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Is anyone here really happy?

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80% of my day is spent in the indifferent column of emotions, most of the time I'm emotionally numb, some people call this depression, I call it normal.


Not happy or content at all. The last few years are finally coming to an end, the hole I dug myself into can't get any deeper now. On average I day dream about 5-6 times just about either getting really, really sick (like a cancerous tumor or whatever, no fucking idea why) or killing some people over and over. -_-'

I guess things could change. I can't get my head straight to do anything though, so I don't know.

Good news though is that I'll spend my time on a pc excited a month from now looking at next-gen game screens, naruto manga has been rocking lately, and now that I discovered a new group subbing the One Piece anime (from 220+) I can watch the water 7 arc animated. WOHOO!!!



Just a touch too many school-related anxieties, plus the fact that my summer job looks like it's going to be at the damn campground again means that I doubt I'll hit "happy" for a while.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I am, I have a beautiful five month old daughter, a loving missus whom I'll propose to sometime within the next year... we have a great house, both make more than enough to live comfortably, travel when we want to and purchase what we want to, that's just the blessings I can think of off the top of my head.

Yes, I'm truly happy.


I am happy, but really, really screwed over right now.

I chose to spend 6 hours with my girlfriend instead of studying last night. Exams are tomorrow. I doubt I'm going to get a B on my Earth Science.

I don't know, I had to weigh it out. 6 hours of cuddling and french kissing, or studying like a hog?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Ryck said:
Hmmm See thats something right there.....Nonone says you have to stop living like you did in college , you could party day and night but would that make you happy?.....I dunno I have this friend who dosen't have any worries the man is 26 and smokes weed and listens to music all day everyday, his mom supports him because her husband left and if her son leaves then shes alone so he basically has free reign. Now this guy gets alot of shit from our other friends they call him lazy and stupid and that hes wasting his life. Well he is very happy and from long talks with him has a very different view of the world, he figures hes blessed by his situation and is going to ride it out until he has to work/grow up etc , he says they (our other friends) are the ones wasting their lives working and going to school and that they only talk shit becasue "they wish they weren't running the rat race like stupid puppets"

I don't knock the guy and I am in no position to judge his life , I always say to each his own , hes happy his mom is happy noones being hurt, I can join in on the bashing see as I work 50 hours a week sometimes but I don't I leave him be becasue I can see that he's honestly happy.....
marsomega said:
You should travel more. Had some of the best times going to places like England and Italy. Seeing the world outside the box you damn yourself in. Partying all day and all night, that is really just empty happiness. Like the idiot clubbers in my town that club every night. What those people do is really just to distract from themselves.

Try to cheer up, I still like you even though I damn you for your Napoleon Dynamite loving ways.
First I'll just say that mine isn't a case of being unhappy no matter what (I used to be).....when I'm (sort of) doing the kinds of things that I missed out on the past several years, I am happier. If I could have the kind of fun and experiences I missed out on (everything from dating to experiencing sex, going to parties and having lots of friends and going on cool trips, etc..EVERYTHING), I would be a lot happier. And Ryck, living like I did in college is the last thing I want to do. The problem is I pretty much need to begin supporting myself now, and I don't see how I can do the kind of stuff I missed out on in college (particularly taking advantage of the massive student population) and traveling when I need to find a full-time job and pay off a couple moderate debts.

And to be honest I don't even know how much I would enjoy or take full advantage of "traveling". People do that to experience other cultures and meet people people of other cultures, when I've barely even experienced life in my own culture. If I have a hard time meeting people and having fun on my own here, I don't know how I would do it in another country.
But that's a moot point, since I don't have the money to travel.
I'm finishing the class portion of graduate school in 6 weeks, which means it's time to leave Ellensburg and head back to Seattle where I'll be getting an apartment with my girlfriend, who I'll be proposing to this summer. I also got a paid intern position as a school psychologist in the Auburn school district for the 2005/2006 school year.

Life is very good at the moment.


True happiness doesn't exist!! LOL AM I RITE??

well, seriously now...I'm not very happy at the moment, though things are getting better. I've finally been able to diagnose my ADD and anxiety problems in the past couple of months, and people have been surprisingly nice and accomodating about it, in general. It's also helping me to get over lots of issues I've had with myself that I never completely understood until now. While there're bits in college that I'm missing out on, I'm optimistic about things hopefully getting even better by the time next semester starts. :)
Trizten Dareeque said:
Let's see, I just got my dream job and am living in a great city. Got a great friend and an awesome girlfriend (also the only source of discontent hehe), I'm young, fit, and good looking, life is great right now.

And I am listening to the mountain goats!!!!!

You lucky mofo, except for the mountain goatcx part you are truly blessed among all men


I had a pretty astounding run the past 6 months where I was perpetually happy and content, living fully in the moment, taking nothing for granted etc. Now that people are getting in to college, and now that I've been rejected from my top choice, and my mom was diagnosed with cancer, and I'm leaving my sheltered childhood behind, I've indulged in one hell of a downer that I don't think I'm willing to shake yet.

One of the most important things I've learned in the past couple weeks is how important it is to not force happiness on yourself. Just be. I found relief in crying again, something I dont think I've done in years.

edit: also, the art history girl with benefits has officially gone psycho. This has not helped matters. Fucking crazy skank.
fennec fox said:
There's this Livejournal community I'm a member of, and on it was a contest to take the best picture of a ferret outside that you could. I submitted this pic

and folks are actually voting for it. That makes me really happy, yes, though I probably won't win the contest..
can you post the website link. I'm interested to see all the others pictures
I'm usually pretty happy most of the time, but I've really been on a high for about a month. I'm starting grad school in August, and I'm getting my education completely paid for, provided I don't fail any classes. I feel like one part of my life is just about over now and a new one is about to begin. It's a great feeling.


Iceman said:
I have Joy bordering on bliss.

Really? How did you do it?...Is...Is there something I can subscribe myself to to be like you?...some sort of organization perhaps? I feel so empty and alone, like I've been missing something...or Someone...my whole life :(


I'm happy except when I'm at work but have no actual work to do. Also playing bad rpgs like WA4 puts me in a unhappy mood.


Chipopo said:
Really? How did you do it?...Is...Is there something I can subscribe myself to to be like you?...some sort of organization perhaps? I feel so empty and alone, like I've been missing something...or Someone...my whole life :(
Damn...... Chipopo you seem like a pretty cool guy (from txb forums and halo 2 sessions) I have felt how you fell in the past and although I can't issue any advice to you (because I have no idea about your background/childhood/relationships) I will say this:... happiness lies within, for me anyway .....Im not falling over happy like that guy but , Im very content. All it really took was having a positive additude and being a good person ( as much as possible anyway) and letting the world unfold on it's own...
No, school sucks.
Theres only one thing i've been looking forward too.

Summer Days of doing nothing and sitting in the sun AKA Reading the dozens of books i've started while sitting on my ass on a warm sunny day.

Yeah, thats only time i'm really happy. :)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I get a month vacation in may between co-op and classes. Family Guy starts soon. E3 is going to be interesting. I'm going to play games, workout more, and maybe sunbath a little because I'm as pale as (insert Conan O'Brien pale joke). Oh yea, and sleeping in will be nice. Nothing much, but relaxing, so damn right i'm in a good mood.
Bebpo said:
I'm happy except when I'm at work but have no actual work to do.

It's funny because, for me, it's the EXACT opposite: I'm happy when I have nothing to do at work. When that happens, I surf the Web stress-free, read, take a walk and buy Caravan candy bars at the 7/11, etc. I'm not a big fan of my job. :lol


And even i am moderately surprised
damned happy.

Turned 30
I'm actually fit now (10km a day + football 2-3 times a week)
Great girlfriend (wife upgrade to be added soon?)
Job is somewhat sucky, but it pays the bills
The weather to day is fantastic

i dunno, on quite a high recently. I was in panic mode for 3 years before coming 30 - now i am 30, it feels great! I get to be narky at "young scamps" too!

Beware - i may "put some manners" on ye! ;)


Drunky McMurder
demon said:
Fuck no. The only thing that keeps me from being full-blown miserable is occassionally hanging out with my friend and couple so-called "hobbies". Aside from that, I really have absolutely nothing in my life in any respect--social life, meaningful relationships, people to talk to seriously about shit, ambitions and prospects, connections from college networking etc, serious hobbies, you name it--and I really don't think I'm ever going to be over how I totally blew college as the "best time of yer life!". I just can't accept that my chance at "pre-real-world" fun is over and that I have to embrace this "buckle down and get serious" shit before I've even experienced the kind of stuff a fucking highschooler (let alone 23 year old college graduate) has. I really fucking hate how my life has turned out.

Jesus christ, it's me in two years and I know it.


fennec fox said:
There's this Livejournal community I'm a member of, and on it was a contest to take the best picture of a ferret outside that you could. I submitted this pic

and folks are actually voting for it. That makes me really happy, yes, though I probably won't win the contest..

Seriously, that is a great picture. I hope you win.

One thing I have found that greatly relieves depression, or being in a slump, is exercise. It does a lot for you, both mentally and physically. I'm no athlete by any stretch, but I try to run regularly. I live more or less out in the country, so I have really nice scenery, and a relative degree of privacy when I run. It always makes me feel better in general, physically and emotionally, due to the cardiovascular benefits derived, and the emotional well-being that accompanies accomplishing something (even something as simple as running). The first time you truly get your second wind is an amazing feeling. I was running 5-6 miles at a time easily at my peak, something I plan on working back up to this summer. It's something fairly simple that almost anyone can enjoy.

As much as we at this forum love gaming (and we know we do) it's always good to put down the controller for a while and go outside.


DCharlie said:
damned happy.

Turned 30
I'm actually fit now (10km a day + football 2-3 times a week)
Great girlfriend (wife upgrade to be added soon?)
Job is somewhat sucky, but it pays the bills
The weather to day is fantastic

i dunno, on quite a high recently. I was in panic mode for 3 years before coming 30 - now i am 30, it feels great! I get to be narky at "young scamps" too!

Beware - i may "put some manners" on ye! ;)

I am 28. I dread the big three zero. 25 was hard enough to stomach. Congrats on your circumstances, BTW.
Ryck said:
I mean really happy , or even content?

And let me tell you...long distance relationships...SUCK A$$. And I'm refering to halfway around the world-type long distance. Not those "OH my bf is two hours drive from here! I think we need a break!" type of deals.
Oh and one saying I made up that keeps me going is this:

Complacency is worse than death.

It really is, keeps me from getting too comfortable with my present state and keeps me motivated to do better in the future.
gollumsluvslave said:
One of my favorite quotes ever:-

Dangerous Liasons

"Regret is an essential component of happiness"

Bizarre but true.

Regret can also incapacitate people as well, ask my mom. Personally regrets slow me down, I learn from my mistakes and keep moving forward. Why focus tons of energy on the past when the future is much more important?


Ryck said:
Damn...... Chipopo you seem like a pretty cool guy (from txb forums and halo 2 sessions) I have felt how you fell in the past and although I can't issue any advice to you (because I have no idea about your background/childhood/relationships) I will say this:... happiness lies within, for me anyway .....Im not falling over happy like that guy but , Im very content. All it really took was having a positive additude and being a good person ( as much as possible anyway) and letting the world unfold on it's own...

Actually I'm generally a happy guy, I was just ripping on Iceman's blatent sales pitch for JESUS.


Chipopo said:
Actually I'm generally a happy guy, I was just ripping on Iceman's blatent sales pitch for JESUS.
Really ah man I edited my post several times too make sure it was sensitive enough *slaps forhead*
AzN_F15h said:
very very happy at the moment, cuz my g/f's mom is letting her go w/ me to prom!
You know what? That's how I felt when the principal allowed me to take my 23 year old international immigrant boyfriend to prom. :)


Life sucks. That is all.


I'm not content.

I'm trying to figure out what is good in life.* I'm a Christian, and my theology informs my worldview (and vice versa), but there is something missing. What I'm doing isn't cutting it. I feel caught in some sort of feedback loop of consumerism and gluttony. My priorities are out of whack. What am I doing? Is this what life is supposed to be? Can I really do something positive, and if so, how? Do the people who give up their riches to do missionary work in impoverished nations have it figured out? Do the people who live well, get a fat paycheck, and donate a chunk to charity have it figured out?

I can't focus on anything for long and have trouble meeting deadlines. I don't know what I want to do as far as a career. The one thing I'm both certain and happy about is my upcoming marriage to Andrea. But even that has become one more thing that feels like part of the 'rat race'... do this, arrange that, register for gifts, rush rush rush. We have spent much more time fretting over the hours-long wedding ceremony than we have spent thinking about and planning for the decades we will spend together.

Life for me is at least 1/4 over. I don't expect to ever have it figured out, but I feel like the Big Picture really should be coming to me soon.

other than to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women
impirius said:
I'm not content.

I'm trying to figure out what is good in life.* I'm a Christian, and my theology informs my worldview (and vice versa), but there is something missing. What I'm doing isn't cutting it. I feel caught in some sort of feedback loop of consumerism and gluttony. My priorities are out of whack. What am I doing? Is this what life is supposed to be? Can I really do something positive, and if so, how? Do the people who give up their riches to do missionary work in impoverished nations have it figured out? Do the people who live well, get a fat paycheck, and donate a chunk to charity have it figured out?

I can't focus on anything for long and have trouble meeting deadlines. I don't know what I want to do as far as a career. The one thing I'm both certain and happy about is my upcoming marriage to Andrea. But even that has become one more thing that feels like part of the 'rat race'... do this, arrange that, register for gifts, rush rush rush. We have spent much more time fretting over the hours-long wedding ceremony than we have spent thinking about and planning for the decades we will spend together.

Life for me is at least 1/4 over. I don't expect to ever have it figured out, but I feel like the Big Picture really should be coming to me soon.

other than to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women

Welcome to the club.


can't say it ain't mostly my faith but I simply notice the little things that end up outweighing any problems I may have on any given day.

Like today, I was driving home from the lab at 11:30 at night, playing some of my favorite music, fairly loud. I was headed to my apartment, the apartment that has all my stuff in it. I had finsished my taxes (net refund, woohoo), gone to dinner with a good friend of mine, accomplished all the work I had to do, agreed to meet with a most gorgeous girl for lunch/studying.. a girl that I'm fairly certain is head over heels in love with me. I had spoken with another girl that wanted to go to a dance with me this weekend. I had played a bit of sand volleyball in awesome weather and plan to play some more tomorrow afternoon. I've been reading inspirational stuff by C.S. Lewis (Surprised by Joy). More in general I'm on pace to finish my PhD in a year's time, I'm eventually headed to my own paradise in San Diego.

Too many things are going right for me to ever dwell on any of my problems.

And really, it's like this everyday. I have so many friends that actually count on me, rely on me, confide in me.. I usually have a handful of things I could do any given day and I have to select from those the few that I can actually commit to.

Sorry to disappoint though.. christians do go through hard times, emote unhappiness, get depressed, etc. But in the greater sense of things, sure we have something we can find joy in on any given day. I just happen to have tons of other things to be happy for/grateful for on top of that.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Aside from some materialistic whining, couldn't be better. Everything's cool between my parents, my brother, family in general. Never been better motivated for my study. The way I spend my weeks studying, socializing, training, working is tiring but fullfilling.


And even i am moderately surprised
"I am 28. I dread the big three zero. 25 was hard enough to stomach. Congrats on your circumstances, BTW."

Just ride with it - i worried about it, and it's actually pretty awesome.

Everyone in know feels the same, everyone went through the same panic, but it's cool.

Trust me on this one, you'll love it.
I was so happy as a kid. Alot of things turned that upside down when I became a teenager. Now that I'm 20 things are really starting to get really good.
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