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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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nakedsushi said:
I do have a rice cooker which I use for every-day white rice, but Zyzyxxz is right that claypots give a different taste and texture. It actually doesn't take that much longer. You just have to watch it for the first 10 minutes.

I thought you do that everyday, which looks just like how my parents did before we had our first rice cooker.

Zyzyxxz said:
Claypots may not be practical everyday but they have their place.

You are definely right. The higher temperatuer in a claypot really pushes out the flavor of the meat. What did you put on top the rice? Salted chicken(duck?) drumstick, Chinese Sausage, and soy sauce marinated pork? I can almost smell it.


It's been a while to post here.

a very simple seafood pasta - squid / shellfish


It's a korean food, called "haemul pajeon(seafood pajeon)" - green onion / egg / flour / seasfoods


Also a korean food, "Tteokgalbi" - a meatball made with galbi


luoapp said:
You are definely right. The higher temperatuer in a claypot really pushes out the flavor of the meat. What did you put on top the rice? Salted chicken(duck?) drumstick, Chinese Sausage, and soy sauce marinated pork? I can almost smell it.

yup, its salted duck, pork sausage, and soy marinated pork belly

trancekr said:
Holy fuck that looks orgasmicly good, damn I want Korean food now!

Anyway I think this is the first new post for me in a while, might look kind of gross depending on how you see it; bolognese over fettucini

Yes Boss! said:
In the Mayo Vs. Miracle Whip thread TOM f'N CRUISE gave a neat recipe to make an easy spicy barbecue sauce of equal parts Siracha and Barbecue Sauce. Intrigued, I whipped up a batch and put it on a Bacon Gardenburger (yeah, I often mix real meat with vegetarian food).

that is one good lookin burger :D i use that hot sauce so much iv even mixed it in pizza sauce to make hot pizzas with bacon, pepperoni, and jalapenos


I've watched too many Bud Spencer&Terrence Hill movies recently.

Once I get off my friggen diet I'll make me a big helping of baked beans with speck and onions and carrots and.... oooh. It's gonna be glorious.

Failing that, I will eat "Linsen mit Wienerl". Just roast some speck cubes, add a can of precooked lentil, wait for it to get hot, add some wiener sausages, take it off the fire, add a hint of vinegar, and eat it. I love "simple" foods like that.

I probably won't be able to rejoin civilisation after any of this, though.
Zyzyxxz said:
wait, what did I do?
You suggested shaved ice some time ago when I asked for fruit-related food ideas.
Anyway there's plenty of healthy food you can eat on a diet that looks delicious too
Are you implying my salad didn't look tasty enough? ;)
Nah, I'm just a notorious (and whiny) meat eater. Plus diets always transform me into even more of a miserable pile of selfpity. I love to eat fat and unhealthy food. I thrive on it. Every gram of fat on my body was earned. I hate to see it go again.


CTLance said:
Are you implying my salad didn't look tasty enough? ;)
Nah, I'm just a notorious (and whiny) meat eater. Plus diets always transform me into even more of a miserable pile of selfpity. I love to eat fat and unhealthy food. I thrive on it. Every gram of fat on my body was earned. I hate to see it go again.

Hey I love unhealthy food too but I know things are best in moderation.

A diet away from meats would probably make you appreciate steak that much more when you go back to it.


Hail to the Chef
Everybody, thanks for the worthy submissions! It's nice to see some prep pics again.
Zyzyxxz, was the bolognese handmade?


Will Eat Your Children
Girlfriend not at home to cook so I figured I try something out myself. Seeing the pastas on this page made me hungry.
Okay, so the pizza wasn't handmade, don't smack me.



Turned out pretty tasty. I actually went to fitness and tore myself apart, I need to eat carbs like this more often! Think I'll go and start taking some cooking lessons.


so for dinner tonight I decided to try a recipe from a izakaya cookbook (japanese pub).

Japanese-style German Potatoes (Bratkartoffeln)

More adobo from me this time with chicken wings, I'm trying to perfect the balance of soy sauce and vinegar.

Behind it is some left-over braised ox-tongue my mother made a few days ago.


Hail to the Chef
How are the "Bratkartoffeln" seasoned? looks like an interesting variation.
As every 1st of May, the wife and I made a stroll at the rhine and had plaice for dinner:

in beer batter with panfries and aioli:

traditionally breaded and with parsley potatoes:



So I guess it's time to contribute to this awesome thread.

This is my interpretation of a "Thai"-style fried rice. I think the dish is great with chicken or shrimps, but if you're a vegetarian you might just as well prepare it without it.

Since it's really easy to do and you guys are much better cooks than me I won't write too much about it (just look at the pictures).


soy sauce, basmati rice, egg, zucchini, ginger, lemongrass, garlic, onion, leek, carrot and coriander.






Enjoy! And btw, I don't claim that this rice is in any way authentic since I don't know a thing about Asian cuisine other that it tastes great :D.


OnkelC said:
How are the "Bratkartoffeln" seasoned? looks like an interesting variation.
As every 1st of May, the wife and I made a stroll at the rhine and had plaice for dinner:

in beer batter with panfries and aioli:

traditionally breaded and with parsley potatoes:

Its seasoned with salt, pepper, soy sauce, and butter. Nothing out of the ordinary but for some reason this German dish has become a type of bar food common in Japan. So in truth there is nothing truly "Japanese" about it.


Hail to the Chef
Zyzyxxz said:
Its seasoned with salt, pepper, soy sauce, and butter. Nothing out of the ordinary but for some reason this German dish has become a type of bar food common in Japan. So in truth there is nothing truly "Japanese" about it.
apart from the soy sauce, it's indeed a germanese dish. "tonkatsu" is also said to have german/austrian origins btw.


Nothing like homemade tomato sauce for pasta.

I'm too cheap to buy the jars and I wasn't feeling too lazy this saturday morning.

Just a quick wrap I made tonight, lazy sunday and all.

* chopped romaine lettuce hearts
* tex mex cheese (kraft, hah)
* salsa
* crushed tortilla chips
* dash of cumin powder

Put it in a tortilla spread with some light red bell pepper dip I got at my supermarket.



Mrs. Harvey
I usually only do the crazy stuff for occasions. Some stuff I did since my last post.

I had to use ramen noodles because I accidentally screwed up the large sized egg noodles in this variation of a Vietnamese dish. It does not have a direct to English translation but pronouncing it literally would be "Lait na."





This is just a typical Laos version of lo mein.




Another typical dish, hot stir fry with garlic potatoes, seasoned rice and strawberries.


lol, bought me a breakfast burrito from Tommys





it's okay. Their breakfast sandwich thing is much better... and other places make better breakfast burritos without chili inside.

the chili doesnt make it bad or good... like, it's just there...


JEKKI said:
lol, bought me a breakfast burrito from Tommys

it's okay. Their breakfast sandwich thing is much better... and other places make better breakfast burritos without chili inside.

the chili doesnt make it bad or good... like, it's just there...

thanks for being our test subject, I've been wanting to try it but the nearest Tommy's is a 15-20 min drive and out of my way to work or from home so going there just for the breakfast isn't worth the effort for me.

Do they still have the sandwich? The one I went to, in Rowland Heights, didn't seem to advertise it anymore but I remember how good looking it was on the pictures and knowing I wished it was breakfast as I stood there staring at its chili glory.

but yeah nothing as satisfying and bad for you just like Tommy's (pic from a year ago)


yes. the breakfast sandwich is I think an english muffin? and they make it like a regular burger except with eggs and sausage instead of beef patty.

it's good. The burrito has hash brown in it tho which is missing from the sandwich. Still, even with hashbrown the burrito underwhelms


dinner tonight: caprese salad and smokey chicken (smokey spice rub plus marinade of olive oil, balsamico, paprika and fresh basil)




Holy shit jarosh that looks amazing!
I was wondering what to do with my leftover mozerella, damn that looks good!
Will try out tomorrow, thanks again :D

I'm starting to love making pizza on a friday evening!
Third attempt, with biga method and added Semolina. Instead of plain olive oil, marinade extra vergine with a lot of garlic, fresh basil and thyme for a week or longer, plus a lot of oregano in the dough and on top of the cheese :D


Oregano, basil, garlic, onion, tomatoes, chili powder, salt & pepper in tomato sauce. A personal favourite: rub the sauce on the sides of the dough, extra jummy crust out of the oven. I don't have a good oven (max 200°C) or a pizza stone so this is as good as it'll get.

The only difficult thing about making pizza for me is rolling out the dough (by hand) in a nice and big enough circle.
Some very tasty looking food on this page.


Guess which one is the goose yolk. ;)


Fresh noodles with a cream-leek sauce and some walnuts on top. Broccolini on the side.


Carnitas tacos


Rotisserie chicken (from the market) with some homemade cornbread stuffing and chard
jarosh said:
dinner tonight: caprese salad and smokey chicken (smokey spice rub plus marinade of olive oil, balsamico, paprika and fresh basil)

That salad looks great! Are tomatoes in season over there already? They look so good. It's usually mid-late summer for tomatoes for us in LA =/. Have you tried using burrata instead of mozzarella for the caprese salad?


nakedsushi said:
That salad looks great! Are tomatoes in season over there already? They look so good. It's usually mid-late summer for tomatoes for us in LA =/. Have you tried using burrata instead of mozzarella for the caprese salad?
there are swiss tomatoes right now. but a lot of them are from spain or italy. the ones i used were from spain. during the summer months i exclusively use tomatoes from my parents' garden. they have way too many every year and all different kinds too. it's fantastic to have free fresh delicious tomatoes all summer long ;)

i've never used burrata. and i'm not sure how you would make a nice looking salad with it anyway :/
plus it's too fatty :p
jarosh said:
there are i've never used burrata. and i'm not sure how you would make a nice looking salad with it anyway :/
plus it's too fatty :p

Ah, I wish we had room to plant some tomatoes here. Yeah, burrata doesn't usually look that nice. I guess you can use a small scoop and put scoops between each slice of tomato. It *is* fatty but sooo good. I once ate a 1lb tub of it in the course of 3 days with just olive oil, kosher salt, and pepper. :lol


damn that salad looks so good Jarosh!

Cornballer said:
Some very tasty looking food on this page.


Carnitas tacos

Do you have the recipe for the carnitas? I've tried making it in the past and it was alright so I wanna how you did yours.
Zyzyxxz said:
Do you have the recipe for the carnitas? I've tried making it in the past and it was alright so I wanna how you did yours.
I use the one from the SF Chronicle. I like this recipe a lot, but other people have different ones that they prefer. You can definitely taste the orange and cinnamon flavors. The carnitas are very versatile and freeze well. The recipe is very straight forward, but it takes a while on the stove. We had some diced cabbage, tomatoes, sour cream, diced onions, cilantro, and hot sauce for toppings.
santouras said:
spag bog for dinner tonight


That looks like it would hit the spot right now now *hold out plate for some*

I love how you always capture the heat from your dish in your pics...its like your trademark.


abstract alien said:
That looks like it would hit the spot right now now *hold out plate for some*

I love how you always capture the heat from your dish in your pics...its like your trademark.
I think its just my crappy camera, lol

jarosh that salad reminds me sort of one my mum used to do with sliced tomato and red onion layered like that. Tasted fantastic, I bet that one was sensational


Hehe shameless jarosh rip-off, tasted excellent - apart from the too heavy onion usage, whoops.
(Extra: dried tomatos sliced, yummy, plus a bit of parmezan, this dish is a great fridge cleaner!)


I did make another attempt at foccacia, it worked out good but not great, something is missing I don't really know what.


It's a bit dry, but herbed extra vergine olive oil is so great! (a lot of garlic & basil)
Topped with regular grated cheese. Added as much oregano as I could, I love that herb!
That herbed bread looks fantastic, but foccacia, it is not :D

Foccacia should be a little more "holey" inside. Maybe let it rise for longer before plopping it into the oven? Also, do you stretch it out into a flat shape and then poke it softly with your fingers before putting the oil on? I find that helps the oil at the top stay put and not run down the sides. Also, don't be afraid to use a crap-ton of olive oil on top. It gives it that distinct foccacia crust.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
A friend bought some filet mignon, so... din-din!


Medium-rare filet mignon with red wine pan sauce, sauteed mushrooms, bacon and a dollop of brie, and roasted carrots, parsnips and onion.


nakedsushi said:
Foccacia should be a little more "holey" inside. Maybe let it rise for longer before plopping it into the oven? Also, do you stretch it out into a flat shape and then poke it softly with your fingers before putting the oil on? I find that helps the oil at the top stay put and not run down the sides. Also, don't be afraid to use a crap-ton of olive oil on top. It gives it that distinct foccacia crust.

I did do both things, but I guess I didn't let it rise enough. Found some recipe which stated the dough should rest 24h in the fridge, and then be re-knead and folded like a letter, rise 30min, fold again, rise, fold, rise & bake. Can't find the site anymore. Well anyway it's great to try and bake bread, even though I'm not really any good at it. I'm surprised by the little effort it takes to create a good bread.

Oh and I think I did add a little too much cornmeal and too little white flour. No real measurements or ingredient balance, just guessing work. (I love that: "a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Hm a bit more of that, oh yeah!" :lol )
Do you have a suggestion on how to obtain more "holes" in bread? No-knead gluten stuff works also I've heard.
Jefklak said:
Oh and I think I did add a little too much cornmeal and too little white flour. No real measurements or ingredient balance, just guessing work. (I love that: "a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Hm a bit more of that, oh yeah!" :lol )
Do you have a suggestion on how to obtain more "holes" in bread? No-knead gluten stuff works also I've heard.

Wait what? You put cornmeal into focaccia dough? I've never heard of that before. I usually just use all flour. Maybe the cornmeal weighed it down? Sometimes I use cornmeal on the peel so the actual dough doesn't stick to it, but I don't think I've ever baked with cornmeal in dough. Hm, does it add more flavor?

The only tips I have (which I find hard to follow too) are to let it rise a LONG time at first, and then be gentle with the envelope folding. I've never tried no-knead gluten though. Wouldn't that produce chewier bread?

Off topic, I made tofu for the first time last week! Not pretty, but delicious. Leaps and bounds above any store-bought stuff I've had.


nakedsushi said:
Off topic, I made tofu for the first time last week! Not pretty, but delicious. Leaps and bounds above any store-bought stuff I've had.

wow, I've always wanted to try making my own, saw it in a book once but I could never find it again... what directions did you follow?

Also how do you get it to reach a certain hardness?
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