Thanks to the magic of BitTorrent I am now four episodes into Lost and have become Gabe. Also, for the record:
House completely rules. The medical puzzles are interesting, Hugh Laurie is amazing, and the black humor is incredible. I mean, the man has, depending on whether you're more into Holmes or Transmet, his own gang of Baker Street Irregulars and/or Filthy Assistants to do his crazed bidding. You have to love it.
A friend of mine has been frantically pimping Arrested Development, so I'm sure I'll be into that filthy stuff soon enough, but meanwhile it's all about House and Lost. And, for the runner up:
So far the new Doctor Who hasn't been the
Second Coming or anything (sorry, sorry, couldn't resist), but it has been entertaining and it looks like the series will really hit it's stride over the next couple of episodes.