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Is anyone else currently doing some retro-gaming??


If so, what are you playing?

I've just installed Ultima Underworld I & II on my old laptop running DOS. It's the "Complete" CD collection (or whatever the Underworld collection was called at the time). I've had the things for who knows how long! Maybe since the 90 or so, I don't remember when the collection came out, but I never played it very much. Now I've started a game and set it to easy combat so it plays like an adventure game and I don't have to deal with the cludgy combat. It's pretty fun so far.


talking head said:
i recently got kid icarus off of ebay. it's so fucking hard.

Is the game rare or something? i bought it for $5 at a garage sale last year and yeah, it is pretty hard :b


I don't get the Kid Icarus is hard stuff that's been going around this last year. It's really not, unless you have a problem with the pits in the vertical sections or something. Or getting eggplanted, I guess. But that's just annoying, not life-threatening.

Be sure not to let the Reaper see you. ^_^

And to answer the topic: constantly.


I'm always loading something up in MAME(oX) when I'm "inbetween" games or just not in the mood for something more complicated.

If only dragging out your dusty old NES and blowing in the cart slot and shit counts, I guess I never "retro game".


It's just about all I'm doing nowadays !
I'm playing through Secret of Mana with my girlfriend, I'm discovering the Mario Party series, I've bought Star Ocean : Second Story and Front Mission 3, forcing me to plug my PSOne back in..
At the same time, I'm playing Phantasy Star Collection on GBA... yep : it's retro-mania over here :)


And even i am moderately surprised
Super R-type (snes) and Smash Tv (Snes) ... on the GBA :O
God bless emu coders

Also Sky Kid (Nes/GBA) and EarthBound (Nes/GBA)

Sky Kid , Spartan X and Commando (Arcade)



I, Robot (mame, Atari, 1983).

It's a weird game where you have to figure out how to get to the red parts of the stage and then walk over them. Once you walk over them a laser shoots from the robot at a gold shield guarding a giant eyeball at the end of the stage. Once the shield is down you can jump to the last red block and shoot the eye. Two eyes I smote today.

There's also an option to make some pictures. It's a good way to pass the time while waiting for any frustration to subside. Here's a sample of some of my rad art (that i know ur all dying to see).




My NES Dreamcast disc.

Been playing some Pac-Mania, Tetris, and others. I need to buy a power bar so I can have enough plugs to hook up my SNES again. Tetris 2 is just sitting there...
kernel said:
I, Robot (mame, Atari, 1983).

It's a weird game where you have to figure out how to get to the red parts of the stage and then walk over them. Once you walk over them a laser shoots from the robot at a gold shield guarding a giant eyeball at the end of the stage. Once the shield is down you can jump to the last red block and shoot the eye. Two eyes I smote today.

There's also an option to make some pictures. It's a good way to pass the time while waiting for any frustration to subside. Here's a sample of some of my rad art (that i know ur all dying to see).



Really. I have a Happs trackball on my CP and I still couldn't get into it. I thought it was such crap I even deleted it from inventory. Is there really more than meets the eye?


ravingloon said:
Really. I have a Happs trackball on my CP and I still couldn't get into it. I thought it was such crap I even deleted it from inventory. Is there really more than meets the eye?

Yeah, I wouldn't call it crap although I'm sure part of the appeal is that it has polygons and it's from 1983. I'm up to level six now and still playing so it can't be all that bad. klov.com says i have 93 more levels to go. The later levels will hopefully require some more thought. The worst part of the game so far is that you don't get many lives. "One coin. One Play." I'm already tired of replaying the first level. I also like those levels where you go into space and just blast stuff. Give it another shot, maybe with a PSone controller this time.

edit: I take back what I said about the PSone controller. The arcade controller is supposed to let you move the camera. You get a higher score for keeping the camera close to you, so no high scores for me. But I haven't run into any serious problems yet. It's still an enjoyable game.
JackFrost2012 said:
It doesn't help that Pop'n Music FUCKIN' SUCKS

Pop'n Music seems like it would be awesome. It seems a lot like IIDX and IIDX > *.

And no more GF & DM? WHAT ABOUT KEYBOARD MANIA? That is hotness.


MegaMan AC (PS2) and Zelda/Mario Classic NES Series. Can't wait for Sonic MC+ in the fall and hopefully Classic NES Series 2 soon...
I've been checking out old PC games that have been released into the public domain.

Favorite so far is Ground Control. Doesn't look too bad, considering its over 4 years old. Good fun too.


Recently got action replay max, and now I've got pretty well every genesis game (32X and CD excepted) on 2 CD's which I can play on my PS2. And although I've been able to play these games for years on my PC, it just doesn't work, whereas on the PS2 its ace - even with some audio hiss and parralax problems. So ace in fact that me and the Mrs have been playing Ghouls and Ghosts 2 player, first to beat Beelzebub (can't be arsed to go round twice to beat Loki) - which she won; and 2 player Sonic 2, which she won.

And the PS2 pad is great for this; and surprisingly the left analogue pad is great for side scrolling shooters: I've been blasting through Zero Wing and Gynoug again.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Man, by this thread's definition of "retro" I retro-game every day.

I also load up GameBase64, click on the "random game" button, and have fun for an hour or so on occasion.

aoi tsuki

i got back from a friend house a few hours ago, and he had an Xbox loaded with several emus, so i played Zool for Genesis, just to show them the banana boss with a spiked collar. What's sad is that we couldn't beat the first level. Zool moves like he's playing on Teflon, and we got to the end of the stage and had no idea what to do.

Sucks, because i remember seeing shots in EGM years ago and freaking out at that damned banana.
JackFrost2012 said:
It doesn't help that Pop'n Music FUCKIN' SUCKS

No! But I will agree that it's much worse than GF/DM and other bemani games that have been discontinued at home. :(


Keyboardmania was one of the first major bemani games to bite the dust, after only 3 mixes. I think that's the shortest run any of them have had, unless you count the really obscure ones like Mambo A Go Go or Pop'n Stage. It's also the only bemani game outside of DDR that has a home port of every single mix.

Also, on the GF/DM front, I've heard rumors that Konami are considering releasing a Konamistyle.com exclusive new ps2 port (5th/4th I assume, but who knows) in the same vein as the ridiculously delayed, then petitioned, and ultimately moderately successful Beatmania IIDX 7th Style. Here's hoping there's some truth to it.

I, Robot was one of my favorite arcade games when I was very, very young. I especially liked just messing around in "Doodle City." I can't think of another arcade game with any kind of pure leisure mode, like a paint program, as a gameplay option. Incidentally, I was wearing a rad repro of the original promotional shirt today, and someone stopped me to talk about it. They asked if it was for the movie. BOOOOOoooo!

To answer the topic, though, I play so-called retro games about 80% of the time. ROOTS for life!
bobbyconover said:
No! But I will agree that it's much worse than GF/DM and other bemani games that have been discontinued at home. :(

To answer the topic, though, I play so-called retro games about 80% of the time. ROOTS for life!

1) That's mostly why I hate it - Pop'n has succeeded at the expense of Konami's other, better music games. It's not bad but it's far worse than the rest.

2) Is there any "recommended" MAME ROM set of classic/must-play Arcade games? I got a full one a while back, but the 8000 or so games (with every bootleg and regional variant ever) is a bit much. Has anyone assembled a 200-300 game set with one single, best version of the "must play" classic arcade titles? I know that people's mileage might vary, but if we could keep it to things like Ms. Pac Man, Centipede, Q-Bert, I Robot, etc, maybe it could be done...

I've been reading the Ultimate History of Video Games, and I'm tempted to check out a ton of arcade games I never did back in the day (as well as replay ones I did, of course).

User 406

The latest retrogaming I did was some play time with the Intellivision Lives disc for PSX2. I managed to get over 800,000 points in Astrosmash. For the life of me, I still don't know how my dad managed to get over a million back in the day. When you get past 750,000, there is always a guided missile on the screen. Crazy.

I'm pleased by the presence of Nethack and I, Robot in this thread. :D
JackFrost2012 said:
1) That's mostly why I hate it - Pop'n has succeeded at the expense of Konami's other, better music games. It's not bad but it's far worse than the rest.

2) Is there any "recommended" MAME ROM set of classic/must-play Arcade games? I got a full one a while back, but the 8000 or so games (with every bootleg and regional variant ever) is a bit much. Has anyone assembled a 200-300 game set with one single, best version of the "must play" classic arcade titles? I know that people's mileage might vary, but if we could keep it to things like Ms. Pac Man, Centipede, Q-Bert, I Robot, etc, maybe it could be done...

I've been reading the Ultimate History of Video Games, and I'm tempted to check out a ton of arcade games I never did back in the day (as well as replay ones I did, of course).

I got it down to 523 (Still keeping some ROMS I'll probably never play, but still wouldn't suck if I did). It was a real pain in the ass though.


Yep, me and the gf are currently playing Wonderboy Deluxe in MAME on the XBOX. Gotta love the savestates. And I also load up The Combatribes for some brainless multiplayer goodness. :D


I've been playing many old games lately, although i'm taking a break to play Tales of Symphonia

Alien (2600) it's what pac-man should have been on the 2600
Super Mario Bros 3
Super Mario World
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