock LA
Hey! My hometown!


I'm so fucking glad I got the hell out of that city 18 years ago. Los Angeles can be a fucking bastard sometimes, but It's not Milwaukee. I worry for my family that still lives there. Things have gotten crazy. I already lost one of my closest cousins to shit like this. Not to mention a few friends.

I'm glad no one was hurt. Fucking hell, Milwaukee. Get it together.
Dude was basically willing to kill over a dollop of sour cream.

I get that. But it's one moment in the man's life. If we start locking people away (for good as you suggested) then our prisons are going to fill up awfully fast. It's better to get him help, rehabilitate him and remove the means with which he could've caused harm. For all we know he's a good man otherwise.


If the drive thru window would have an inbuild gun, this wouldn't have happened.

Also where are my nuggets...great video, not sure if it were nuggets...
Let's not go crazy here. The man clearly shouldn't have access to deadly weapons if he's prone to these kinds of outbursts (could also do with seeing a shrink too), but locking him up and throwing away the key sounds a bit much.


You can't prevent people from getting guns illegally. The odds of you doing that is lower than the odds this nutjob will try to kill again. He attempted murder over a condiment on his fast food


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Better than a bulletproof interior.

If I ever came across a fast food place like this, I would hastily Nope my way out of there.

Would have done so too at this one gas station a few years back, but I had to pay for the gas I already filled up with.
First straws, now sour cream?
What's up with these idiots?!

There are times when people forget to take out pickles for my burger, but you don't see me [
REDACTED to avoid ban
OK, yeah, bulletproof fast food interior is totally new to me. Gas stations I've seen it, but it's uncommon; all the ones I fill up at have no shields between the teller and the counter. I basically only see this level of security at banks.


I grew up in North Minneapolis and I've never heard of a fast food place having bulletproof stuff, only the banks and government centers

I don't recall seeing any chain places with that sort of setup around here, but most of the places in bad neighborhoods will be drive thru only after 8 PM or so. I've definitely been in mom and pop food places in the Twin Cities (not just North Minneapolis) where the workers are behind glass or cages to try and prevent strongarm robberies.
I grew up in North Minneapolis and I've never heard of a fast food place having bulletproof stuff, only the banks and government centers
Can confirm. At my high school there they even sometimes checked our bag for guns and shit but I still haven't heard of any fast food places bulletproofing shit.


I grew up in North Minneapolis and I've never heard of a fast food place having bulletproof stuff, only the banks and government centers

Yeah this is what I expect a payday loan place to look like in Northside.

Speaking of North Mpls, the McDonald's on Broadway has a bullet proof drive through window. The KFC did too, but that was turned into a Popeye's and has a normal window now.

You can't prevent people from getting guns illegally. The odds of you doing that is lower than the odds this nutjob will try to kill again. He attempted murder over a condiment on his fast food

I'm not saying he shouldn't be locked away, but for life, forever, is too much. I mean, it's obvious he needs to be kept out of society until such a time as whatever his issue is has been dealt with and we can be sure he won't result to something like this again.

I'm not comfortable with a justice system that sees you locked away, permanently, based on one singular moment in your life, especially if no one was killed as a result of your actions.
^^Agree for a case such as this, but not so much for serial pedos/murderers. Not sure if the risk is worth it putting them back into society, even if some board of doctors have deemed them "cured". Then again you did specify first offense so yeah.


You can't prevent people from getting guns illegally. The odds of you doing that is lower than the odds this nutjob will try to kill again. He attempted murder over a condiment on his fast food

So mental illness isn't a thing? They aren't deserving of therapy/rehabilitation? I think it's safe to assume he wasn't totally stable and lucid with his intent as it pertained to said condiment snafu.

Bubba T

Speaking of North Mpls, the McDonald's on Broadway has a bullet proof drive through window. The KFC did too, but that was turned into a Popeye's and has a normal window now.

That McDonald's near US Bank in the strip mall or the one down a ways near Northeast Bank and SA (even though that could technically be northeast)? Because if the latter I could completely understand if they locked that down. Someone got killed there years ago.
I've seen the whole glass interior thing before but I always end up using the drive thru anyways. Though I will say there's been a few times I've been scared of someone running up to my car while I'm in the drive thru.

Anyways I'm becoming convinced that "good guys with guns" don't actually exist. If you're willing to kill for your property I'm not really sure "good guy" is what I'd categorize you as, and I can't think of a single situation where armed citizens in public have helped more than harmed.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16

You can't prevent people from getting guns illegally. The odds of you doing that is lower than the odds this nutjob will try to kill again. He attempted murder over a condiment on his fast food
Yes you can.

Problem is in the US we don't have any ability to track a firearm. Every single firearm should have a trail, from the place it was manufactured to the retailer it was first sold at to the individual who purchased it from that dealer to the family member who inherited it to the retailer which subsequently purchased it.

This would enable law enforcement to identify patterns, tracking down straw purchasers, street dealers, and stores which are fronts for illegal trafficking. Less than 10% of firearms used in crime are stolen. Thus, by regulating and monitoring the flow of gunsome, you can clamp down on the social networks and trafficking which allows for so many illegal guns in the first place.

When a gun is used in a crime, we should have a history of which factories, retailers, and individuals were in possession of that weapon at which times, and we should be able to identify where and when the gun fell off the radar.

If the gun was stolen but not reported as stolen, the person who failed to report it should be held accountable and penalized like, including losing their firearm privileges.

If the gun was borrowed from a family member or friend, that family member should likewise be charged and barred from ownership.

All private transfers of guns should be regulated and monitored as car transfers are, including between family members. And when people are banned from ownership, it should not take law enforcement months or years to go to the person's home to seize their weapons.

It's not rocket science. All we need is due diligence.


That McDonald's near US Bank in the strip mall or the one down a ways near Northeast Bank and SA (even though that could technically be northeast)? Because if the latter I could completely understand if they locked that down. Someone got killed there years ago.

The one in the strip mall
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